'Lucky Girl'

After receiving a zero score, Mr. Seth ordered Lillian Grey to stay back after school for a one on one math session. Lillian tried her best to assure Mr. Seth that she would perform above his expectations. But, it didn't work on him. Instead, he ordered her to attend the class sincerely or else, it might reflect on her grades.

Hence, for the past two weeks, Lillian had one on one Math session with Mr. Seth after school. It ended successfully today with Mr. Seth warning her for the next class test. In case, if Lillian performs poorly again, she might have to attend the after-school classes forever till the end of her high school life.

Lillian felt trapped and horrified. She poured all of her concentration to the evening class and started learning Math sincerely.

When informed Edwin, he initially felt bad for not being able to help his daughter with her studies but, he too insisted Lillian take this after class session seriously to improve her grades.

Lillian couldn't fight anymore as she finally gave in.


The BBQ preparations are done as Diego move in alongside with Edwin. They both started placing the meat on the grill. Anna and Lillian kept chatting as the guys took over the cooking.

"So, it's over right?"

"No more after-school classes," Anna asked.

Lillian frowned.

"Don't tell me you're going to miss Mr. Seth's session?" Anna exclaimed.

"What?" Lillian frightened.

"No way I'm going to feel that," Lillian replied.

"Then?" Anna asked noticing the worried look on Lillian's face.

"Next class test, I need to score above his expectation, else I'm attending his after-school classes till the last day of my high school," Lillian cried.

Her voice trembled in fear.

Anna gasped in fear as well; she felt sorry for her friend.

"I'm going to train your lazy ass; you better start preparing from now onwards. Forever, after-school classes, I'm not letting you take one another time." Anna declared.

Lillian and Anna had their famous fist bump handshake routine. It is during then, Lillian requested Anna to keep this a secret from the guys. Anna agreed.

Lillian didn't want the guys to be concerned. She promised Anna to study well and prove it to her teacher.

As they kept devising a plan to study together, the guys alarmed them to come over. The BBQ is getting ready; hot and fresh right from the grill.

Lillian nodded as she informed the party to storm back to the kitchen to bring in the sauce bottles and a few extra plates to place the cooked meat as they were running out it.

All three sat down for the BBQ while Edwin stayed near the grill to make sure the meat doesn't get overcooked. Anna started digging in as soon as she saw the kebab. Lillian came out with a variety of sauce bottle including the honey mustard, sweet chili, mint mayo, BBQ sauce, and chimichurri sauce. Edwin's love for cooking has kept him prepared for any kinds of ingredients required at any given time.

Lillian joined the party as they all started enjoying the grilled meat.

Lillian also brought bread to make her sandwich with the cooked meat and veggies. In the middle of their BBQ party, Anna spoke grabbing everyone's attention,

"Oh my god, Edwin, these kebabs taste so bomb, I love it." Anna moaned while chewing her food.

Edwin looked at the girl and snickered.

"Anna, dear, those were made by your friend Diego," Edwin responded.

Anna and Lillian snorted at the same moment staring at Diego who got frightened by their gaze.

"What?" Diego charged stiffly.

"Did you make these?" Anna asked him, arching her brows in surprise.

Diego nodded.

"Your wife will be the luckiest girl ever, Diego" Anna mentioned.

Diego smirked, face down, glancing the food on his plate. He lifted his head to face his friends.

"Yeah, I'm learning it for her," Diego replied half-jokingly and half-seriously.

It didn't matter when he spoke those words but, the after embarrassment took a toll on him as he stood up, went to Edwin, and requested him to change places. Edwin giggled at the boy who's desperate to escape the forthcoming tease.

As they both shifted places, Anna still kept moaning from her kebab. Lillian stole one of the kebabs from Anna's plate while she had her eyes closed, lost in the taste of meat, Lillian ate it.

Her eyes widened from the taste that she had to bring her hands to cover her mouth. With great admiration and jealousy, Lillian said,

"Indeed, she's going to be the Lucky girl, Diego. I agree that these taste delicious." Lillian appreciated with a thumbs up sign.

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, Lilly" Diego replied, still having a flustered look on his face.

Anna who returned to face her plate hissed when she found that a few of her kebabs went missing. She knew the culprit as her vision landed on Lillian.


"You only get to enjoy his food."

"Not today, I deserve his food more than anyone of you."

Lillian remarked gaining looks from everyone including Diego himself.

For a moment, Lillian froze at her words but, she recovered quickly with an explanation.

"It has been two tough weeks for me. I deserved that kebab." Lillian told.

They all went back to their jobs after hearing Lillian's explanation. She did have a tough time for the last two weeks.

Diego finished grilling the remaining meat and joined the rest. They served each other and ate together.

BBQ party completed successfully.