Lifeless image in the classroom

Next day at school Lillian Grey kept bragging about Donna's Lamprey Pie to Giselle and Anna. She even assured to bring Giselle the next time to taste Donna's cooking.

"Woah, Woah, Woah,"

"You are taking her to meet Donna?" Anna shrieked in awe.

"Of course!"

"I mean you are taking her to meet Donna first without introducing her to Edwin?" Anna asked.

Even though Donna's cooking skill is on par with Edwin's, Anna thought that Lillian would bring Giselle to Edwin first. Honestly, she believed that Lillian Grey would first introduce Giselle to her father. Shocked from this sudden twist, Anna probed Lillian to know the reason.

"…" Lillian Grey.

"What? You got no answer. Tell me if you didn't even think about it," Anna smirked.

"Who said I never thought about it?" Lillian snapped.

"I'm saving the best for the last. I will let Giselle meet my father on a special occasion."

Lillian's declaration received attention from both Diego as well as Giselle, who have been eating quietly. They didn't join the conversation specifically, Diego. He only listened to Lillian talk and ignored the content. Meanwhile, Giselle was so into the topic that she only listened to the other two.

With both of them muted, Anna and Lillian Grey spoke, as if there's no one in the room.

"As I thought," Anna exclaimed as soon as she heard that Lillian did think about introducing Giselle to her father.

"Regardless, it doesn't mean less of the fact that Donna is family too, I want Giselle to meet her also. I think Donna will look forward to it if I tell her, don't you think so, Diego?" Lillian explained and asked.

Diego did not reply but only gave the nod.

Watching his response, Lillian winked at Giselle, much so flirty, as if her plan is going well.

Giselle's radiant smile ceased when she received those highly distracting winks. She averted her vision to the lunch and continued eating without any reaction.

Lillian Grey noticed Giselle getting flustered; It only provoked her to taunt the girl with many of her plans, merely to see her reaction. Smiling to herself, Lillian finished eating.

Soon after lunch, the group descended to their classroom.

" What do we have now?" Lillian asked curiously.

She never remembers the class timings, and so, Anna became her personal, information specialist.

"We have Mr. Seth taking over immediately after lunch."

Anna's reply frowned Lillian Grey.

She sighed loudly.

"No matter what, you have to put up with it. It is going to be difficult for you today since it is after lunch. And with the menu you had-" Anna stuttered halfway.

"Food?" Lillian guessed it right.


Since Donna surprised Lillian Grey with a special meal, Edwin chose not to give up and put on his battlesuit to fight back. He made cheese Quesadillas, potato salad, and Hard-boiled egg. He made her a fancy lunch to his daughter, to remind that her father is still the best.

Everyone except Lillian Grey often gets exhausted in-between Edwin and Donna's silent cooking battles.

Edwin packed extra Quesadillas for Lillian to share with her friends. As said, Anna was the first person to dig into Lillian's lunch box. Without any permission, she stuffed two pieces of the delicious cheese Quesadillas into her mouth before giving it back.


Hence with such divine meals, Anna knew it that Lillian Grey wouldn't last longer than five minutes in Seth's Math legacy.


It was quiet, the classroom maintained a dead drop silence, while Seth spoke about formulas and method to solve the problems, Math problems. However, in between his lecture, the guy found himself perplexed with a situation that was happening inside the classroom.

A certain someone caused that uneasiness to him. His brows often kept twitching during the class. Seth was unable to focus entirely into teaching, and his eyes would often land on that specific student.

'Third day, it's happening continuously for the past three days.' - Seth's mind voice noted.

He continued teaching. This time he marked himself, to never get distracted again. As he wrote down the formula and asked the students to solve the question, he turned to face the class. Without any hassle, his eyes naturally landed on that certain someone once again.

'That kid-' Seth's mind exploded.

'What was she thinking?' - his kind voice yelled.

The particular student is none other than Lillian Grey.

Holding her breath and stiffening her facial muscles, Lillian Grey sat erect in her seat, without moving an inch. Her eyes only focused on the board, not even at Seth, who is the one teaching.

'Is there something wrong with her?' - Seth wondered.

