"papa" a salmon haired girl called as she ran to here father at full speed Natsu was not prepared and ended up falling. "your are finally back from your mission papa" the six year old said excited "tell me all about it and where is mama and uncle Gray and aunt Ezra and Happy. papa aunt Juvia and uncle Jellal went crazy when you guys where away I'm sure then would have followed you guys if the location for your mission wasn't kept a secret and Fubuki is still a cry baby" Kōseina kept talking not giving Natsu a chance to reply and he was still on the floor. He caught Lucy's scent and immediately smiled cause he's pretty sure that Kosēina must have caught her scent too "hmm" Kosēina said as she sniffed the air "mama's here" she sniffed again and she bought ramen" she said as her eyes shone with excitement and she immediately ran outside. Natsu stood up and the entire guild was staring although they were used to moments like this it was always fun to watch. While Juvia and Jellal were completely red with embarrassment. Natsu was wrong if he thought it was over cause right after Kosēina left Fubuki(Gray and Juvia's son), Asuna(Ezra and Jellal's daughter), Simon(Ezra and Jellal son./second child), Kira(Laxus and Mira's daughter. the youngest as she was four) came running towards him and pushed him on the floor again this time the whole guild started laughing.
Natsu was famous with the kids since he acted like one.
Lucy Gray and Ezra came in later and seeing Natsu on floor they already knew what had transpired earlier. Kosēina was on Gray's shoulders eating ramen.
Hey" Kosēina yelled " don't play without me she said as she jumped off Gray's back unto the pile of kids. meanwhile Tinker and Gale the oldest kids in the guild refused to join the pile because they felt they were too old for it.
An exceed with white and blue stripes flew over and dragged Kosēina away
"its time for training" Cheer said
"Nice" Kosēina said as her eyes shown with excitement and she open her mouth showing her tongue of fire "I'm all fired up"