The Childhood Dream - part 2(final)

Lillian returned home after dropping the little kid. Edwin looked worried and got relieved as soon as he saw little Lillian coming back. He went in to ask if she had trouble delivering the book or coming back home. Lillian denied explaining about the little kid who got lost and that she had helped him reach his home.

Edwin appreciated his daughter and they had an early dinner together. Anna requested her parents to sleepover at Lillian's place.

With being good neighbors, Anna parents' didn't mind their daughter staying over at Lillian's. The girls enjoyed the sleepover nights and played late at night that Edwin had to literally, step in, to stop them from playing late. They feared Edwin and knew that Lillian's father would not like, if, they don't obey him. Usually, Edwin is cool with kids playing around but also maintains the sleep curfew. Even Anna's parents had a hard time controlling the kids if they both sleepover at Anna's place. Anna's parents would eventually call Edwin to come and control them.


"Now, if I hear any noise one more time, Anna-"

Edwin looked at the kids who were up until now playing with the slimes.

"Anna, dear, I will send you back. So, no more slime games and go to sleep. You both have school tomorrow. Give me that slime; I'm confiscating it, right now. You'll get your slimes back tomorrow."

Edwin declared, seized their slimes and left the room.

The girls felt sad for a while and then eventually slept off from all the tired.

Edwin came later at night to check on the girls; they slept soundly. Edwin smiled looking at the precious little girls. His emotions took over as he felt grateful to see his beloved daughter this happy with good friends and caring people surrounding his small family.


Ever since Lillian's mother died, Lillian never showed her sadness but only cheered and been a happy kid. Edwin knew that the kid acted mature for her age without giving her father any trouble. Edwin realized it in a hard way during one such incident from the past:

A few weeks after Lillian's mother died, Edwin had fallen into depression and lived carelessly. Lillian didn't bother her father and stayed on alert to make sure that her father didn't feel depressed. It was during one of those days; Edwin would skip eating and starved. As a kid, Lillian tried to make her father eat but, Edwin felt irritated from the kid's action and didn't see the kindness behind it. He pushed little Lillian away making her fly across the floor and hit her head hard against the wall.

Even as hurt badly, Lillian didn't cry. She went back to her room quietly. Edwin realized his mistake feeling remorseful for his actions.

Without anything prepared he starved himself, but he forgot that his daughter had a tough time living and never ate properly for a kid at that age. He looked at his wife's picture on the nightstand and cried that night for a long time.

Later, he went to check on Lillian and found her resting. She got hurt on her forehead, and it became swollen a little.

Edwin cursed himself for his actions. He cared for her wounds with a first aid kit. He then kissed her goodnight by promising that he would never behave such a way and would now on live for the sake of his daughter and pledged to take care of her.

Edwin went back to his room and slept peacefully for a long time. He had a dream about his wife that night. All those weeks of depression vanished into the air after that night. Edwin woke up early the next day and prepared breakfast, Lillian's favorites:

'Grilled cheese sandwich, scrambled eggs, hash browns, baked beans, and blueberry muffins.'

Lillian woke up from her sleep. She noticed her treated wound and knew it right away that it was her father. She smiled in joy and ran to see her father. He wasn't in his room. Suddenly, Lillian smelled the delicious aroma coming downstairs. It was a blueberry muffin, Lillian's favorites.

Without her knowledge, Lillian floated in the air and walked downstairs to find her father busy in the kitchen. Lillian didn't know what happened. She felt tears flowing down on her cheeks. Seeing her father back to normal, Lillian cried out loud. Edwin got startled from the sound. When he ran to find out who it is, it was Lillian.

He leans down to give her a tight hug. Edwin comforted his child who's now crying like a baby.

"there, there" Edwin caressed the kid's head.

"I'm sorry, dear. Will you forgive me?" Edwin pleaded.

Lillian's crying faded slowly to whimpering. She nodded her head. The little kid placed a gentle kiss on Edwin's cheeks. Edwin melted, feeling grateful that he isn't alone and that his wife had given a beautiful gift he could have ever asked. The father and the child shared a long hug realizing that they will have each other's back no matter what happens from now on.

"Now, go, brush and come. I prepared your favorite breakfast." Edwin said with teary eyes from the emotional reunion.

"I know. I can smell it." Lillian replied and then ran away to brush.

They have come a long way with helping, caring, and loving each other. Edwin looked at Anna and gently caressed the girl's hair.

"Thank you for being with us, Anna," Edwin whispered and covered the kids with the blanket which got messed up in between them. He then left the room, leaving the kids to sleep peacefully.


Next day, Anna woke up early and noticed that Lillian still asleep, snoring a little. She looked exhausted. Anna hissed, trying to wake her up. Lillian moaned in her sleep.

"Lilly, wake up," Anna whispered lightly.

Lillian groaned. She flipped over to the other end, continued sleeping.

Anna spanked her so hard that Lillian got startled in her sleep. She bounced up, seeing Anna next to her. The criminal who did this unforgivable crime of waking her up. Lillian glared at her friend.

Anna returned it.

"You said, let's bring it down!"

"You were planning to sleep the whole weekend right?"

"Get out of bed, right now. Let's hang out. It's Saturday."

Anna spoke while arranging her side of the bed.

Lillian opened her eyes to see that the dream had gone and is now facing reality – spending the weekend with Anna.

The dream she had of them playing together as children and encounter with the little kid. Lillian remembered that she never asked for the kid's name or saw that kid ever again. She giggled from the flashback.

"Stop laughing the first thing in the morning and go get ready. I'll make breakfast." Anna ordered.

Lillian stood up and gave a tight hug to Anna, kissing her on the cheek.

"Ew, the morning breath. I'm going to kill you, Lilly." Anna yelled.

Lillian ran away to the bathroom.

"What about your side of the bed?" Anna shouted.

"You do it," Lillian replied. Her voice reached across the room.

Anna got pissed off but, she remembered Lillian's behavior. A sudden hug and a kiss. Anna could only chuckle that her friend must have had a pleasant dream.

Anna arranged the bed neatly and then went downstairs to prepare breakfast.