Diego receives a word

Shane returned home from work with 'two, to do things' on his memo. Number one- sending an update to cancel his request for school admission to all those people he had initially requested, including Diego.

Number two, sending Jayce a message to arrange a meeting with his new editor. After finishing both the task, he went to sleep.


Meanwhile, at some bar in the city -

"Mr. Diego, I think you should call it off. It seems that you're already at your limits." the bartender said.

"Shut up and pour me the drink. That's your job." Diego ordered. Although Diego looked as if he's already drunk, but the reality is different. The man can still go to a drinking competition and win it with ease. Diego's lassitude aspect is all from his work. While he was enjoying his next drink that the bartender poured after his gruff manner, Shane's mobile phone buzzed. He took out to check and saw the notification bar with a message from Shane.

"Shane- Shane Ricardo?" Diego pondered to identify the name and soon recalled the man who asked for a favor, something about getting admission for Giselle's daughter.

Having recognized, Diego stiffened his shoulders to read the message at once.


Shane Ricardo: 09:46 PM

Hello Mr. Diego, it's Shane here. You might remember me from requesting you for admission in your school for a little girl. It seems that my friend had already found a school for her liking. Hence, I would like to notify you to cancel my request. I apologize if I had wasted your leisure time with my selfish request. Nevertheless, thank you for hearing me out on that day. I appreciate your assistance. Take care.

"Already found a school?" Diego hummed.

After reading his message, Diego dialed a number on his mobile.

The call got connected.

"Sir?" the voice on the other end addressed.

It was a male's voice. The bartender kept glancing at Diego. He was more afraid that the man sitting in front of him might faint at any moment from excessive drinking.

"Did you get any information?" Diego spoke arrogantly.

"Sir, not any crucial information." the voice replied in fear.

"You assholes. I gave you more time. Even an idiot can do a better job than you fools." Diego scolded them.

"Sir, we apologize, but it is the truth, though. This woman lives alone with her child. Plus, we never saw her going to work except for the nearby school," the voice replied.

"Lives alone with her child? Then what about the husband or the child's father?" Diego enquired.

"Hmm... Sir, she lives alone. There's no one else staying with her. Especially not a guy. So far, we haven't seen the child's father," the guys reported back one after the other.

"What about the school?" Shane insisted on knowing.

"Yes, it's Edward Harris Elementary School," the voice answered.

"Alright, what about the identity?" Diego asked. This time his voice demanded an answer to this mission's central motive.

"Yes, sir. She is Giselle, your schoolmate. We've confirmed it." the voice replied.

"Alright. You guys can stop with this and go home. I'll wire you the remaining amount." Diego ended the call.

For the next few minutes, he was working on his mobile, transferring money to the men with whom he had just spoken.

After completing the transaction, he harshly put his mobile on the table, asking the bartender to serve him more alcohol. The bartender appeared startled from Diego's menacing grimace that he feared for his life to be on a stake with his customer service.

Hiding the horror, he obeyed and served the strong liquor as requested, pouring Diego, his drinks in shots.

Diego drank it at one go and asked for more. The bartender kept serving him. The fierce one-shot slowed down the second time as Diego took the time to taste the liquor. His eyes glanced daggers upon any sight it perceived. His intimidating aura frightened his nearby strangers, and they got scared to be within his proximity. Without making a scene, they slowly left one after the other while exchanging frozen glances as a signal. Diego's intoxicated state didn't seem to notice this transition. Instead, he took out a cigarette and smoked.


"Diego," a familiar voice came from behind after several minutes.

When Diego turned around, he saw a well-known face with a bright smile. Diego's face lit up from looking at her. All of his stress disappeared, and he waved his hands up to signal the girl.