Midnight call

Lillian moved to the table nearby where she could work full night without disturbing Lucy's sleep. She then took her office mobile out. When she switched it on, the phone got hanged.

97 missed calls

56 messages

At that moment, Lillian Grey received a call it was from Jenna, her editor. She chose to answer the call this time.


"What?" Jenna went shocked when her call got acknowledged finally.

"Somebody answered it," Jenna grumbled to herself.

Jenna was pulling an all-nighter as well. She got startled and thus stood up from her seat to reply.

"Ms. Grey, Ms. Grey?" Jenna sounded worried.

Her tone filled with concern that even Lillian started to regret, not picking up her calls before.

Nonetheless, the worried tone turned into a volcano.

"Are you an idiot?" Jenna exploded right away.

"Woah, I pick up the call, and this is what I get?"

"Sad, just truly sad. I can't believe that you called Shane. I remembered giving you my phone number," Lillian confronted Jenna for busting her ass to the BOSS.

"I'm sorry that I lost that number. I couldn't find it anywhere else. I can't ask Mr. Ricardo."

"What if he thinks something bad about me?" Jenna explained.

"BAD!" Lillian raised her brows, which indicated that she didn't like what she heard.

Jenna let out her true feelings, and it got little twisted. She tried to coat her words.

"No, I mean-"

"Let's forget about it."

"So, you will be sending me the draft by tomorrow morning, correct?"

Despite those words she heard, Lillian understood that Jenna suffered from this. Plus, she's pulling an all-nighter only to call her. Lillian had a soft spot for Jenna. Like as if she was her child.

Lillian stood up and went away from the bedroom to talk freely with her editor. Since it was a Master Suite, there were several rooms. Lillian entered the living area and moved near the window.

"So, you heard it too, huh! Shane was sure strict this time. Lucy came back from the shooting, and only because of that, I was able to convince her. Else, it would have been tough."

"Ms. Lucy is sure a workaholic, but she loves you too much. You must understand that, Ms. Grey."

"Oh, am I receiving relationship advice from you now?

"Remember kid you're still a baby. What do you know about dating anyway?

"When was the last time you even dated a guy?" Lillia questioned.

"Last time!!! I'm sure it was before I became your editor. Thanks to you I'm free from such commitments now."

Jenna's satirical remarks did not faze Lillian. If she is at the same age as of her editor then, Lillian might have responded, to the comments.

No, Lillian Grey is older and thus tried to sound wiser. She, herself knew that she would be no great example on dating.

"Trust me. Grow up a little more, and then get into a relationship. By the way, I wouldn't allow you to date any kinds of trash."

"Oh, do I have to get your permission to date guys now?" Jenna raged.

"Of course. Don't even think that you can fool me. Got it?"

Knowing Lillian's personality, Jenna agreed quickly. Besides, to Jenna, Lillian Grey too is a valuable person. Hence, she consents to whatever Lillian advises.

"Fine it's getting late, and you have suffered enough because of me, now go to sleep. Next time, when I see you directly, I will give you my other number. If you lose it again, I might have to kill you. Got it?"

Lillian Grey sent a warning message to her editor. She did not want to face Shane in such a way, in the future.

"Ms. Grey, sure, I will engrave your number on my chest."

"However, please refrain from killing me. I'm the only editor you can have permanently, you see."

Jenna threw a fact at her author, sneakily.

"Oh, Ms. Grey, please answer my call if I call you."

"I feel bad now. If you had just picked my call earlier, none of this would have happened."

Jenna words were right.

"I know. I know. I brought it for myself. So stop pestering me. You don't need my update. It seems like you received it directly from the boss. Alright, I will finish it within tonight. It is already 90% over. So, no worries."

"Wow. Ms. Grey 90% that's terrific. Why didn't I get an update regarding this?" Jenna's creases relaxed when she heard that the work is almost over.

"I will call you tomorrow once done."

Lillian Grey cut off the conversation without stretching.

"Good job trying to avoid my question again. Whatever, I'm just here to do my duty."

"Goodnight Jenna,"

Jenna knew she could never win against the mighty Lillian Grey.

"Bye, Ms. Grey. Thank god, you're safe. Please don't strain yourself. I am ready to help you anytime. Just call me, and I will be there for you."


Lillian got a bit flustered listening to Jenna's words.