Family Reunited - Grandpa and Grandma visit us

As the guests were moving towards the dining table to enjoy dinner, the doorbell rang. It must be Giselle's parents, Eric and Melanie. Giselle asked Lia to get ready and requested the guests to take their seats while she greets her parents.

Giselle was already nervous but still glowing like a little child. She is finally meeting her parents after all these years. Her heart raced, which made her froze on the spot. The doorbell rang for the second time, and Giselle, instead of fading out on her own, walked hastily to receive her final guest for the day. She opened the door and saw two familiar figures. Aged and feeble, Giselle's parents are in their 60's. Their faces covered in wrinkles and her father, who once was super strong enough to carry Giselle, appeared gaunt and frail.

Without her knowledge, Giselle's eyes were flooding with tears. As soon as the couple saw their daughter sobbing, they couldn't help but to go and embrace her. Melanie hugged her warmly, something that we call the 'motherly love.' Eric gently petted Giselle's head and smiled, looking at her.

"How beautifully you have grown? I'm jealous of not being there with you, my baby," Eric kissed his daughter on the forehead and blessed her. It was an emotional reunion.

Many times away from home, Giselle longed to be under this embrace, this love, and this untainted affection. Sometimes even desiring to return to her parent's side. However, she didn't. Giselle chose to control her homesickness and focused on educating herself.

Now that Melanie hugged her unconditionally, Giselle didn't want to part away, for she ached to compensate those lonely days and longingness with this hug. She held her mother with all her mightly strength that kept losing every second against the love she received. Melanie sensed Giselle falling onto her, and despite the aged discomfort, Melanie caught Giselle and took firm hold of her, never wanting to let it go away yet again.

Giselle plunged her head into those soft shoulders. The familiar floral scent that she grew up with coped and soothed her tears. Giselle was glad that her mother's scent never changed over the years.

Throughout this whole reunion, there was a missing candidate, Lia. Giselle's child, Lia, planned to hide behind the couch to surprise her grandparents. But they seemed to be running late. So, Lia decided to bring herself out and meet them directly. Surprise plan failed, she sighed as she emerged from behind the couch.

"Mom, don't you think you're greedy? After all, it should be me who gets to be spoiled by them." Lia said, peering at the three adults in front of her.

When they heard the kid's voice coming from behind, Eric and Melanie received their surprised. They looked so shook and then faced Giselle nervously.

Giselle had forgotten about Lia somewhere and got indulged in adhering to her parents. Giselle apologetically looked at Lia. The child wasn't ready to forgive, but she let go of it this time. Giselle followed, and so, she invited her to make the introduction.

"Mom, Dad, this is Lia," Giselle introduced the couple to their grandchild. However, Lia didn't pose a smile or wear any emotion. She kept staring at the old couple in silence. She noticed them keenly like memorizing all of their features and studied their appearance.

After only a few moments, the little girl went on to hug her grandparents. There were no words of expression. Eric lifted Lia and gently wrapped her in his arms. Eric's tears couldn't stop flowing. It felt the same as when he would lift Giselle when she was about the same age. The father's love is always special. Melanie can't help but gush over joy.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Dear? Enough already. You can play with your granddaughter later. Just let her down now." Melanie said as she signaled Eric about the gift for Lia.

"Hmm... no. It's alright, grandmama. I want to be with grandpapa right now." Lia threw a tantrum, and she hugged Eric tightly with her tiny arms. The old guy can't help but give in to the little girl's affection. It was tough.

Melanie and Eric froze from hearing Lia address them as her grandparents.

Melanie couldn't fight against such a mighty weapon, and Eric instantly accepted his defeat. Nonetheless, he glanced at his wife and received her intention thoroughly.

"Lia, dear, don't you want to know what your grandpa has got you?" Eric spoke in his most tender loving tone, trying to reason with the little angel.

Lia twitched at the word 'present' and obediently agreed to let go of her grandpapa for now.

They presented their gift to Lia, and the little one thanked her grandparents for the kind gesture.

Lia glanced at the golden paper-wrapped prettily along with a tiny note on the top that says, 'To our Angel's Treasure, Lia.'

Giselle peeked from behind and read the note with a loving smile and a sweet smooch for Lia on her rosy cheeks.

"Can I open it, please?" Lia asked with bright eyes that none could go against the idea.

With everyone's approval, Lia unwrapped the gift to find a square box. In it was a snowglobe with a tiny mermaid inside. The globe also filled with golden little stars that shone when shook.

Lia kept playing with it for a few times before thanking her grandparents for the beautiful present.

"Grandpapa and grandmama, thank you for this beautiful present. I love it. Your angel's treasure will treasure this gift forever."

Lia's smart reply received gasping chuckles from her audience. Seeing her in all smiles and joy made them happy too.

For the past few minutes, the reunited family has been around the front door. Remembering how long they were away from other guests, Giselle invited her parent's inside for dinner and promised to spend some quality time later.

Melanie and Eric agreed, and the family went inside together as one.