A caged bird

It is only Mike and Giselle now alone in the room. Bridgette left the place and is probably guarding outside.

Mike remained silent, and his eyes had never left Giselle's.

It frightened her. She's alone with the man who tried to exploit her the previous day. Worries led to anxiety, and Giselle started panicking. She has to get out, or something terrible might happen.

'Think Giselle.' - She thought.

Mike stayed nearby the door. He didn't move a muscle but, as mentioned his gaze, never left Giselle. His piercing eyes could break Giselle's cautious shield easily. It looked as if he is waiting for Giselle to make progress.

For a few seconds, both didn't move and waited for each other to initiate.

Giselle ran out of patience.

She didn't want to provoke the guy into doing something, Giselle panicked. Her brain wrecked over the thought of convincing Mike to let her escape this place without any trouble. It took a while, but Giselle finally made a move.

"You shouldn't listen to her, Mike," Giselle said.

No response.

"Mike?" Giselle begged.

"Why different tone?" Mike spoke.

Giselle got confused.

"You had a discontent look on your face and that rude tone of yours from yesterday, where is it?" Mike reacted.

Giselle's hit with guilt. She knew that she had behaved roughly with Mike, but, the poor girl never thought it would come back hunting her again.

"Mike, I-" she stammered.

"Mike, listen to me. Whatever, Bridgette said you should not believe in it. I already gave you my answer."

"She is excellent at manipulating people into her evil schemes."

Giselle tried all sorts of reasoning with Mike in letting him know Bridgette's true nature, but, the guy didn't even buzz.

"Mike, you have to believe me and let me go," Giselle cried.

"And why should I do that?" Mike asked.

"Because you're not the Mike I met in the past. You're-"

"You're corrupted by that girl. And whatever I may say will not please you. Please, Mike, we can talk later. Let me go. Don't do what she desires."


"We can't talk later," Mike responded sternly.

Giselle lost her wit and now decided to force her way out. What she saw in front of her was the resultant of Bridgette's rage.

She walked towards the door but only got stopped by Mike. His large frame dominated Giselle. She looked like a caged bird.

"Let me out, Mike," Giselle grunted.

Her voice displayed rudeness. She didn't care no more for the guy. Previously, she had to hold back to leave the place but, not anymore. Not when the guy won't even budge for a second to Giselle's words. Mike found Giselle's nerve to be disturbing.

"I didn't know you're that feisty," Mike said and cupped Giselle's face with both of his hands.

"Don't touch me," Giselle pushed him away and retreated to maintain a distance between Mike and herself.

"Whatever you're trying to do is completely wrong. Let me out before you regret it, Mike."

However, Giselle's continuous efforts miserably failed when Mike took a step towards her.

Giselle feared. Her heartbeat raced over the terror of the approaching male who might abuse her inside this room.

"Honestly, I didn't believe that you would come. A part of me expected you, but mostly I thought, Giselle, would never fall for such lousy tricks." Mike spoke.

"Trick?" Giselle asked in despair.

"Bridgette asked Jamie to lure you here so that I can make you mine. It's alright, Giselle. It's okay, and I get it that you don't like me. But the fact you call my true feelings as disgusting, it hit me hard, you know."

Giselle kept moving backward while Mike approached her.


Giselle's voice cracked. She started begging.

"Mike, I apologize for saying those words. Still, you should know that I was mad at that moment and you had kept following me around. What can I do, say? Maybe I shouldn't have called your feeling as disgusting but, trust me, I didn't mean it."

Giselle's hardcore begging made Mike pause. She felt relieved.

However, the words he spits next startled, Giselle.

"You think I give a shit about all that."

"It's alright if you don't accept my love, but that doesn't mean that I can't have you right? I'll have my way with you right here and now. No one can disturb us, Giselle."

"You know what this might help me to throw away my feeling for you. Just help me, alright?"

Mike's words killed Giselle as she had her heart ached from those words. Mike has completely lost her sense and appeared to be wild. His mind didn't think of the situation they're in right now. Giselle saw Mike's change with her own eyes. It frightened her. She never knew that the girl would go as far to manipulate a guy into changing his emotions and play with it.

Mike looked exactly like that; like a puppet controlled by its master.

