Back to the time when I met Ms. Grey - part 3

After their lunch date, Lillian got busy with plotting her next work, and Jenna left to idling all alone when suddenly at one summer day, Lillian Grey texted Jenna her apartment address, asking her to come over for a visit.

Jenna reached the place.

"Come on in, Jenna," Lillian invited her inside.

It was Jenna's first time at Lillian's home.

Her apartment was in a mess. It wasn't dirty, but still, things remained scattered around in chaos.

Lillian was at time researching materials for her next work. Books, papers, random articles, magazines took over space, and one has to traverse their way without disturbing them as Lillian prefers to not clean at that moment.

Researching is the most crucial part, and Lillian doesn't like it if someone tramples her materials.

'The mess should stay as a mess for a while.' - she preaches.


Lillian prepared tea for both and served Jenna as the two housed in the dining space. The kitchen and the dining area always remained isolated and abandoned as Lillian never cook meals regularly.

Jenna drank from the exquisite teacups carved with ornated drawings. Along with the tea, Lillian served cookies, for she did not the process of the tea ceremony. Plus, recalling her assuring Shane in vowing to train Jenna as her editor, Lillian thought it would be good to start right now since, by the time she finishes her manuscript, Jenna would also be well-versed with the working process.

"Jenna, what have you learned so far?" Lillian opened the conversation. She asked if Jenna used these past few days to learn about the company and its rules, have met with the other editors in the company, and questions related to the basic knowledge one should steadily build in a working environment.

Being suddenly bombarded with serious inquiries made Jenna cry in anxiety. She gaped and moaned while struggling to consent to her idling. She did admit paying a visit to the office a few times before. Jenna got the job with a special note from her boss mentioning to get trained by Lillian, herself.

It was no fault of hers for trying to reach Lillian all these days persistently. She could only seek the author for her schooling.

Lillian expired deeply.

"Alright, we have a lot to do. I wasted a few days, and I'll apologize for it. First and most basic is for you need to meet your editing team and introduce yourself properly," Lillian uttered.

She then requested Jenna to kindly meet with the company's information resource, Wallace, the guy who knows all and everything.

Jenna remembered that Mr. Ricardo did mention that he will introduce the information guy later.

Lillian thought Shane must have been too employed with his commitments.

"Alright, here's your first assignment. Meet our information guy, Wallace. It is one of his responsibility to educate our newly joined employees about the company. I'll text him now that you will meet with him today, visit him and get to know about the writers of our company, other editors, essential schedule details, and make sure to get the released books from him. Read it; you must be aware of our writer's books and their genres. Here, this is his number, save it. You can rely on this guy. He talks a lot, including the gossips, so don't get spoiled by him. Meet him and then come back here tomorrow. I will check if you have learned from him or not, got it?"

Lillian gave her the first homework.

That day, Jenna went back to the office. She introduced herself to the editing team formally. Having conversed with them for a few good minutes, they agreed to send her to meet the Wallace guy.


"Hi, Jenna. Lillian called me a while ago. Come on," the Wallace guy greeted upon meeting Jenna already.

"How could you know me? We haven't met before."

Jenna gaped from his sharp gesture of already recognizing the new employee without having to meet her beforehand.

"Follow me, and you'll know."

Wallace brought her into his cabin. He then flipped the signboard on his cabin door. It went from saying 'back online' to 'In the session.' Thus, the session to build a solid knowledge foundation for Jenna commenced. For the next five hours, she received all the knowledge of the company; The writers and their rankings, the other editors and their personalities, the books, the process, the rules for employees, about their CEO Mr. Shane Ricardo and even about himself. Wallace poured all of his information to Jenna, including the gossips within the industry.

Wallace was passionate all along, with his lecture and data. His nonstop chattering of KeyLine publication ended up serving Jenna a portrait of the company she is about to step in, and join.

Although the portrait looked as elegant and opulent as it appears, the work behind every detail was worth rewarding.

She learned how Shane took the company to the next level and introduced the world to several great writers by acknowledging their talents. It made Jenna proud and filled her with the fad of endeavoring to play her role as an editor.


When Jenna came out of the session, she looked like a lifeless human with all of the energy dried up from listening and learning.


The next day, Jenna went straight to Lillian's apartment early in the morning. Lillian, who was enjoying her sleep, got disturbed by Jenna's appearance. She intended to scold her harshly when Jenna offered the Grilled cheese sandwich to Lillian. The girl came prepared with a mighty shield. And with that defense, she hit Lillian and gained a point.

"Come on in." Lillian invited her.

"I see that you got enlightened by Mr. Wallace in his 'Session.' So are you ready to begin?" Lillian teased her.

"Sure, Ms. Grey. I'm confident," Jenna looked prepared.

However, it was early in the morning, Lillian still has bags under her eyes, from the late-night work. She requested Jenna to wait until she gets ready for the day. Jenna agreed and patiently waited until Lillian returned.

Coming out after several minutes, Lillian dressed her in fresh clothes went straight to stuff the sandwich and prepared strong tea for the upcoming test.

"Now, let's begin your exam," Lillian sat down, facing Jenna with a stern grimace.