A Message to 'her'

Lucy sent quite a number of pictures via email.

Watching them one by one, let Lillian relive the moments still fresh in her memory.

Both started dating a few months ago, and Lucy already proved her companionship to Lillian on multiple occasions. The girl is entirely devoted to her relationship for her age. She is considerate, understanding, yet at times demands love forcibly from Lillian. All of her qualities can easily pass for a great partner in one's life.

However, time playing a significant role in anyone's lifetime, Lillian receives news about a specific character from her past.

She spent all these years in pursuit of finding any piece of information about this specific person and yet received no lead on it. Finally, when Lillian chose to accept Lucy's love, the message arrives as a massive blow to test her endurance.

Giselle's name getting thrown around lately is distracting Lillian from Lucy.

Fate playing around in her life at that moment, Lillian found herself getting pulled by two influential forces- one being her past love and the other is the newly appeared candidate, who seems to play her role with perfection.

Giselle or Lucy- Lillian strived, and it hurt her thoughtfully.

Between the two, she knows Giselle can eat up Lucy's presence within a second, making all of her efforts go waste in front of the tale that the two shared years ago. However, Lucy's genuine efforts in the relationship couldn't let Lillian throw her away, just like her past acquaintances.

As she rested on the bed, two things held firm on her mind – a message to Giselle and of Lucy.

Learning about Giselle's kid already hurt Lillian. It came as an unexpected shock she could ever encounter in her life. If she recalls the past, it is only possible that Giselle could marry a woman, which means that either the kid is adopted or one of them chose to bear children.

'Did Giselle give birth to a child?' – Lillian weighed on that option for a long time until her head hurt.

The more she pondered, the more it ached. Practically her entire life up until now, the personal events that followed, all were consequences of her past. She had to endure the aftermath of Giselle's departure, which made her lose herself, letting Lillian be reckless for some time.

All of her relationships until she met Lucy were a complete disaster, in which she doesn't show a bit of concern to her whatsoever partner at that time. Going through wanted breakups, pushing her limits, and letting herself feel pain forcefully – all made Lillian give up on love.

She chose to be a little savage to herself until she met Lucy, who stormed her emotionally and flipped her world upside down. The young beauty showed her ardent love bold and bright. For all the darkness Lillian Grey carried within herself, Lucy appeared like the dawn to her gloom.

For once, Lillian felt loved and cared under Lucy's affection. Her love opened up Lillian Grey. What supposed to become another poor relation, which Lillian sensed after noticing this youthful model with her striking charm and a few handfuls of dates, eventually transformed into a proper relationship.

Lucy's presence diverted Lillian from hurting herself emphatically anymore. She began to enjoy life for once as a lover.

This girl took initiatives and choices that surprised Lillian on multiple occasions. She fancied her; her spirit impressed Lillian, letting the girl continue whatever she desired.

Lillian showed sincerity and attention to this girl and made her feel special. When she did, Lucy rejoiced and was at bliss.

Even a little care from Lillian could make Lucy feel treasured.

Subconsciously, Lillian slowly forgets her present pathetic self and starts to enjoy this new energy. She let Lucy take control of their relationship.

At this point, having seen those pictures repeatedly made Lillian sincerely consider her judgment of whether to choose to continue to follow Giselle or make a different choice that can alter her life for once.

A message from Lucy alarmed Lillian. She opened the inbox to read.

Lucy states of cherishing every one of those pictures dearly to her heart and that she is looking forward to visiting Vegas soon for their first-anniversary celebration.

The message filled with love and hope moved Lillian emotionally and slapped her for the fate which is finally hinting her to move on.

Lillian questioned herself whether to endure to live in the past or take notice of the present. Whether to let the fire burn for Giselle or accept the warmth from Lucy.

It was tough on her. Never had she expected things to turn out this way.


The minute hand passed the first quarter on the clock around midnight; Upon reaching her decision, Lillian did not care to wait for another second. She dialed the number to Anna.

"Anna, I have a message for Lillian now. Can I trust you to convey it directly?" Lillian sounded certain.

Her voice was steady and clear.

Anna agreed and listened to the message keenly without leaving a single word of it.

"Are you sure that I pass on this as your message to Giselle? I mean, are you confident of it?" Anna asked Lillian to affirm her message as once revealed cannot be revoked to her interest in the way things are right now;

"You have told me to live my life, and I am following it, Anna. I would appreciate it if you give Giselle a reply only when she asks about me else you don't need to pass on the message," Lillian requested.

Anna exhaled deeply.

She prayed for Lillian to have made the right decision for as her friend Anna stood by her side, and watched Lillian breakout and be reckless from Giselle's disappearance. Having learned about her return, Anna worried about how it will affect her friend. She knew Lillian loved Giselle more than anything in the world and how fate twisted her destiny and let Lillian fall in life. Having seen all those days of Lillian destroying herself, Anna wished for her friend to move on from the past selfishly.

Hearing her message for Giselle gave Anna hope to see her wish come true. However, she still feels a little discomfort and sorry for Giselle.

Nonetheless, between Lillian and Giselle, Anna could never leave Lillian Grey alone, for those two made a pact of being there and caring for each other ever since they were toddlers.

No love can break or destroy the friendship between Anna and Lillian Grey.

Without questioning further, Anna agreed to follow her request of only passing on her message if Giselle asks about Lillian Grey.

"I'm happy that you made a choice and took the chance," she replied with a content sniff.

Lillian did not know if her choice was right, but she slipped into broken stillness following her message to Giselle.

There was no unease feeling or a sense of guilt, but let alone the loss of words. Lillian couldn't respond actively to Anna.

Meanwhile, Anna understanding her being quiet, spoke for both.


The call ended with Anna signing off.

As if the air got dense and thick, Lillian couldn't feel anything anymore. She lay on the bed, inanimate.

Without any thoughts or any emotion prevailing on the surface, Lillian felt void.

Within a few seconds, after the call ended, she received a message from Anna.

Anna states that her best wishes for Lillian's upcoming book release. She expects her signed Author's copy as usual and is eager to read the book. Anna also assured that this release is going to be just as successful as the previous ones. The end of the message quotes Lillian to pay a visit during her free time for Anna wants to see her face.

Lillian, as she read, sensed her eyes became wet from Anna's message.

That night she went to bed with no thoughts to ponder except wanting to see her best friend, Anna, and be at her embrace.

Lillian slept as if she hadn't caught a wink for days. Drowning into a deep slumber, she rested.