Lazy morning

Lucy stayed over last night after her date with Lillian Grey. They both really enjoyed their dinner which Lillian prepared to surprise Lucy. It worked well because Lucy got emotional and shocked at the same time. After their dinner, Lucy stayed back with Lillian and they spend the night together.

Next Morning - 9:00 AM

Lillian and Lucy were on the bed together; naked enough to reveal that their date ended with expressing love. Lucy kept fidgeting until she woke up. All she could see was that the morning's already here. The room was in a mess, with both of their clothes randomly spread out on the floor and Lillian...!

'Lillian!!!' Lucy gasped as she found Lillian underneath the blanket, still sound asleep.

"Lillian!!!" Lucy kept calling until she responded.

"... hmm," Lillian murmured.

"It's already morning, wake up... what's the time?" Lucy blinked a few times, reached over the nightstand and took out her mobile to check the time. It was 9:02 AM.



"... hmm" Lillian's response delayed.

"Wake up, it's already 9:00 AM" Lucy tried her best.

"Lucy... it's still too early to wake up. Come back to sleep." Lillian pulled her by force. Lucy's face was on Lillian's chest. She blushed a little.

"Lillian, enough already..." Lucy tried hard to get out from Lillian's love-lock.

After struggling for a while, she succeeded. Lucy jumped out of the bed. She covered her naked body with a blanket.

"I'm gonna a take a shower now. You better wake up from your sleep, Lilly." Lucy ordered before leaving to the bathroom. Of course, Lucy waited for a reply. Lillian was static, but later a few seconds, she gave thumbs up; as in to obey the girlfriend's order.


After a hot shower, Lucy came out with a bathrobe and saw the room, still in a mess. Lillian Grey - still sleeping. Lucy's first thought was - even if Tsunami comes, she won't wake up.

Slowly, Lucy approached Lillian and whispered something on her ears which made Lillian open her eyes immediately. The eyes were flaming in the fire as soon as she opened them. Her gaze kept glaring at Lucy with no grace.

Their faces were an inch apart from each other. Lillian could smell herself from Lucy after her shower. It felt as if they both became united with this scent. The rose fragrance set the mood and Lillian grabbed the bathrobe collar tightly and gave Lucy a kiss. It was deep; Lillian locked her lips with Lucy's – it was a bit rough but felt enticed. Lucy started to let out her voice with the flow of the kiss.

Lucy's body temperature rose and Lillian could feel it. When Lillian looked at her girlfriend with seductive eyes, Lucy started to blush and struggled to breathe.

"Relax and breathe through your mouth..." Lillian paused to give out the tips and then went back right again to another hot kiss.

The kiss lasted for almost two minutes when Lillian finally decided to stop. Lucy blushed so hard, her cheeks turned red. All of her strength had gone, leaving her weak in front of the beast.

"Next time, refrain from calling me an old lady. Because this old lady isn't as old as you think she would. Now that my mood is all happy, let's have breakfast before you leave." Lillian woke up from the bed and went to the bathroom. When she came out, Lucy was calm and quiet. Her cheeks still red as tomatoes. Lillian smirked.

"You should shake it off or else I won't be able to resist my temptation to touch you again." Lillian surprised Lucy with a back hug. She then gave her a little smooch before leaving the room.

Lucy got startled from the back hug. Her sensitivity is always at a high level with Lillian. She watched Lillian leave the room and thought...

'You ain't an old lady, Lilly. You are so cool, charming and a wild beast... I become so weak with just your gaze.' Lucy stated and went back to fixing her hair and makeup.


"You sure don't want me to drop you off..." Lillian mumbled.

Lucy planned to leave immediately for two main reasons:

A - She didn't have the energy after their long romantic night which might continue if she stays a little longer.

B - Lucy has a meeting with a designer today at 11 AM.

Nevertheless, she can go to work directly from Lillian's place. But Reason A frightened her more. She decided to escape from the beast while she had her chance.

"I don't like this... I want to drop off my girlfriend safe and sound." Lillian snapped. Indeed, she felt discomfort with Lucy leaving all by herself. It didn't make Lillian feel like they were in a relationship but seen like a one-night stand.

Lucy caught her feelings. She walked closer and gave her a gentle kiss. This time it was a sweet sophisticated kiss - like the kiss from a lover.

"I know, but you need to sleep. You already surprised me a lot last night. Get some rest." Lucy spoke warmly.

As she prepared to leave, they both gave each other a tight hug. Lucy left the place smiling. After a few long steps, she turned back and faced Lillian whose gaze is already fixed firmly on her.

"Take some rest, Lilly. You worked hard all night. Save your energy..." Lucy giggled and then ran away quickly to escape from any further punishments.

Lillian smiled as she waved at her girlfriend and then went back in. She then arranged her bed, did laundry, cleaned after breakfast, threw the garbage and finally took a soothing bath.

The time was now 10:20 AM.

"Ah... it's still too damn early and I'm not even sleepy..." Lillian sobbed.

"Oh... I can play video games... where did I leave them..." Lillian decided and went to her room in search of her old video game PlayStation.

The search took about half an hour and Lillian found out all of the parts available except for the game CDs.

"DAMN IT... where did it go?" Lillian kept searching until she realized.

"Shane... I left it there when we played last time." Lillian growled as she found that the CDs were all at Shane's place.

Immediately, she dialed the number. Seconds later, the person answered the call.

"Lillian what's up?"

"Shane Ricardo, I'm coming over to your place soon." Lillian blurted out.

Shane Ricardo's whole body froze the moment he heard Lillian say those words.