Do You Accept Defeat?

"Alex, do you accept defeat?"

Although it was such a simple question, it seemed hard for Alex to answer it. Not to mention that he finally felt that undisguised arrogance and contempt in those words. He wasn't even hurt.

'Sigh. If only I wasn't afraid of those heretics. Then this kid wouldn't be looking down on me. But what if I showed them my strength by a bit and still hide the fact that I can wield magic?'

Thinking this, Alex brewed a plan in his head while smirking. This time, he triggered [Madness] with just a slight change of his emotion. The irises in both of his pupils was turning into the shade of red.

While breathing heavily, he was slowly standing up, acting that he was badly hurt from a mere kick.

The acting paid off, as Rezhul bought this simple act and thought that his opponent must have been hurt.

"Still not surrendering huh?" Even though Rezhul acted haughty, he was still maintaining his vigilance.

A simple kick might hurt his opponent, but not by much. He could only try to belittle Alex just to boost his self-confidence.

In reality, the attack that Alex performed at the beginning gave him a scare. So he wanted him to lose his composure and expose more flaws. That's the time he would defeat him in a more dominating fashion in front of his tribesmen.

Unfortunately for him, the tactic that he was currently executing wasn't really that effective to Alex. On the contrary, if Rezhul continued to provoke Alex, then he might not get off with just a few scratches.

Rezhul swiftly ran towards Alex who was still standing up using his four limbs. He wanted to deliver a devastating kick to Alex's belly.

Just when Alex was about to be hit by the kick, he used his four limbs to jump away from the kick. When he regained his balance, he stared at Rezhul with apathetic eyes.

Rezhul was terrified by Alex's appearance. Those red eyes that was looking right at him and the face that was filled with anger. Which made him pause and unconsciously took a step back.

'W-what!? The color of his eyes changed!'

A second has just passed and Alex suddenly pounced at him. Doing a simple thrust that was aimed at his heart.

He tried to deflect the sword to the right, but realized that the weight and force that was contained on the attack was much stronger than that of the previous attack. He felt that something hit his shoulder. He knew he was hit, but he still couldn't believe that a sword was stabbed in his shoulder.

Before he could process all of that, Alex removed his grip on the sword and swung his right elbow aiming at Rezhul's face. Caught off guard, the latter was hit on his cheek and tried to slash Alex's cheek with his sickle.

Alex still wasn't finished with his attack and immediately crouched down to avoid the slash and elbowed the upper part of Rezhul's epigastric region.

(A/N: I forgot/don't know what it is called, so that's the most accurate that I could describe.)

After being hit, Rezhul fell down to the ground clutching his stomach while gastric fluids were continuously flowing out of his mouth.

"Rezhul, do you accept defeat?" as those words entered Rezhul's ears. He felt anger building up inside him. It was the exact same words that he said to Alex. What can he do? He was a sore loser, but he clearly lost the spar so he could only accept his loss and nodded his head.

When he saw Alex with that indifferent attitude he laughed inside. 'You think you're so strong just because you won huh? Let's see how strong you are later on. Hehehe.'

What he didn't know was that Alex was observing the changes in his expression that he was unable to mask. This gave Alex a really bad feeling. First was the heretics and now he thinks that he has attracted the animosity of the kid or maybe something deeper than that.

'I need to get out of here. The sooner the better.', he was thinking of leaving the Poda Tribe tomorrow morning and then find shelter somewhere and ask for directions just not from the tribesmen.

'But really, I was able to control [Madness] much better when I was not that much angry. Also, I didn't feel that tired. What a progress.', That was indeed the case, though there were some pros and cons in doing that.

When he was using [Madness] earlier, he didn't feel that much strength coursing through his body. Unlike when he was using it at full power, even though he cannot command his body to do things, he was still able to feel the power inside him and his combat prowess was much higher. But there was also a downside to that; after using the skill, his body becomes incredible weak and vulnerable to the simplest of attacks.

'Yeah, I should be wary of using it next time. I sure hope that the heretics were able to realize that I can fend for myself against them.' That was the plan that he concocted. He planned to make the heretics hesitate and buy himself some precious time to get out of the tribe, while also achieving a win in his first spar using a sword.

He finally heaved a sigh of relief as the redness in his was receding back to its original color. He then picked up his sword and helped Rezhul stand up.

It was at this time that the Big Baldie and the crowd of teenagers flocked towards them.

"What a great spar that was!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Both of you were so good!"

The teenagers were the first to talk and congratulated the both of them for such a great fight.

Then the Big Baldie spoke grimly, "Sigh, seems like you overdid it. You should be wary of the severity of your attacks Alex. You could've gravely injured my son, it was just a spar! Just look at his shoulder. We should go back and get him treated."

"Don't worry old man, it was just a slight poke. Just a shallow wound." Alex replied.

Looking over at the wound, the Big Baldie said, "Oh! Still, we should go back and get yourselves checked. You guys should then take a rest."

"Let's go!"