
Issei was excited but also terrified as the original events are coming , he knew that he'll have to fight powerful enemies which helped him train harder learning more high class magic and pushing his body to the atmost limits so that he'll be able to shoulder the huge stamina drain of the balance breaker if he was ever able to achieve it.

Two years has passed in the blink of an eye Issei has passed the entrance exams of the newly co-ed kuoh academy, he was finally going to meet the devils that he came to love in the original story

he knew that his efforts won't be wasted as he was a fairly strong human that won't bend to the whims of higher powers.

Today was the entrance ceremony and as he wanted to make a good impression he ironed his cloths and brushed his hair back and held it in a ponytail which made him look fairly handsome which surprised Issei as the original didn't take care of his appearence he couldn't compare the current Issei.

Issei arrived in front of the gates he could feel his hand itching but didn't pay it any attention as he knew there was a probing barrier around school that can identify supernatural beings, looking around him he could see Sona shitori(sitri) waiting for students to enter the school he could see a flawless face with smooth skin, violet eyes and black hair styled in short bob cut behind her was her queen tsubaki which had long black hair and brown eyes.

Issei tried to smile in their direction only to be throughly ignored which pissed Issei off and went his way to find his classroom, it was a bit unnerving feeling several demonic energies around school for Issei, like always he didn't concetrate in class and kept his sensing around him dor any danger.

After class went around school to find the energy signature of rias or akeno, thankfully he found them fairly quickly as they were heading toward the occult research club he went around the corner only to be stunned upon seeing two almost ethreal beauties one had a flowing crimson hair, glowing blue eyes and smooth jade skin with a huge bust only compared to the japanese beauty with long black hair held in a ponytail, with purple eyes.

Issei was flustered he kept trying to calm himself down using his mantra 'please don't get hard,please don't get hard, please don't get hard....' he calmed himself a bit as he started his plan as he was passing them he released a tiny bit of aura which belonged to the boosted gear which clearly shoked the two beatiful women and caused them to look back at the retreating issei,

Issei knew that he was successful in drawing their attention and they'll defenitly try to contact him soon. He return home ate dinner and went to his room but couldn't stop thinking about the two attractive women, he could only sigh and go take a loooong shower.

The next day class went as expected but before Issei could leave the classroom a handsome young man with blond hair came to him "Hi, are you hyoudou Issei?" "Yes, i'am. Who are you?" at this exchange you could hear the girls squeaking about some dumb gay shit 'Oh hell no this bitches are way too gossipy and rotten' thought issei "I'm Yuuto Kiba i came here to invite you on behalf of thepresident into our club" " What club?"

"The occult research club" said kiba with a beaming smile, 'oh i didn't think that they'll invite me so quick, well at least they didn't wait until the second year' tought issei "Well lead the way"

As they were walking toward the club they enterned the old schoolhouse, while walking inside Issei could see a romm sealed with chains but he didn't ask any question. They arrived in front of a door issei could hear his heatbeat going faster from bothexpectations and excitement.

Upon entry he could see the clubroom it was the exact replica of the anime, Kiba went to the side but Issei kept his attention on the crimson haired woman. She smiled at him which caused his fast heartbeat to beat faster and said "Welcome to the occult research club, i'm it's president Rias Gremory and this is my vice-president Himejima Akeno" while introducing herself and her queen Issei could see a white haired little girl on the side 'OH MY GOD... she's so cuuute in real life' thought issei while looking at koneko, this didn't go unnoticed from rias so she said "this is koneko toujou she'll be joining the highschool divesion next year"

Issei already knew that so he asked "Why did you call me here?" "To tell you the truth i want you to join our club, so what do you say?" 'they want me to join their club? but they didn't tell me that their devils yet... OH so they want to gain my trust first then reveal everything to me later on' tought issei with a smile "Ok i'll join the club president Rias" Rias then gave him a sweet and radiant smile that mesmerized him.

After getting to know eachother a bit home Issei was sent home earlier as they probably talk about their devil work.After his return it took a lot of time for Issei to calm down after meeting his favourite characters.