Search for the school

Lillian Grey rested, for her side of the job is done with Jenna constantly nagging with keeping up with her deadlines. On the contrary, the upcoming book release is always a stressful period for Editors as Jenna got occupied with work and often found herself running between company and printing office, sitting through various meetings, and returning home late at night.

Lillian Grey, alias name, 'Gill,' is often celebrated by her devoted audience not alone in the country but globally. Her debut work received excellent attention and earned her the recognition of an author for her writing skills and beautifully crafted story. However, the hidden secret of her identity always stirred a few young fans to stalk nearby the company to learn more about their favorite author's secret. Shane had to go to the extent of hiring security guards to make sure that the neighborhood is free from stalkers and unwanted visitors, trailing the company with lame ideas.

Despite such precautions, Lillian's new book can expect to sell well on its release date without a doubt.

The announcement of the new book and its release already got informed to the public.

Lillian Grey stopped by the office, to sit down for a final meeting on her new book release along with Shane Ricardo.

The meeting went well without any delay.

Shane requested Lillian to stay back without giving a reason and left the room to guide the other teams momentarily.

He returned within a few minutes back to the room to chat with Lillian.

"You have a friend who is the principal, right?" Shane enquired.

It was for Lia. Shane had promised Giselle to find a suitable school for Lia back during their first meeting.

Lillian knows a school friend who is now working as the principal in a reputed school.

"Hmm... yeah, Diego. You have met him at times, remember?" Lillian answered, remembering her best friend.

Diego is just like Anna, Lillian's close friend from school.

Lillian, Anna, and Diego were the gang mates back in their schooldays. Anna went to get trained as Masseuse and opened her own Spa later, which is running very successfully. Diego became the principal because of his family. Shane thought that one of Lillian's friends could help him with Lia's admission.

"I don't remember very well. Can you help me get an admission to one of my friend's kids by talking to him?" Shane requested. He didn't mention that it was for Giselle's kid, Lia. Lillian saw him feeling concerned, which she had never noticed for a long time.

The great CEO, Shane Ricardo, feeling concerned for getting admission? Something is wrong!

Lillian suspected.

However, it wasn't her business to act nosy on other's personal life.

'No way, this is Shane, we're talking here.'

Lillian got fired to draw out some leak of information.

"Is it for someone I know?" Lillian began sharp and direct.

"Can you talk to him for me?" Shane refused to answer Lillian and kept focusing on getting that friend's consideration.

Lillian certainly understood that there is something questionable going on without her knowledge that Shane doesn't want his friend to know.

"I will give you his number. I can't call him suddenly, and say 'Yo, give me an admission form for a kid.' Even though he's my friend, that guy is a little sensitive and upright. You can speak to him directly. He might ask you some other details about the child and its mother, you know." Lillian's reply startled Shane.

'Did she find out already?' Shane thought. For a second, it reflected in his eyes.

He wasn't sure to assume anything.

Lillian observed his friend getting worked up over this subject and decided to take a random guess on her own.

"Is it your new girlfriend or something?" Lillian questioned.

"Buddy, don't try to hide something from me, I can easily read people by their expressions. Who do you think I am?" Lillian tore a piece of paper from the nearby notebook and wrote 'Diego's number' on it.

"Let him know that you're calling him directly without mentioning my name. That guy will pamper me if you tell him that I gave his number to you. He doesn't like me giving out his number to others, which on very few occasions, I've overruled. He must have felt extremely annoyed with me."

Lillian slithered out in uncertainty. She warned Shane about not mentioning her name, which makes the process go as if Shane Ricardo from KeyLine publication is trying to reach out for Diego, hoping that it might work without any trouble.

Later, she left for home, telling Shane that it is useless to keep secrets from his own friend.

Shane felt relieved somehow. She's still the same, cooking up some stories all the time. He took the number and dialed it immediately.


"Hello?" the voice on the other line spoke. Shane went ahead to address after confirming if it's Diego.

Without any further adieu, Shane placed his request.

"Diego, one of my friends, moved here from abroad. She has an 8-year-old daughter Lia, who is planning to start school soon. Having heard good things about your administration, I wanted to know if you can help me with the admission," Shane placed his request.

'Shane Ricardo from KeyLine publication?' Diego kept thinking until he got a mutual connection.

"Isn't Lillian one of your writers?" Diego asked to confirm.

When Shane admitted, he continued to speak.

"By any chance, did she give you my number?" Diego's inquiry hit the nail on board. Shane remembered Lillian warning him about not mentioning her name, for he could get annoyed.

Having noted, Shane used his might to persuade Diego about not having a connection to this conversation with Lillian Grey and that he received contact from other third parties who recommended the school for its sound system and a fabulous environment for students.

Diego, who was busy at that time, didn't care about the story too much and eventually gave up trying to figure out the truth.

"Sorry, that fool, Lillian. She gives my number to all those people who request her for help regarding admission or scholarship and so. That is why I had to be harsh with these types of calls. However, I apologize if I sounded rude," Diego responded sincerely.

"...Haha. It's alright, trust me. It's difficult to manage her to follow deadlines in the first place, I wouldn't go to her for personal needs," Shane went along with Diego's frustration and convinced him out of his connection with Lillian in this matter.

For the next few moments, Diego asked for further details about the kid and their parents. Shane gave out the details about Giselle and her kid Lia. His information was about Giselle's return from abroad and that she is a single mother with a kid named Lia. Diego asked Shane to give him some time before making his final decision. Shane agreed. However, before ending their call, Shane requested that the conversation stays hushed, meanings 'please don't tell Lillian about it.'

Diego agreed amidst uncertainty.


The call ended. Diego, who was in his office, busy and loaded with piles of documents on his desk to get attended, dialed a number hurriedly.