Forced Silence

Day 3 ended, and all the fish the students caught were grilled, by the kitchen crew and served during the dinner buffet.

That day was exceptional for the kids as well because they were all eager to taste their catches. Dinner service started early surprisingly.

What's more unusual was the kids were all already present on time for eating. As soon as the service started, everyone went excitedly to enjoy their dinner.

Lillian Grey, Anna, Giselle, and Diego all sat together in a table.

Every other table packed with noises and chattering sounds except for one, Lillian Grey never spoke a word.

When she returned to the lake area, she went straight to Mindy and helped her catch a fish, finally. They were the last team to achieve it. After the activity ended, Lillian stayed with Mindy for the rest of the day. She refused to visit Anna or Giselle.

Since the day was packed, no one paid attention until now. Anna noticed the silent tension filling in between Diego and Lillian Grey. Diego too refused to talk, except his expression kept natural, unlike Lillian Grey, who appeared to look like a lifeless person.

Giselle was not left behind in noticing this abnormal situation. She kept peeking at Lillian Grey often, trying to get her attention. However, it failed; Lillian Grey never encountered Giselle's side. She was avoiding her abruptly. Giselle being her gentle self, took it as if Lillian is sick. She overlooked her ignorance and kept trying to talk to her by sharing some of her food with Lillian Grey.

"No, I don't want it."

Lillian said it in a cold tone. That was the first time she ever opened her mouth to talk, and it was to shut Giselle's constant need for attention.

Probably, she felt the tyranny herself because when she noticed Giselle downhearted, it upset Lillian.

She cursed within for her reaction.

Regardless, Lillian Grey determined to stay quiet, not because she wanted to dismiss Giselle openly. It was due to Diego's allegations. He had asked her dozens of questions to which even Lillian, herself, doesn't have an interpretation.

It bothered her to the point of avoiding Giselle until she has explanations to all those questions. Her mind filled with doubts and contradictions. The whole day even though she participated in every event, Lillian kept thinking about her actions against Mike, whether if it was right for her to do that.

It was mentally exhausting and got exposed in her features. She wore a scowling face, and her eyes kept as low as possible that she only let the things she wanted to see in her perception. Rest were all snubbed.

Lillian Grey not only ignored Giselle but everyone in general. She didn't visit Anna's room after their activities, which is a regular thing that she did in the past two days. She stayed in her room alone. Even Mindy suspected Lillian but didn't have the guts to ask as Lillian held a cold 'unapproachable aura' around her.

Initially, Anna overlooked it, meaning to confront her at dinner, but with the way, Lillian Grey sitting in front of her holding a non-interested, non-approachable, and 'not-going-to-respond-to-anyone' appearance Anna chose to remain quiet as well.

Everyone had their reasons to stay quiet until the end. Diego was mad as well; he didn't like the way Lillian behaved back then. He doesn't support her action against Mike as well. In case of extreme injury, or if someone other than Diego spot Lillian beating Mike, things would be different now. Severe actions would be charged, against Lillian Grey.

Moreover, the fact that Diego let his personal feelings take over during his confrontation mad him mad. In the end, he avoided Lillian Grey and only spoke to Anna. Giselle was by default in his list of people to avoid. It was all because of Giselle that Lillian Grey reacted that way. She got involved unnecessarily, and it made Diego angry. Throughout the dinner, he didn't even gaze at Giselle side.

Anna is the only one who was in her normal state, watching every single movement of her friend's behaviors. She calmly ate in silence, scrutinizing the hostility around her.

Just as they all ate quietly, Mike entered the room. He got treated in the morning and was resting until now. After feeling better, Seth suggested him to join the rest for dinner as they will be eating a special meal tonight.

When Mike joined, Josh and his friends cheered for him. They welcomed him with claps and roars. Mike had his face treated and looked pretty bad and swollen like a pufferfish.

The basketball team's sound reached every other table as all raised their vision to see Mike. Soon, a few go into murmuring and whispering about Mike's injuries, silently laughing within themselves.

"He fell on the ground, literally face down," one of the girl from the neighbor table mocked.

It reached Lillian's ears, but she didn't even flinch. She didn't pay any attention to Mike or his grand entrance. However, she wanted to check on Giselle.

How would she react, seeing Mike in such a wreck?

Lillian slowly lifted her orbs and peeked smartly at Giselle and saw her appalled face.

Giselle appeared terrified at seeing Mike and his damaged face. Watching her reaction, Lillian felt troubled.

'Maybe she doesn't like that I took a liberty to punish him?'

Lillian questioned if her decision was right or wrong. And, it saddened her more as she returned her gaze to the plate, silently eating.

Josh invited Mike to their table and helped him eat dinner.

Feast ended, and all went back to their respective rooms.

It was unusually quiet.

After dinner, Lillian stayed back and rested on her bed. Meanwhile, Anna and Giselle were in their room.

Anna brushed her hair while Giselle kept walking around the bed. She seemed to be restless and clumsy; her actions were disordered and needed attention.

Giselle hesitated inside, but, the need to know made her go crazy. She neared Anna and stood behind her.

Anna could see how impatient Giselle appeared.

"What is it, Giselle?" Anna asked, inaugurating the conversation Giselle craved.

Giselle waited for a few seconds, holding her breath in, and pondering whether to ask Anna or not.

"You can talk to me, Giselle. Now, tell me instead of keeping it in. Maybe, I can help you."

Believing in Anna's advice, Giselle asked her the question that's been disturbing her the entire day.

"Did something happen to Lillian?"

Anna stiffened at the topic. Well, anyone would notice from looking at Lillian Grey's demeanor.


"Even I don't know the answer to that."

"I guess something happened."

Anna's vague reply only deepened Giselle's stress.

"Well don't worry about it, I'm sure her mood wasn't good. She doesn't like fishing, and maybe it's that."

Anna tried to comfort Giselle. She could see how much Giselle looked concerned for Lillian Grey.

Listening to Anna's words, Giselle didn't go further, asking for more details. Instead, she went to bed immediately and covered herself beneath the blanket.

She rustled for a while before gradually falling asleep. Anna stayed late by her side and made sure Giselle finally slept. After confirming, Anna silently exited the room without making any noise.


A few hours ago:

Dinner started and ended soon that day, and so, the students had a few hours of free time spend leisurely.

Josh returned to his room after accompanying Mike back to his place.

"How is he doing?" Diego asked with concern on his face.

"Pretty good, his while face got inflated from the wounds. I'm surprised that it's from slipping onto the ground," Josh replied.

"What can I say? It's a rocky place. Things might happen," Diego didn't give a chance for Josh to suspect anything unusual and spoke to cover any opening to find faults.

After Josh returned, Diego informed that he wanted to check on Mike as well before sleeping, and then left the room.