A desperate request

The classes went usual with students listening to the lectures. Even the teachers noticed the unusual calmness strolling inside the classroom and felt creepy as if something might pop out in between. However, classes went undisturbed.

The morning break arrived, and the students seen dispersed. Giselle used this time to rest as she lay on her desk and shut her eyes for a few seconds.

"Giselle?" a voice called her.


"Oie, Bridgette."


Ivy buzzed at the menacing Bridgette. Sara even tried to stop Ivy from messing with the blondie but, Ivy continued.

Ivy and Bridgette's friendship is something no one can decipher. They both are close and have each other backs. They even take revenge for the sake in the name of brotherhood. No one dares to mess with either one of them. The entire school is aware of the gossip girls and their cunning ways to discursively slaughter anyone that catches their eyes. There have been a few cases of victims who were destroyed by those girls. Bridgette mostly leads the pack while Ivy serves all her needs. Whereas, Carmel only interferes when requested and Sara goes along with everyone.

The lonely fox finally responded to her impending friend who kept bothering her continuously for a reaction.

"What is it, Ivy?" Bridgette roared.

"Talk to me, girl. You may don't want others to disturb you but don't impose that rule upon me. I'm here for you, brother." Ivy consoled.

Bridgette's ominous aura faded gradually from listening to her friend.

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Someone came dressed up today."

Ivy said indirectly pointing out Giselle's appearance.

"I know. What is it? Her Marriage?" Bridgette mocked.

"I don't know. But, man that girl has some guts. She went against us and now, look at her." Ivy replied.

They both noticed Giselle taking rest.

"Well, let her catch a breathe while she can." Bridgette sneered.

Ivy knew the look and guessed that her dear friends might have planned something special for their victim, Giselle.

Ivy punched her friend hard. Bridgette whined from the sudden hit, she glared.

"You promised me, remember. I'll help you with anything only if you trust it with me." Ivy said.

"Remember, Bri. We are only tough and unbeatable collectively. Anyone of us goes solo that will mark our end. At least for you and me." Ivy warned.

Bridgette shot a glare.


"That's the truth. You and I have done a lot worse. Who knows how many enemies we made?" Ivy stated.

"I know, Ivy."

"I know."

"Don't you worry about anything."

Bridgette asserted.

Hearing those words relieved Ivy. She returned to her seat.


When Giselle woke up to a voice calling and see who it is, she saw her classmate Jamie.

"J- Ja- Jamie!" Giselle gasped.

Jamie, Giselle's classmate, who sits in the front row and listens attentively began speaking requesting for a favor.

Jamie is the school music band's Bassist. Also, discreetly known as the black beauty of the high school. Her appearance on stage has gained her a lot of fans from peers.

Her parents are working musicians for a reputed recoding label and act with a lot of famous artists. Jamie's parents are often on tour.

Jamie started playing guitar at the age of 6 and later found an interest in Bass guitars. With the help of her parents, she went on learning from the best to master and become a Bassist.

Someone, so celebrated around the school to approach the resting Giselle, it didn't make sense at first.

Giselle looked up to face the black goddess. Giselle went blind from the closeness.

"Oops, Sorry to startle you," Jamie smiled.

"That's- alright," Giselle replied.

"What is it, Jamie? How can I help you?" she asked.

"Giselle, I know you're good with decorations. We have this meeting with a talent agent who recruits singers. He's coming over to meet our school's music band tomorrow." Jamie told.

"And?" Giselle couldn't figure out what Jamie is requesting.

"Can you help me with the decorations?"

"The meeting's going to take place in our Music room. We've cleaned it already. If you could help me with the decorations, it would be great."

"I was in charge to do it, and I tried a bunch of ideas but, none of them worked. Can you help me?"

Jamie's plead satisfied Giselle as she agreed to help her.

"Alright then, can we meet in the music room during lunch?"

"I want to show you some of the previously done decorations to you."

"You know to get an idea of what might work."

Jamie requested, and Giselle agreed.

Jamie thanked Giselle. It appeared that Jamie was desperate for help and when she received it, it made the girl happy. She modeled her way back to her seat. The classes resumed after the break.