Follow me,

'I want you to figure out Giselle and her presence in your life.' – Anna's advice.

'Remember your place in Giselle's life and come out of this little dreamland you are in, enjoying every day.' – Diego's interrogation.

All of it triggered Lillian Grey, stressing her to the point of ignoring Giselle, for a while to confront her emotions, and apprehend the changes occurring.

'You better meet her later.' – Anna's word crossed her mind.

Inhaling deeper, Lillian Grey sighed.


'I should face it.' – She whispered to herself and moved away from the spot without anyone noticing.

Giselle saw Lillian Grey resigning. Unknowingly, her brows creased in worry, slightly feeling uptight because Lillian went the opposite way, away from where Giselle and Anna resides.

Without seeing Lillian anymore, it became hard for Giselle to focus on the mesmerizing performance Jamie was giving at that time. Everybody was so into it except one, and that is Giselle. She kept looking towards Mindy, longing to see Lillian if she returns. Regardless of her efforts, Giselle failed, because Lillian Grey never returned.

The only thing Giselle could witness is Josh sneakily leaving Carmel a few seconds before Jamie finishes singing.


'Did she leave the place already?'

Giselle began to ponder if Lillian chose to skip the campfire and return to her room. The more Giselle thought about it seriously, the more she started to worry if her presence is the cause behind Lillian's departure.

Because Lillian Grey only saw Giselle at the campfire as they both intensely had a staring contest eventually leading Lillian to exit the spot.

'Is it because of me?' – Giselle's senses shriveled.

Soon, Jamie's performance ended with a standing ovation. Everyone stood up to congratulate her splendid show including Seth, who cheered for her from afar.

Just as all eyes got focused on Jamie, Giselle's mobile phone rang.

A notification!

Giselle unlocked to find a text message from Lillian Grey.


"Meet me in front of the building once you see this message."


As Giselle read it, she received another message, on the spot, from Lillian Grey.


"Tell Anna that you're visiting the restroom. Don't tell anyone about my message. Just come along. Soon."


A text from Lillian itself cheered Giselle, she secretly thanked the lords. However, while reading the message, Giselle felt shaken from it.

Lillian asking to meet her alone can mean anything. The context was too obscure for Giselle to think.

"Wow, no wonder she already has many followers in our school!" Anna exclaimed from Jamie's stunning vocals.

Accidently she turned to face Giselle for support and saw the girl gawking at her mobile phone.

"Giselle?" Anna called, shaking her off.

"Uh?" Giselle stirred from her zone. She noticed Anna's concerned look and quickly locked her mobile phone from Anna.

"What happened?"

"Why are you spacing out?"

Anna asked casually thinking that if something is distracting Giselle.


"Uh- Anna?" Giselle signals, hesitantly calling Anna.


When Anna gives her the attention, Giselle informs that she needs to go to the restroom urgently and gets Anna's permission. Smoothly clearing the path, Giselle nods to Anna before leaving the place alone.


Giselle followed Lillian Grey's message to meet her alone. She told Anna that she would be visiting the restroom and left the campfire spot and returned to their accommodation.

Since the campsite located only a few distances away from the place they stayed, it took Giselle only four minutes to rush to the entrance.

When she took the turn to enter the front side of the building, she saw Lillian Grey waiting near the small garden outside the yard.

Lillian Grey noticed Giselle's presence as well. She changed from her leisure pose to a stiff one as she saw Giselle nearing her. All of her nerves and muscle tensed for every step Giselle took towards her.


"Hey," Giselle approached.

Lillian responded with a bow and took a detailed glance at Giselle now that she is closer, in front; standing like a doll.

She managed to look beautiful, even in that simple outfit. Giselle too, felt Lillian Grey checking her out, her face appeared flushed; thwarting her vision away. Noticing Giselle's flustered look, Lillian Grey snapped out of her inspection and instigated a topic to ease her.

"Did Anna ask you anything?"

"Yes, I told her I'm going to the restroom," Giselle explained softly.

"Good. What's going on right now?" Lillian wanted to check on the camp night agenda.

Giselle revealed that Jamie's performance ended and she received a standing ovation. Currently, a few kids volunteered to share their most thrilling horror stories. Giselle also explained how Seth tried to control the kids but ultimately letting them do whatsoever in the end.

Only after Jamie's performance ended, did Giselle used the chance to escape. Seth got occupied with the kids who desperately wanted to share ghost stories. While the staffs were busy, Giselle excused herself from Anna and left the place.


"Ghost stories, I might have had fun with that! Anyways-"

Lillian remarked as she looked around to inspect the surrounding.

"Right now, I don't want anyone to know what we're about to do. So-"

"Let's go before someone notices us."

Lillian said and tightly grabbed Giselle's hands and started moving.

Her steps longer and fast, making Giselle stagger while she kept up with Lillian's pace.

At first, Giselle got startled from Lillian's hasty action.

"What's going on Lillian?"

Lillian Grey; did not respond. All that went in her mind is to walk faster.

After reaching a certain distance where there wasn't anyone to notice these two, Lillian loosened her grip. Lillian's harsh behavior bothered Giselle; her hands got bruised from Lillian's firm grip. She rubbed the imprinted red area.

"Did I hurt you?" Lillian asked. Panic flashing in her orbs.

She knew that her grip was so substantial that it could have hurt Giselle.

Lillian Grey wanted Giselle to follow her. Also, the situation looked risky because if stayed at that place for too long, the two could have been caught either by someone who works there or by their staffs;

Hence, Lillian Grey had to go to such a measure to escape with Giselle. Now that they are away and safe, she got worried about her harsh actions.

"No, it's alright. Just so sudden," Giselle responded, hiding her hands away from Lillian's vision, not wanting her to worry.

She replied and took a glance around; it looked as if they both are in a place that can be described, as 'no-where.' No single souls except these two were to be seen, nearby. Plus, it was notably quiet except for the distant chorus of the students from the campsite.

So secluded and tranquil, it made Giselle worry for no reason, maybe she was scared to have disobeyed the rules.

'Giselle, the obedient student broke a rule today.' – It's natural for her to feel anxious.

What if they both get caught by Mr. Seth?

Giselle appeared worried.

"Don't imagine too much," Lillian's voice strikes her out of the troubled state.

She glanced at the laid-back Lillian standing in front of her. Unlike Giselle, Lillian Grey resembled calm and composed look overall. She wasn't scared or worried sick about getting busted together.

"I only want to take you somewhere," Lillian said and turned around to take the lead.

"Follow me," She said firmly and took off with a naturally slow pace.

Unable to inquire anything, Giselle quietly followed her.