
Monday morning arrived.

All of the students gathered into their classrooms and were seated.

The first period is Biology. Mrs. Janet taught the students about Pathology and the importance of viruses. Most of the students listened except for a few who thought that learning about diseases meant too much at early morning on a Monday.

The period ended with Mrs. Janet giving an assignment on a specific topic for the students to write an essay and submit it before the end of the week.

The students droned from the homework assignment. It is only Monday and has already become stressful for everyone as they all started chattering around; figuring out a way to finish their homework.

The second period is Geometry. Mr. Seth, without a doubt, started teaching his students passionately. Anna warned Lillian to focus on Mr. Seth's class. In that way, Lillian can earn his trust back which might be helpful in the future, considering her position.

As advised, Lillian focused on the lecture. Geometry was fun for her as she enjoyed solving the problems and listening became a piece of cake. It is then that Lillian understood that she's only bad in a very few parts of Math and not the entire subject. It gave her confidence.


"Wow, I can't believe that I full-fledged listened to his class," Lillian leaned over whispering to her friends sitting in front of her.

"I know, it's a miracle. Maybe it's going to rain today." Diego chuckled.

"Shush, keep it down. Until you clear the test, you shouldn't talk about Mr. Seth casually. What if there's a spy who's right now listening to our conversation and reported back to him. I don't want to spend the rest of my school life by attending special classes after school." Anna reminded her buddies.

"Well, if I'm going down, I'm going to drag you both with me. Don't think that you'll escape." Lillian stated.

Anna and Diego turned around to face the evil Lillian scheming behind their backs. They responded in a chorus to Lillian's blackmail.

"Mr. Seth knows about us individually. Honey, it is you that's in trouble, not us."

Lillian Grey silently cussed at her friends. Just as they were chatting, one of the staff members arrived to inform the student to visit the library since their Literature teacher is on sick leave.

Every one rejoiced from the announcement. Biology and Math had been tough on the student on a Monday morning. This piece of information made everyone happy. Soon, groups gathered, and they all went to the library.

In a few minutes, all had gone except for five people who remained inside the classroom.

Bridgette, Carmel, Ivy, Sara, and Giselle.

The girls teemed around Giselle as if they were expecting something from her. They did.

"Did you finish our homework?" Carmel asked.

Giselle looked flushed. She avoided their cunning gazes.

"Answer us, idiot." Ivy exploded in her loud voice. It startled Giselle as she reeled back in her seat.

"I- I did, but-" Giselle paused, stammering every word while speaking.

The girls became irritated.

"What is it? Don't tell me that you forgot to bring our notes. If so, you will regret it." Bridgette threatened.

"Come on, girls, let's hear her out. She won't play with-, I meant, she can't play with us when we know her little secret." Sara showed off her sly smile.

Giselle began quivering.

"Answer us" Ivy banged on Giselle's desk. She then threw her bag out on the floor to check if she had indeed forgotten to bring their notes.

All of Giselle's things got scattered on the floor. Giselle stood up to collect them only to be arrested by Bridgette. The blond without any mercy dragged her hair making Giselle whimper in pain.

"What is it? Can't you speak or is it only that you're deaf?" Bridgette spoke harshly.

Giselle's face wrapped in agony, feeling helpless.

It is then that Giselle revealed that she couldn't complete one of their assignments. Unfortunately, it was Bridgette's and the blond girl went furious upon learning.

She shoved Giselle down on the floor and kicked her.

"Bridgette, calm down. What if she gets injured?" Carmel interfered.

"I don't care if this bitch dies or not. It's a shame to even look at this piece of shit." Bridgette went on with kicking until Ivy forcefully pulled her away.

"Now, Now, calm down Bri. It isn't like our little Giselle wouldn't help you right?" Ivy spoke cunningly approaching the beaten up girl.

She grabbed Giselle's head and waited for a response.

Giselle nodded realizing the inevitable situation she's in right now.


"You should learn to control your temper, or it might destroy you one day, Bridgette. Since it is a free period, Giselle, here, would gladly finish your assignment before Ms. Sandra arrives." Ivy playfully remarked.

Sandra is their History teacher, and the assignment they needed to complete, was given by their history teacher, last week. Despite helping the girls with their shopping, Giselle was ordered to finish the homework in their place. However, the workload made Giselle wore out as she failed to complete one of them, and it happened to be Bridgette's.

As soon as Ivy intruded to solve the problem, the girls rushed to the library leaving Giselle a mess on the floor.

The poor girl stood up gathering her things and took out Brigette's assignment along with hers. There wasn't any bleeding but, Giselle felt the pain from all that blows. She hissed quietly inside the empty classroom before leaving.
