"I Love YOU"

"I Love You"

Lillian stood in shock hearing the words targeting at her. She got petrified.

Early the day:

Diego waited outside the school. He wore thin clothes which is the wrong choice for today's cold weather.

"Diego!" he heard a voice calling him.

He turned around to see Anna running towards him. She panted hard from running.

"Did you wait long?" Anna asked.

"Nope. Just reached here." Diego replied.

He knew Anna would worry if he had said that he's been waiting for the past 15 minutes for his friends. Instead of making her worry over something silly, he preferred to lie. Anna's breathing became normal.

"Where's Lilly?" she asked.

"Not yet arrived."

Anna and Diego sighed. They knew Lillian never comes to school on time.

"Let's wait for few minutes, and if she doesn't come, then we'll go," Anna suggested.

They both waited beyond their proposed limit. It is already past 15 minutes, and Lillian Grey hasn't arrived.

"Let's go inside. That idiot doesn't change." Anna said.


"You traitors!!!" a loud voice reached Anna and Diego.

They both turned back to see that it was Lillian Grey. Raging in anger, Anna ran towards Lillian and started punching her arms.

"That is not hurting me, honey!" Lillian replied casually.

"You're late" Diego confronted directly.

"I slept off. Forgive me, partner." Lillian pleaded with her charming smile to Diego, and the boy let go of it immediately.

"Let's go, people. Teachers are waiting eagerly for us." Lillian said as she grabbed Anna and Diego with her hands and marched forward.

The trio: Lillian, Diego, and Anna have been buddies since middle school. They ended up changing high school together. They are friends forever and have each other's back through thick and thin.

Anna, the youngest among the trio by a few months is the quiet girl. On the other hand, Diego and Lillian are the troublemakers. The only difference between Diego and Lillian is, Diego reaches his limit, but Lillian doesn't. She doesn't care about the consequences and live her life freely.

It falls on Anna to take care of the both initially when later it became Anna and Diego. Lillian Grey is a free-spirited girl; living her best life with own moral values. She doesn't separate people or bullies them. If she sees something unfair in front of her, she gets involved in it to fight. Thus would often end up getting herself in troubles. Her free spirit is only tolerable by Anna and Diego. Because outside them, there's no one else who can handle Lillian's craziness.

"I'm positive that Mr. Seth is going to kill me in the future," Anna said while falling on her desk.

The morning session was packed with classes one after the other. The students have dragged down into the education black hole. Only when they heard the lunch bell, one of the class representatives informed their math teacher, Mr. Seth. He got mad at the class for being so keen about the lunch bell instead of focusing on Trigonometry.

Rather than finishing the class on a good note, he announced a sudden pop quiz test tomorrow. The students were relieved from his lecture rather than being feared for his test announcement. They could care less about it.

Lillian sat at the last row and in front of her was Anna. Diego sat next to Anna. They all got exhausted from the math lecture.

"No way, if he's going to kill someone, I'm pretty sure it will be me. Did you notice how many times, he had asked me for answers to the problems? Damn, shouldn't he realize by now that I'm dumb in math and why does he want to ask me and showcase to the class." Lillian mourned.

"Maybe he wants you to make more effort in math." Anna played.

"Maybe he should change his point of view. Math is my eternal enemy, and I accept my defeat." Lillian declared.

"Stop it. No more math, let's go for lunch. I'm starving." Diego groaned.

"You guys go ahead. I'm feeling a headache, and I needed a few minutes to relax." Lillian replied.

Anna and Diego left to the cafeteria. They promised Lillian to buy her lunch and informed her to come soon.

Almost everyone inside the classroom had gone for lunch except for Lillian and a few girls who stayed back. They were busy gossiping about the hot guys and discussing their love interests. Their voices didn't reach Lillian but, she knew those girls. She had seen them gossiping about others. Lillian had crowned them to be their high school's top gossipers.

She leaned down on her desk and closed her eyes to relax. Without her knowledge, she had fallen asleep.


"Lillian?" a voice called her.