Gilgamesh The Demon 2

I woke up inside a thatched hut.

The smell of ground plants wafted around the room that I was in.

I could see my body covered in bandages.

What happened to me?

Just by being slapped by monster.

I can't feel my body.

More importantly, how long was I out.

A beautiful middle aged woman suddenly entered.

Her hands were covered in dusts.

Holding a chisel and a hammer in her hands.

She looked very familiar.

But she can't be familiar.

I don't know any woman her age.

Then she called out my name.


Tears started pouring out of her eyes.

I knew her.


She, who should've been my wife.

Was forgotten.

By me.

And everything spiraled out of control.

I met a friend.

I defeated myths and legends from the days of old.

I became stronger.

I was in front of the gate of a new realm that I never thought existed.

I'll step into it sooner or later.

I started thinking.

For how long was I out though?

Time told me the how long it was just by looking at her face.

I left when I was eighteen.

It seems that I have been asleep and recovering for at least twenty years.

For twenty years she aided me in my recovery.


I was.

I left her.

I left my parents.

I left my friend.

For over twenty years.

But I am Gilgamesh.

I was supposed to be the strongest.

Yet I'm being broken?

Piece by piece?

By what!?

This can't be real.

I inspected my body and noticed that my mana is still as vigorous as ever.

The only thing that was kept safe after being slapped by a monster.

I controlled my mana and willed it to hasten my healing.


A day later.

My torn muscles regenerated.


Two days later.

There were no longer any broken bones.


After a week.

I was good as new.


I left Ishtar and asked her to wait for me.

She begged me to stay.

I felt her emotions.

Her love.

Her sorrow.

I felt it all.


I thought twice.


How good it must have been.

To enjoy the little things.

To feel new emotions.

But, no.


I have things left undone.

Why did I even ran in the first place?

I am Gilgamesh.

I am the strongest.

I could've taken my revenge right away.


This won't do.

I cannot let her wait much longer.

I cannot let them wait forever.

I have to do this somehow.

This shall come to an end.

It took me a year to finally come back.

To this place.


Looking around.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Everything was torn asunder.

I saw three intact and clean human bones.


It was weird, but I did not care.

Looking up.

The only other thing that remained intact was the tall tree.

There was no other thing.

Not even the Tablet of Destiny.

Nor the strange woman and the heavenly bull.

There was nothing.

Where are they?

I kept on looking.


For nothing.


I'll make them come out of hiding.


I manipulated the elements.

I'll uproot this stupidly huge tree.

Quakes started to shake the whole area.

It only grew stronger by the second.

While doing so, I was forcibly manipulating the whole tree myself.

I was shaking off the earth that was on the roots, while at the same time weakening the tree's hold on the ground.

I can feel it.

It was doable.

My power seems to have grown stronger.

Far stronger.

I continued.

And in no time, I fully uprooted the tree.

I watched as crumbs of earth fell off the tree.

And threw it aside.

I smirked.

And waited.

Still not coming out?

Then something broke me off of my reverie.

A wail.

A wail, full of grief, pain, anger and ...


Then I saw a figure.

Stumbling out of the huge mess that I made.

The figure appeared thin.

Its body was covered in black fog-like thing.

I believe it was an aura.

An aura so strong that it could be seen and felt.

It was malicious.


An aura that took physical form?

I was afraid.


But only a little bit.

The power that I felt in my body.

It gave me courage.

To fend off the fear that have been growing inside of me since then.


The power to fight against my fear.

Now that I look at it a second time.

It had black feathered wings on its back.

It had bull-like horns.

Colored in black and purple, with little glints of golden.

It was oddly familiar.

It was the same for its feminine shape.

Then it wailed once again.

It talked to me.

With an alluring voice, it told me.

How it was imprisoned on the roots of the trees for thousands of years.

How it was held back by Anzu, by the tree, the bull and the woman.

How we set it free.

By killing Anzu.

How I set it free.

By killing the bull.

By uprooting the tree.

But what of the woman it spoke off?

Then it continued to ramble of things about divinity and power.

It spoke of it regaining its divinity through the woman's body.

Then it—she looked at me right in the eye.


I knew of it.

She ran hysterically.

It was fast, but not that fast.

Wildly attacking me.

With mana filled magic.

That wasn't of the elements.

I destroyed and defended her attacks.

I let one of her attacks hit me once.

To get a feel of how strong her normal attacks were.

And to end this battle fast.

Her attacks were able to hurt me physically, albeit rather weak.

But it gave me a slight headache.

I looked down at my hands to see that the burns were healed.

So did the headache that I felt.

In the blink of an eye, both damages were healed.

When I looked up she was already in front of me.

I quickly summoned my axe, but it was blocked by one of her wings.

Then I remembered my plan.

It was to get hit and counterattack when she took the bait.

I was proven wrong.

The power that I obtained recently got into my head.

And as a consequence, I underestimated someone who I've never seen before.

Her left hand gripped my shoulder, while her right hand was filled with purple energy.

She punched me in the head with it.

I thought I was dead.

It didn't hurt as much as I expected it to.

Then I felt something.

Something new.

It was a feeling that I never felt before.

It was like my male instincts were fighting to get to see the light of day.

I looked at her eyes.

Her purple eyes filled with love.

And plunged my left hand right into her heart.

She looked at me with shock in her eyes.

I took her still beating heart from her chest.

Kneed her in the stomach.

And raised my clenched right hand high.

And struck it into her head.

Like a hammer hitting a nail.

I scoffed.

The feeling that she showed me was new.

So it was bound to be weak.

Something bugged me though.

Her ability to attack mentally.

It was a new type of magic.

A power that hasn't been known.

Hasn't been seen.


I looked at her still beating heart on my left handed.

It suddenly melted in my hand.

The liquid was seeping into my body.

I looked at her.

But her body was crumbling apart.

Scattering in the air.

Like ashes.

Being blown away.

Then I heard her voice.

Inside of me.

She screamed.

Words that started full of glee.

Then became curses and anger.

I remembered how she called me a fragment of the Soul.

How she screamed that I had the fragment of Life.

She screamed that she would be back.

She remained silent.

Then a flood of incomplete memories filled my mind.

She was a Demon.

And her name was Lilith.

With the incomplete memories alone.

I could tell that her main body has been alive for a very, very long time.

And the one that I killed was just one of her clones.

The clone's purpose was to snatch the tree from a Goddess.

But was instead trapped at the roots of the tree.

The woman with the bull was the Goddess.

When I killed the bull, the Goddess had no choice but to contain the Demon Lilith.

With divinity sealing the demon, her body as the vessel, her willpower as the support and the tree as its prison.

They were able to forcefully seal Lilith.


An abrupt pain all over my body caused me to stop interacting with the residual memories of the clone.

It started from my left arm.

The pain was then concentrated on my back.

I tried to take as much information from the memory as I could but the pain was too much for me to bear.

The memories were gone.

Suddenly, black wings appeared behind me.

Then another power started manifesting inside me.

I knew just then that.

Aside from being an Immortal.

I also became a Demon.