
The next morning Issei woke up to feel most of his body sore and an almost invisible scar across his chest, he went to the bathroom to take a long shower before coming down and eating breakfast after a while he asked his mother if he could stay home as he was tired to which she readily agreed due to his outstanding marks in class.

After his parents went to work he summoned the boosted gear to talk to Ddraig "hey Ddraig are awake?" "Yes i'am, what do you want partner?" "I want to discuss what happened yesterday" said Issei which caused Ddraig to start laughing "Yesterday i witnessed the worst fight in my life, your reflexes were slow even using that sharingan of yours, then there is your indecisiveness which was almost fatal" hearing this Issei hung his head shamefully while listening to his partner/master

Seeing this Ddraig said "well it wasn't all that bad you hit vital point and tried to cripple your opponent and your use of smokescreen was good" Issei started to feel some pride welling inside until "Though that thrash from yesterday was only a low level devil and an insane one at that so he couldn't plan against you. In the end you're still a human you're body is normally weaker against supernatural beings"Issei felt shameful toward his indecisiveness after vowing to steel his heart to protect his dream and loved ones

"so what should i do now?" "you're still gonna train your basic skills then learn some swordplay using your eye it will be simple copying some masters then training the moves alone, then i'll make a new workout plan for your body to surpass your limit of 10 boosts" hearing this Issei managed how Ddraig was always looking out for him not just for his personal vendetta agai,st the white dragon but as a friend and a master

"what about balance breaker?" asked issei only to hear a booming laugh from the gauntlet "HAHAHAHA, partner achieving is way out of your league now so don't try to bite more than you can chew" hearing this only made Issei more determined to train and grow stronger because right now he was at the bottom of the food chain where a shitty low class devil can pose a threat

After finishing his conversation Issei went out to the park to get some fresh air only to meet a weird old man preaching about boobs and their beauty due to how he talked like the original issei, he stayed behind with the kids for some laughs but it was only short lived as parents came chasing the old man and accusing him of corrupting the mind of the kids.

Upon Issei's return he went to train and imagine new ways to use the elemental magic and strengthen his fire breathing which was harder to control due to the flame being draconic by nature,

then he started looking up swordsmanship manuals to memorise them and he also looked up some videos on the internet of grandmasters to deepen his understanding which was relatively easy as he had the sharingan.

Training swordsmanship using a bokken was hard as it isn't a real blade and right now he can't get a sword, so Issei got the genius idea of trying to mold magic outside his body into a sword which was quite hard and he could only create the shape of an ethreal sword.

After training for the whole day he ate dinner with his parents then went to his room to finish his homework, only to feel tired and go to sleep.

that day he steeled his resolve