Shivaay with all family members seeing satvika who resembles like anika and get shocked.
Some time before
Oberoi mansion,Mumbai
Grandma Kalyani recall about anika and becomes sad, she recalls the promise of visiting god(Chamunda Mata Temple) with her whole family and offering food and clothes to the people who are in need (poor people) by their grand sons. she thinks every wrong is happening in the house because of not fulfilling the promise. she thinks of om and Gauri relationship which was not happy and shivaay where anika is she decides to go the temple.
She calls all family members to come to hall by discussing about going to the temple. But she thought every family members won't come to temple they will say reasons for not visiting she made a plan to only call all her 3 grandsons to temple then they can request parents to come with them.
Shivomru asks Grandma what was the reason to assemble in the hall. Grandma asks shivomru to go chamunda mata temple with her for fulfilling her promise to go that place for the happiness of entire family. But in their ear asks them to convince their parents also to come with them. she says our priyanka with ranveer and kamini is also coming to visit the temple with us.
Shivaay asks pinky and shakti to join them for temple. They agrees. while omru asks tej and jhanvi to come with them to temple to fulfil grandma's wish. Tej says he has meeting and he won't come but jhanvi convinces him to they also agrees.
Shivaay asks sahil to come with them but pinky interrupts and says mother in law asks to come only family members and he is not in our family.
Did you forgot I married anika mom ?shivaay angrily glares at her.
Pinky says taunts OMG(oh my God) Did you also forgot you divorced her shivaay?
Shivaay says sahil also come with us ma,I don't need any arguments regarding that.
Pinky says to her "Even though his sister dies she did not leave her shadow. These people who does not have standard to come in car will now come in aeroplane."
Sahil silently listen to her taunts and ignores because of values given by anika that is to respect elders.All family members pack the bags and reached the airport to catch the flight.
They reached the Jodhpur with in 1hr 30 min. They booked the hotel Umaid Bhawan Palace in which satvika is residing….Because half of the palace was still occupied by the rajgarh family….
Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur, Rajasthan
They reached the hotel ,but shivaay feel the presence of anika when stepping in the hotel because satvika was in reception to give salary to staff members but they miss to see each other while satvika was called by her mother Parvelika…..she leaves from there. while shivaay just entering into the palace ,They take the keys of their rooms and get freshen up to visit the temple.
Satvika went to temple and tell the priest chidambaram that today I am taking hardest decision in my please ask god to give immense strength to me.
Priest asks "Is there is any judgement today Princess?."
Satvika: Yes, Today I have to take tough decision in my life.
Priest :But whose case judgement is today, The tigress was so nervous and tensed to judge it ?
Satvika: It was case of my own parents with their crime which was buried 24 years ago chidambaram ?
Priest :He recalls the case which was before 24 years and tensely says that case which was closed saying that the person was already punished by your Queen is it? He tensely asks.
Satvika: Yes, He did puja and gives her prasad. she leaves from temple to place where judgement takes place.
The place where a chair is placed for her to judge the case. she sat there and ask the person to call Mr. Satwant singh Rajput with his wife Parvelika singh Rajput to come to the Judgement place. All the people are shocked that she called her mother and father by their names first time. She said to the people that she opened the case which was closed 24 years ago which was judged by her mother. But the case was reopened because of the evidences she was calling them here.
Shivaay and family leaves to temple, but it was closing by the priest. Grandma asks him today was not an inauspicious day then why he was closing the temple, priest replied to him that there was judgement which was reopened after 24 years, so he was closing the temple. But Grandma asks was it is more important than offering puja to maa chamundi. Yes, it is important because after 24 years our princess is judging case against her own parents, he says to them and suggest them to come judgement place with them.
Shivomru surprised and says judgement by a women but the case must be handled by police they can solve it better. But priest says in this place no police is allowed only the princess can judge no other. They are amused by the answer of the priest. Still these people are living in era of rajputs. Now the people are choosing their own rulers they discuss with each other. But they are excited to see the judgement so they asked the priest ,he tell the place and leaves from there. They asks the family members to join them to watch the judgement they are also interested so they decided to reach the place.
The person asks satvika's father and mother to come to the place where judgement was taking place. They are shocked to hear the case they are closed 24 years ago was opened.
Judgement place
Satwant singh rajput with his wife Parvelika singh rajput reached there with her brother Praveen and his son suvimal.
Oberois also reached the place. They are shocked to see satvika who resembles like anika...
Precap: Satvika kills her father by sword, all people are shocked by her action took against her father.