Just then, one of the kids who solved the problem raised his hand to answer. Seth got distracted by that kid and approached him to check his solution.

Lillian Grey seems to be following a specific posture for the past three days, consequently. It is the pose she uses only during Seth's class and not on others.

Without even moving her gaze,

Without moving an inch,

Without letting herself get bored which appears to be tough as poor Lilian already looked like a lifeless person,

Without giving herself a chance to get caught, she intends to follow this routine to prevent Seth from noticing her.

However, her decision backfired because Seth can not only see her unusual behavior but, her actions that looked as if her soul yanked out of her body.

To solely put it, Lillian Grey stood out too much in Seth's eyes. It is not easy to avoid the strange-looking creature expelling the lifeless aura inside the classroom.

With such a striking image making him unable to concentrate, Seth's nerves ticked off and his mood destroyed.

The class ended with Seth giving the kids double the assignment to finish within tomorrow. The students frowned all together after his announcement.

"Exams are nearing, think of it as a practice, and complete your homework. Anyone who fails to finish would be facing severe punishment."

Another round of huffs and puffs heard within the classroom. Ignoring all of it, Seth prepared to leave. Just as he is about to step out, his movement paused, and he turned.

"Lillian Grey"

"Meet me after school."

He said and walked out.

Lillian Grey who maintained a still posture, alarmed from the teacher's calling, and directed her orbs to the sound.

She saw Seth, standing furiously, his face looked like he got pissed off, but by what?

Lillian pondered.

After hearing those words of 'Meet me after school,' she quietly nodded, her expression still fixed. But as soon as Seth was gone, her eyes grew wider with brows raised to her forehead, she blinked.

"Did I do something offensive?" Lillian mumbled under her breath.


Once again, Lillian Grey's quality time with Giselle after school got interrupted. She got summoned by her math teacher, Mr. Seth, to stay back after school.

"Don't talk back to Seth," Anna advised.

Lillian Grey agreed; despite knowing the reason behind Seth's call, Lillian Grey still admitted to remain calm and not act on impulse.

All while this, there were two people's faces which displayed lingering gloom.

Giselle stood next to Anna while Diego was behind them.

Receiving those gloomy looks from Giselle made Lillian secretly happy, not that she enjoyed her sadness but at least now she could see that Giselle misses their quality time too.

'Do not worry too much!' - Lillian imagined.

At least that's what she thought she did be, but in reality, she truly mumbled it under her breath.

Because Giselle's mind and spirit entirely set on Lillian, she caught those words.

Her lowered gaze lifted to see Lillian Grey.

Realizing her action, Lillian Grey didn't feel bothered. Instead, she only nodded her head softly to comfort Giselle. She then looked ahead to meet Diego.

"Diego?" she called.

Only then, Diego looked at her.

"You don't have anything to say; Everyone's saying something to me!" she expressed.

"Only Anna spoke!" Diego responded harshly.

Lillian knew what he meant.

"I know what Giselle might say," Lillian chuckled.

"Anyways, enough advising me, it is not like I committed a murder."

Lillian announced, pushing her friends outside the classroom.

"But, Lilly, it is Seth. So, it is on the same level as committing a crime," Anna remarked as she got dragged out by her friend.

"Even so, I can handle it. It is not the first time I'm getting caught by that man. So, rest assured and go home soon."

With a final pull, all four exited the classroom together.

They all finally said Goodbye and left the campus. Meanwhile, Lillian went back to fish her bag out and quickly paced to the staff room.


Without the person, it suddenly felt lonely.

Giselle walked, her steps too slow as like how a sloth would move.

With each step, her mind went crazy.

She missed Lillian Grey.

Yesterday she didn't feel too bad since Lillian Grey got invited by her close friend. However, with the second day, it felt more homesick - more like Lillian-sick.

Walking for like five minutes appeared to be an hour for her, she didn't feel like going home alone, but she would preferably go back to school, wait and then walk back home together with Lillian.

Just as she thought that the idea would work if she could come up with a decent excuse to return to school, her path got blocked.

Giselle looked up and got frightened.

Mike stood in front, blocking her way.