He resumed his pace and now increased his speed. He almost neared Giselle and towered over her figure. Giselle jolted to the ground.

"Guess what?" Mike leaned towards her.

"And, nobody knows it. None, not even Bridgette knows it," Mike said.

Giselle panicked and looked perplexed.

Mike scanned the girl from top to bottom, admiring her beauty to his heart's content.

"The reason why look this beautiful today?"

"I know it."

Mike smirked.

Giselle started quivering.

"Let this be my gift to you, Giselle. Many more happy returns of the day." Mike announced.

Giselle froze up.

"How did you-"

"How did I know that it's your birthday today?" Mike completed it for her.

Mike towered over Giselle and grazed his hands over her arm. Giselle flinched at his action. Mike smirked and separated. He walked away from a little to face her.

"It was the first time that I saw you in school. I fell in love instantly and followed you back home to see that you had a small party with your family. They all gave you presents and stuff."

Mike paused. His memories scrolled back into the situation.

"I still remember, you wore a beautiful floral crop top with a skirt. That's when I saw you first and thought how beautiful you looked. I was happy to know that it was your birthday. I had never felt this happier from just looking at a girl, you know."

"You made me feel happy and loved. I know for the fact that you have no idea what I'm talking about but, it's true. You're the first girl I have ever laid my eyes on, Giselle."

Mike confessed, yet again.

"But look at us right now Broken and betrayed. I expected you might return my feelings, but it ended poorly to my surprise. Well, past is in the past."

Mike said while nearing Giselle.

"You were blaming Bridgette, but it was she who encouraged me to confess my feelings for you. She kept nagging me about it. If not for her, I would have been this dumb kid with an unrequited love right!"

"I thought that my feelings would vanish, but it did not. I want you, Giselle. You're the first chick I loved. You have no idea what you're doing to me, Giselle. I'm going crazy for you."

Mike struggled with his emotions. He did appear to have gone crazy.

It took a while for him to settle down, and get serious.

"Alright, I'll ask you one last time."

"You have a chance to leave this place in flesh and bones, as a virgin!"

Giselle feared for her life from listening to the guy's offer.

"One last chance and I'll forget everything. I won't hold any grudge against you for calling my love, disgusting. Just answer this question one last time."

"Do you accept my feelings and be my girlfriend?" Mike asked.

"Take your time in replying. We won't be disturbed even till the rest of the day."

His tone is deadly serious and stubborn.

Giselle battled herself to deny his feelings without making him mad. For a second, she wanted to say 'yes' only to get out of this situation. But, Giselle cannot encourage Mike anymore. Bracing herself hard, she rejected Mike once again.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I can't accept your feelings. I'll apologize over a million times. I can't- I, just can't."

Watching Giselle in tears, Mike darkened. His face sulked from her response.


"Why?" he repeated.

"I can't, Mike. Please understand me," Giselle pleaded.

Mike's dark orbs stared at the crying girl, and he noticed the pain she's been enduring.

"Are you in love with someone else?" Mike asked.

His eyes widened when he saw Giselle winced at those words. He confirmed it.

'She's in love with someone else.'

Mike didn't let it go. He felt broken, betrayed, and infuriated.

Wrath took over his entire system. He was not able to digest the fact that the girl he loved is in love with someone else.

"Who is it?" Mike roared.

Giselle squinted so hard to protect herself, but Mike harshly grabbed her. She didn't weight too much as Mike could lift her entire body with his single hand. The poor girl struggled with his brute force, her legs suspending in the air.

Giselle tried to avoid his gaze, but Mike kept following her orbs. The girl kept dodging until Mike forcefully halted it with his other hand.

Giselle, being elevated to Mike's height with his one hand caging her chin to stop moving, she felt helpless.

"Who is it?" Mike asked her again.

Giselle didn't respond.

How can she reply to such a question?

She, herself got rejected by Lillian Grey. She is in no position to inform Mike about her love for Lillian Grey.

"So, you're not going to speak, I guess," Mike announced.

"I will make you mine even it is by force. You dare to insult me then you should be prepared to face the consequences, Giselle. I will make you mine before any guy gets his chance."

Mike threatened her with his sneering eyes which scared the shit out of Giselle.