The Preparation

The alarm buzzed precisely at 6:00 AM.

Giselle woke up from her sleep and was getting ready to visit the farmer's market. She left a message to Lia on her room and then went out.

The farmer's market opens every day from 5:30 to 8 AM.

Giselle purchased bread, milk, eggs, bacon, some fresh fruits, and veggies; she also got a few spices and dry noodles.

Giselle returned home and started preparing breakfast. She made French toast and crispy bacon with scrambled eggs along with freshly squeezed orange juice.


Meantime, Lia rolled out of her bed when she welcomed the inescapable aroma of morning breakfast. She knew it right away that her mother cooked food.

Lia quickly brushed and ran to the kitchen. She saw her mother leisurely browsing her mobile phone. Giselle heard the swish and looked up to find her daughter up and awake.

"Oh, good morning, Lia," Giselle greeted.

"Mother," Lia seemed astonished.

"I was waiting for you, honey. Come, sit down for breakfast," Giselle moved immediately, in serving the food hot and fresh.

She didn't utter a word but straight up went for the breakfast. Both of them enjoyed their first homemade breakfast in their new home.

Lia was smiling cheerfully.


As they ate in silence, Giselle thought about tonight.

"What would you like to have for dinner?" Giselle asked.

Since she planned to cook her dinner before leaving, Lia nodded and left it for her mother to decide.

She engulfed into eating her breakfast. After two days of continuous pizza and snack and soda drinks, this delectable meal acted as a healing therapy to their tummies.

Giselle thought of cooking a noodle-based dish as she bought them from the market today.

Lia finished her breakfast and returned to her room to play while Giselle took a break.


Meanwhile, at "The SUN" hotel, where Giselle and her boss were planning to have their dinner:

"I can't believe that you don't agree with me, Mr. Ricardo," Lillian Grey cried.

"Mind your own business, Lilly and what's this formal way of talking, you idiot," Shane Ricardo, their boss responded.

Shane was well known for his skills as an editor and identifying new talented authors. He discovered a lot of potential writers and mentored them personally to publish their novels and books.

This meeting involved the top authors of the company, Lillian Grey, Edwin, and Caesar.

Shane Ricardo had a meeting with these authors at "The SUN" hotel.


"I'm not going to include you in this, can you just shut down your opinions Lillian Grey?" Shane snapped finally at Lillian's disagreement. Lillian stopped her conversation and began to enjoy her lunch.

"None of you guys want her?" Shane urged the rest of the authors.

"I'm good with the current one, and I can't suddenly change to new while working. You know me!" Caesar replied seriously.

Shane looked at Edwin, as he is the only one left.

Edwin shook his head and returned, "I understand your suggestion."

He sighed.

"Although mine's out of town, I don't want a replacement. I'm sorry Shane, maybe not this time," Edwin rejected his request politely.

Shane's eyes shifted to Lillian, who was savoring her steak elegantly.

He stared at her, knowing how purposefully Lillian chewed her food which provoked Shane.

"Alright, forget it. I will handle it myself. For now, let's enjoy our meal together."

Shane warded off the conversation as they all dived into their meals.

After their meeting, Shane sents off the authors and stayed back.

He booked a room at "The SUN" hotel to wait until his dinner meeting with Giselle.

He seemed puzzled and restless.

'Who knew that things would turn out this way?'