Surprise! Shane!

Lillian Grey is on her way to Shane Ricardo's house. The cab dropped her right at the front gate when Lillian stepped out and met the security guard.

"Hey, Bobby!" Lillian greeted the guard.

Bobby is aware of Lillian's identity and her relationship to his boss, Shane Ricardo. Plus, they were already acquainted with each other. Bobby greets back at Lillian and asks for her purpose of visit.

"I know Shane isn't here, but I'm just going to get back my game CDs. Don't worry, Shane gave me a spare key long back," Lillian replied as she rolled the spare key on her pinky.

"Oh, no problem, It's alright, but... did you say Mr. Ricardo is out. Because I don't think he is!" Bobby wondered why Lillian wasn't misinformed.

"what do you mean Bobby? Shane told me that he's out and that's why I can't come to visit him today!!!" Lillian felt suspicious.

'Did Shane just lie to her?' Lillian thought, but she didn't want to admit it. Until Bobby revealed that Shane Ricardo is definitely inside all day, and haven't left anywhere. Lillian felt betrayed and pissed off. She wanted to confront her best friend right away, but for that, she has to meet him.

Lillian then informed Bobby about meeting Shane in case if he's available and then left.

The path from the front gate to Shane's main house is quite far in the distance. Lillian parted ways with the security guard and stepped onto the sidewalks. The main entrance is far deep with both the sides filled with greenery as if the house appeared to hidden inside a forest. Lillian walked down on the narrowed path. Her mind wavered with lots of thoughts about the possibility of Shane lying to her. Soon, she came in line with the vision of the front door around the corner of her eyes. As much as it ticked off her, Lillian felt the need to take her revenge in case if Shane did lie to her.

After taking a few guesses, Lillian's mind landed on a mine.

'Shane is hiding his secret girlfriend.'

She remembered the time when Shane wanted to know about school admission and that when Lillian enquired, Shane just dodged the question skillfully. Lillian's suspicious grew more and more as she reaches to a conclusion.

'There is no way I'm letting him get away from me.' Lillian thought of an idea.

She planned to scare her friend and his possible guest, a secret girlfriend.

She jumped onto one of the sidewalks that leads to the backyard and jogged her way through it. She camouflaged hiding near the patio and tried to peek inside the house.

As suspected, Shane along with his female friend was standing near the living room.

Lillian's mind devised a plan to jump scare the people inside. Slowly, she squatted her knees and took slow steps keeping herself safe and hidden from getting caught. She reached the door and looked at the female standing next to Shane.

Lillian couldn't see her face as the woman standing her back facing Lillian. She wore a pink Blouson dress that came down to her knees. The pale white skin was slim and soft. It shines whenever it encountered the sunlight. The white pumps fitted her feet perfectly, giving her the height to reach Shane's chest. Their height difference made Lillian's heart flutter.

She squinted her eyes to look further at the woman. Her slim yet fit body, hair down that reaches below her shoulders. Lillian guessed the woman to have bangs.

Once again without her knowledge, she whistled, while gazing at Shane's secret girlfriend.

'Damn, Shane she's a hottie. You bastard. Wait, till I catch you guys all lovey-dovey.' Lillian's evil smiled came out without her knowledge.

She hissed at the scene and felt dejected as she wasn't able to take a look at Shane's secret hidden girlfriend's beautiful face.

Nevertheless, the female was more conservative and maintained her distance with Shane while conversing.

In Lillian's eyes, they didn't look like a couple nor did the woman look like the secret girlfriend.

'Maybe I could be wrong,' Lillian imagined.

Nevertheless, the jump scare plan is still on as she opened the door without a tiny bit of noise.

She tip-toed her way inside the house, and now she could hear their voices in distant. The sound of chattering made Lillian deport her plan. Quickly her mind thought what if Shane wanted private time with this woman? If so, then Lillian is spoiling the mood and might create a problem by executing her revenge.

Lillian struggled with her choices: to scare them or not?

Part of her says to continue and so with the brave heart, she moved at a slow pace towards the living room.

When she finally reached the doorway to the living room, Lillian could hear then very well now.

No more hiding or listening, with a deep breath, she released her squat position, jumped and shouted,

"Trying to get away from me uh, Shane?"

Both Shane and the woman got startled as they turned around to the sound.