She loves tesing her

Giselle and Lillian Grey returned from their late evening walk.

"Stop smiling," Giselle snapped as she noticed the unstoppable grin on Lillian's face. Lillian couldn't stop laughing ever since they returned to the building.

"Lillian Grey"

"This is not fair, you asked me, and so, I shared," Anna grunted.

"I know, Giselle. But, I can't stop thinking about it," Lillian burst out in laughter.

Giselle couldn't stop reddening from Lillian's tease.

It was Lillian, who wished to apprehend the reason, Giselle fell in love with her. As per her choice, Giselle shared. Apart from that, they also chatted other things related to it. However, Lillian couldn't stop beaming, since then she can't help it either. Whatever she says, either it connects to Giselle's love, or it ends up indirectly referenced to it.

Lillian Grey enjoyed teasing Giselle and noticed how red Giselle turned every time she brought up the topic. The conversation did bring the two closer. Now, Lillian Grey knew the reason behind Giselle's confession. Plus, she learned more about Giselle's little love. So, she kept up with the teasing while returning from their walk.

Unable to control her blush, Giselle sought out to violence. She continuously hit Lillian Grey until she's done, with her little game.

"Alright, I'll stop it. Don't beat me," Lillian controlled her laughter while facing the other way.

By the time, they reached dinner service started, and the kids went in as groups to have their meals.

Lillian happily followed Giselle to her room and found Anna to be napping soundly.

Instead of waking her up, Lillian went straight and dropped on top of Anna, alarming the girl to her core. Anna woke up to an immense weight above her; she felt as if someone is trying to kill her. When her glue shut eyes opened slightly and saw Lillian Grey, it turned into a scowl. Anna screamed from the action and immediately pushed Lillian aside.

The prankster went rolling and crashed the floor. Both sides suffered pain; Anna's was on the frightening level though, she couldn't wake up and sit correctly after getting hammered by Lillian. It took her several minutes to stretch her body entirely and regain the natural posture.

The minute she returned self, Anna went straight and smacked Lillian for her abrupt action. Lillian cried for help from Giselle, but she acted as if she wasn't present at the scene.

Giselle fled the place quickly, giving Anna the space to smack Lillian's ass freely.

Soon, the girls reunited with Diego for dinner. Diego appeared to be in the heat after playing games and having fun.

"My, my- what happened to you?"

"You look like you're coming from a sauna, Diego," Anna stated as they gathered around the table to eat.

"I played basketball with Josh and others," Diego informed.

"Basketball!" all three roared in chorus.

Diego was lucky, his roommate Josh Ryder and his friends, included him and they all found a nearby space next to the accommodation. They didn't have a proper setup to play basketball, so everyone changed the rules slightly to have fun.

Diego never thought that Josh's friends would include him. Honestly, Josh and his friends requested a few others who are willing to play.

And so, the new team sprouted as they took the opportunity to play the ball game and have fun together.

"Oh my god, I don't understand guys," Anna brushed her temple in exhaustion.

"That's awesome," Lillian high-fived Diego.

"Can you even do that in this kind of place?" Giselle wondered.

Diego calmly answered his friend's questions while eating. The girls were impressed from listening to his story; they all possessed an astonishment look on their faces.

"So, what were you doing?" Diego questioned the girls on their activity.

"Anna chose to sleep so, Giselle and I went for a walk," Lillian reported.

"Walking? Where?" Diego continued to ask details about the place they visited. Anna appeared at peace after a short nap. Though she didn't talk much, her energy seems to be back to normal.

"Was it even fun?" Anna was curious to know if they had fun.


"Extremely entertaining!"

"Especially, with Giselle, we bonded closer, "Lillian winked playfully.

"What happened?" Diego showed interest.

"You know, Giselle was telling me why she-"

Before Lillian could continue, she felt a menacing aura from her side.

"Lillian Grey" Giselle shrieked.


"We're not supposed to tell them?" Lillian turned from being playful to a lost puppy. She gazed at Giselle with a pleading look on her face.

Lillian was joking, and of course, the talk they had previously will never get leaked by Giselle and Lillian, herself. She only did it to check Giselle's reaction and got what she had expected.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" Anna noticed the secrecy between the two and tried to bring them back to reality. It seemed that they both deeply immersed in their little conversation.

Hearing Anna's voice captured their attention.

"So, you two are now like best friends? Diego posed the question.

"Huh, maybe. We are not BFF but, we're something- right, Giselle?" Lillian turned to face Giselle for approval.

Instead, she only smacked her gently.

Anna and Diego can discern how abnormally Giselle glows and how much Lillian is using it as an opening to tease her. Lillian Grey appears to be relishing this very much.

Dinner ended smoothly as the night approached.

Seth ordered the kids to go to their respective rooms and never leave them unnecessarily.

All returned to their rooms, and lights were out.

Exhausted from the first-day adventure, the kids went to sleep early with only a few who chatted until eventually falling asleep.