The Suffering

Lillian Grey froze from the haunting visual, present in front of her. Her eyes wandered all over Giselle's body, scanning all of the details.

She finds Giselle in complete mayhem.

Her dress ripped from shoulders exposing her, rumpled hair, wrinkled dress, wounds at multiple places visibly seen, and her face; the parched skin which indicated the tears. Her eyes swollen from sobbing, her gaze stood arrested from the moment she saw Lillian.

The girl was seen sitting on the toilet seat with her hands tightly encircled around her arms to cover up the exposed skin.


"What the hell happened to you?" Lillian grumbles in hysteria.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Lillian rephrases her question, still in trauma.

Her mind is not able to process the information she's staring right now. It is too much to handle as the girl sitting in front of her seemed smashed and destroyed.

Images from the morning replayed inside her head as Lillian admired the beautiful Giselle, especially today. The girl who appeared to be an Angel is now holding a depressed look on her face.

'Something has happened to her?' – Lillian studies.

Quickly, she moves around to find paper towels and tissues to help clean Giselle. She returned to the girl who still hasn't moved from their encounter.

Without speaking, Lillian enters the cubicle and starts by removing the torn pieces apart. She then wiped Giselle's face with the paper towels. Even then, Giselle didn't move, her eyes, hardened upon Lillian's doing.

When Lillian finished cleaning her face and adjusting her hair back to normal, she moved to the injuries. Bruise marks left on her throat, wrists, and on her knees.

Lillian worried for the hidden injuries sheltering under her dress. Gently, she grabbed her hand and traced her fingers to the wounded wrist. When it came in touch, Giselle winced, bringing her back to reality.

She looked down to notice Lillian Grey holding her hands. Immediately she tries to remove it, but it didn't work, as Lillian firmly held her hand carefully avoiding the injured area.

Giselle couldn't try anymore and gave in to her grip. Lillian's eyes didn't react except that it felt relieved once she could see Giselle not fighting anymore. She continued cleaning the injured area carefully. Giselle didn't say a word and, remained silently allowing the girl to help her.

Lillian's gaze was centered on the girl's injuries as she focused on cleaning them. Her legs were bleeding from the heels she wore. Hence, Lillian wiped off the blood with wet paper towels and wrapped the area with tissues for now. She planned on taking Giselle to the school nurse herself.

Just as she kept wiping, Lillian heard silent whimper coming from Giselle. She didn't want to look at the girl because she knew it would hurt both. But, very soon, Lillian noticed the teardrops dropping on the floor.

Lillian clenched her fist in rage.


"I'm not a pervert."

Giselle uttered.

"I don't see girls for my pleasure."

She stammered at every word.

"I'm not disgusting, Lillian."

Giselle choked on her words.

Lillian's eyes darken in anguish with every word she heard. There was a moment of silence at the moment before Giselle spoke again.

"I'm sorry that I talked to you on that day, Lillian."

When Lillian heard these words come out from Giselle, it made her furious for no reason. She glanced up to face the girl and saw her face, being flooded in her tears. She cried in silence without letting her voice out.

Giselle's vision was down, but when she felt that Lillian's gazes on her, she couldn't help but lift her head to meet the girl.

"I'm sorry, Lillian."

Giselle kept regretting while Lillian observed her intently. Giselle's eyes went from 'being in pain' to 'regretting her existence.'

Her piercing orbs still reflected the suffering she's facing mentally.

It is then Lillian acted without weighing much as she opened her arms wide to embrace Giselle, leaving her in shock. Hands wrapped around shoulders pulling Giselle into a tight hug and comforting her.

The warmth radiating from Lillian Grey made Giselle feel protected. Slowly, Giselle responds to the hug. She wrapped her arms around Lillian, returning the hug. It felt reassuring. When sensed that Giselle had returned her embrace, Lillian couldn't contain her little satisfaction. However, it isn't time to rejoice, but make Giselle feel supported in her arms.

The two now engulfed in each other's affection, remained in the same position. The words that poor Giselle had kept repeating disturbed Lillian Grey as she felt the need to correct it.


"Did I say anything to you?"

Lillian spoke.

"Did I ask you about anything?"

"Don't you dare apologize to me about admitting your feelings!"

"Got it?"

Lillian removed her squeeze to receive a response.

Giselle silently contemplated still agonizing.

Lillian noticed, she then brushed her cheeks and wiped her tears.

"Do you remember that day?"

Lillian asked.

"I told you that it doesn't bother me if it's you, a girl who confessed to me, right?"

"So, don't regret telling me your true feelings. Because even if I rejected you, I still care about your damn confession."

"If I ever felt disgusted by you, I would have stricken you on that day. I wouldn't have grown crazy from your sudden appearance in my life, and I would not have gotten into troubles for peeping at you often during class."

Giselle's eyes changed to confusion.

"Yes, I couldn't ignore the fact that I did get pretty shaken by your presence. I didn't know what to do, and so, I would often stare at you during class."

"Plus, you were hilarious to look at, you know?"

"I've seen you dozing off during lectures and held various expressions on your face."

Lillian continued talking about Giselle trying to encourage her and make her forget the whole dreadful incident.

Giselle responded a little by sharing a smile.

It rejoiced Lillian Grey as her efforts paid off well. Once all got settled, and Giselle looked a little more decent than her previous wreck, Lillian popped out the question making the poor girl roll back into sorrow.

"What happened, Giselle?" Lillian asked.

Giselle's smile faded and only held an expressionless face. Soon, those empty eyes started filling up with her tears. Her tears never stopped and kept flowing so much that Giselle couldn't control it anymore.

Lillian discerned her swelling up tears.


"No, never. Don't you dare cry again?"

"I don't want to see your beautiful face get demolished by those tears. I don't know what you'll do, but make it stop."

Lillian cracked, trying to make her feel at ease.

But, on the inside, she felt incensed. Lillian's anger rose above other sensations. She wanted to know the person behind this entire situation.

She cannot let Giselle feel her wrath as she knew it might break the poor girl by making her fall into anxiety. For now, Lillian needed the information to fight against those scoundrels who played with Giselle's life.

She waited for Giselle to respond. Giselle wiped off her tears before it starts pouring down again. It took her a few seconds to get settled, while Lillian remained quietly.

Then, Giselle looked over at Lillian. She saw Lillian's eyes gleaming in curiosity to know about it. Giselle considered within herself whether to reveal about all or not!

Seeing Giselle hesitate, Lillian gently grasped her hands and appealed.

"Giselle, tell me everything. Don't hide it from me, please."

Her earnest words gave an impression as Giselle felt the necessity the share it with Lillian Grey. Plus the entire incident involves her too, indirectly. Giselle decided to speak the truth.