Final Boss (2)

It was a timely block.

I was really taken aback when the fire went my way and in panic, I raised my left hand.

Ah, what a good thing to happen.

Everything that I did, obviously didn't went unnoticed. It can be said that all three of us have different expressions on our faces when I block the enemy's attack. I was really delighted to be able to use magic.

Shield Bearer's face was one of pure shock. I bet he cannot believe that I could wield magic. Hehehe. As for the freak with wings, its face looked extremely unwell.

"You've hidden yourself very well, magician. You've given me quite a shock. Unfortunately, your power is meager. It is not enough to defeat me." the creature snorted.

"I've hidden myself well? What are you talking about?" I didn't really mind his words. I know for myself, that I'm still too weak. However, its words cannot stop the fire that was already lit inside our hearts.

With an unstoppable speed, Shield Bearer rammed into the creature with the shield in his left hand. Now that was a good shield bash. The shield bash's power was incredible. If it hit other creatures or maybe a human, it would've been catastrophic. It might leave them bleed internally or they could straight out die.

As for this little freak, its head was already struck by the shield. Yet its head was only knocked back. Shield Bearer's shield bash looked very strong, but not strong enough to push the enemy back! Shield Bearer was very confident with his attack. After his attack landed, he waited for a bit and took a step back to see the damage that he did towards the creature.

I could tell that Shield Bearer's face rarely shows his expression. Since coming into this dungeon, I only saw him get angry and shocked.

When he took a step back, he was still maintaining a deadpan of a face. He was neither shocked nor disappointed, it's as if he had expected that before he even made his move.

Me? I was like an angry monkey throwing a fit of rage against the ground. I was nothing like these two pros fighting. Their skills and powers looked pretty even to me. Although Shield Bearer doesn't wield magic, he was able to fight with it toe to toe.

As much as I wanted to watch their fight, l didn't want to be left out. I also wanted to become strong, like them. Viewing myself with them, I pale in comparison. Even Spear Guy was much better than me.

I think they forgot that I am still here. Hah, perks of being weak. Always being looked down.

With that in my mind, I slowly walked towards them. I situated myself on the blind spot of the creature.

At this time, Shield Bearer's sword was already broken into two by a casual chop by the enemy. So he was now fighting with a shield on his left and with his bare right hand.

Although the fight was a bit faster than how I usually fight, my eyes could still keep with the pace. As for my mind, I don't know yet.

The fight wasn't really chaotic and the fighters aren't all over the place. Like they were on their own ring.

I didn't know if the Shield Bearer saw me or not, but I think he deliberately left an opening.

"Petty tricks, human." the creature seized the opening and punched him. Shield Bearer blocked the punch with his shield and slid a meter away from his original position. While I, took the opportunity to attack it.

I used my magic to attack its wide open back. As if it has an eye on its back, it used its 'flamethrower' to burn my attack inch by inch.

The Shield Bearer didn't waste his chance to attack and did another shield bash. Although he was lacking in momentum, he was still able to disrupt its fire magic.

The enemy staggered for a bit after his magic was disrupted. It was angry after being interrupted and sent out a punch towards Shield Bearer. It was another fast exchange of an attack and block.

After my attack was decimated, of course I would get angry. I furiously threw my sword towards it, I really hoped to hit its head on my first try but it easily avoided it.

It suddenly towards me and grinned like some kind of maniac.

The way it grinned at me was very strange, like there was some sort of meaning in it. I'm going to be its next target! It would definitely ignore the Shield Bearer and rush towards me!

Oh Sh*t!

During all of this, the sword that was flew past the creature, was suddenly grabbed by the Shield Bearer!

He did a quick and decisive overhead chop towards the creature, slicing the side of its neck towards the mid section of its body. It was only inches away from being completely sundered!

"Yes!" I shouted and celebrated by punching the air in front of me.

Shield Bearer slumped to the ground, gasping for breath. He was clearly exhausted by the intense exchange with the creature. I wasn't even able to celebrate the win with the Shield Bearer when its body suddenly reconnected itself almost in the blink of an eye!

"Now, you've really angered me! A Great Imp like me, suffering at the hands of mere mortals? This won't do. Both of you should just die!" the Great Imp bellowed its resentment to us. Its pride was hurt after being forced into using its instant regeneration.

It was now fuming in anger, its previously red skin was turning a bit darker in the shade of purple. The tiny horns in its head was enlarging, and so was its body; it now stood taller than me by a feet. Dark smoke was surrounding its body as it gently floated in the air like some kind of Demonic God.

Although both of us were dumbfounded, the Shield Bearer quickly retreated towards my side while I tried to disrupt whatever kind of sorcery it was going through.

I waved my right hand upward, as a trunk soared into the air, targeting the Great Imp. It was stopped as it reached the outer part of the black smoke. As it hit the cloud of smoke, I could see it burning in deep, purple flames! I could even feel something wrecking inside my body, as my spell was simultaneously being devoured by the purple flame!

The pain that I was feeling made me flinch. It scared the hell out of me. So I hastily terminated the connection between me and my spell and the burning sensation was quick to subside.

Soon, the Great Imp could be clearly seen hovering five feet in the air. The black smoke that surrounds its was now a purple flame.

Did it evolve or something?

"Hahahahaha! I shall thank you, humans, for helping me attain my second evolution! As a thanks, I would be gifting both of you a swift death!" its previous childish voice from its former body, which was tiny, was now loud and dignified.

"Ha! You think you're strong now? Watch as we beat the sh*t out of you!" it sounds pretty courageous right? Of course I was only putting up a front. I don't know whether I would live or die after this fight. Imagine, this guy was almost invincible from the start 'til now and then he got even stronger by achieving an evolution.

"Ohohoh. We'll see." the Great Imp simply smirked at my response.

After he was done speaking, he disappeared in an instant. The pretentious smile on my face was quickly turned into a frown as I watch him disappear.

I know where he is. Behind!

I hurriedly ducked, not just to avoid the possible attack behind me, but to also use my spell. I planted my hands on the ground as towering trunk appeared behind us. I don't know how much mana I used on that one, but its probably a huge amount that is enough to protect both of us in a moment.

The next thing I heard was a loud sound and pieces of the tree trunk came flying with me? Why the hell would it want to deal with me? Is it because I'm weak and I'll be a hindrance once their fight started? Thoughts came rushing in my head as I was flying away.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" My head hurts really really bad. I couldn't help but scream at the intense agony that I was feeling.