Strange Silence

It was strangely quiet today.

Lillian Grey and Giselle stood at the terminal, their usual departing point. None said anything; the unusual silence tormented the two silently.

Lillian Grey appeared more distressed than Giselle. It was nothing like the past when both used to enjoy their afterschool quality time. Now, it seemed like a heavy silence settled over them, thicker than the uneasy tension in the atmosphere.

It was all due to Giselle's unexpected tranquility. She did not entertain any conversation, and her gaze fixed on the road, gently watching the view as she walked by Lillian's side.

Giselle's silence crucified Lillian Grey. For the first time in her life, when spending time with Giselle, she felt scared to talk. It came as a shock to herself.

Her fear was oblivious; not only did she fail to initiate any topic to chatter, but this terror that Lillian sensed halted her from the idea of interacting.

The two waited as Lillian rocked her body, swaying it back and forth, distracting herself from delving deep about Giselle's strange silence.

With her eyes refusing to look at the girl, Lillian Grey tried her best to stay cool in front of Giselle. She didn't want to burst out and ask Giselle the reason behind her stillness.

Being the first one to speak, Giselle said farewell to Lillian and then left the junction.


It used to be Lillian Grey, who would say goodbye after hesitating it for a long time leading Giselle to agree. They both start to leave, eventually turning back to see each other and smile brightly.


But, not today, Giselle spoke first, saying goodbye, and also, she did not turn back to smile at Lillian. She knew that Lillian Grey stood there stiffly without moving, yet Giselle kept walking.

Giselle's swift movements made Lillian unable to react. She stood alone at the joint, thinking what caused the rift. She thought everything went smooth as usual, but no, there was a tension between the two.

Giselle's departure also felt unstrung. It only made Lillian Grey somber.

Turning her back, she took the road to home.

Walking alone along the pavement, she replayed what happened previously, intending to find out any missing clues that brought the uncomfortable awkwardness between the two.


Lillian Grey thought she heard it wrong, but that was not the case. She found Diego still looking at her, not moving an inch, his gaze firmly fixed on Lillian Grey.

Anna, who stood by Lillian's side, also caught in the trance.

"D- Diego?" she called.

"What are you- what is this?" she stuttered.

Lillian Grey noticed Anna in utter shock more than herself.

Her next place to look is certainly Giselle. Naturally, her eyes followed Giselle's every movement. It appeared like a loop; Lillian watched Giselle while she took rare glimpses at Diego, whose gaze never left Lillian ever since asking her out to the prom.


Lillian Grey is still uncertain of what just happened, it was difficult for her to apprehend, but she knew one thing for sure that Giselle was staring at her curiously.

Lillian felt at being in a tight spot.

"Did I say something wrong?" Diego spoke, calling out on Anna.

Anna is still shaken, from the ongoing scene did not know how to react.

"We both don't have separate partners to go. Also, I think almost everyone chose their allies already, which leave us blank. I-"Diego paused.

He carefully noted Lillian's expression while talking and took a moment before continuing.

"I- only thought- why not- we can go together," Diego spoke; his words realistic also convincible.

Lillian Grey kept blinking until her gaze, softened when hearing the last sentence.

It is a fact that these two don't have lovers, and remembering the picture from the morning, before the exam, seeing all kids in groups as couples, Lillian Grey agreed to his point. The two won't get a chance to be asked out anymore.

'He is right, seeing the state of our batch, almost everyone got paired up already.' – Lillian thought.

'Even Anna got asked out by a guy, more like a handsome guy-'

Lillian gave it serious consideration. All while she sensed Giselle's presence near her. Giselle didn't wither or gawk at her, but still, Lillian felt pressured slightly.

One is her friend, Diego, while on the other side, it is Giselle.

Lillian suffered alone because Anna is a lost cause; poor girl still in hysteria.

Lillian Grey kept Diego waiting for several minutes.

The four felt weak from standing for a long time.

None said anything because they all waited for Lillian Grey's response.

After thinking about it a while, Lillian Grey finally reached a decision.

"O- Okay," Lillian exhaled out loud, alarming the other three.

She looked at Diego and observed him being disquiet. The boy's face soaked in his sweat. Lillian thought that he must be nervous.

Without wasting a second, Lillian Grey replied.

"Okay, Diego. I will go to the prom with you," she announced.

Anna snapped out and glared at Lillian's bold statement.

"Are you serious?" she asked her.

"I am, I mean it is Diego. Remember, we are best friends. Also, I see his point. There is not a chance for us to wait anymore. No one is going to ask us out."

"He doesn't have a girl in his life and me-"

Lillian faltered. She didn't want to continue. Lowering her vision, she replied.

"I think it will be fun."

Her response had a mix reaction.

Diego lightened up and wiped off his sweat while Anna still can't believe all of this is happening.

Meanwhile, ever since responding to Diego, Lillian never took a glance at Giselle. She didn't know why, but Lillian did not have the strength to face Giselle at that moment. And so, she directed her vision towards Diego and Anna, but her view did cover the silhouette of Giselle and blurring her high definition features, yet giving a brief outline.


Lillian Grey reached the neighborhood; She could see her house from afar. Every day it used to feel like a long journey from parting with Giselle till reaching home, but today, it felt exceptionally longer.

Lillian Grey knew the situation she was in at that moment.

Diego asking out Lillian Grey, in front of Giselle, can undoubtedly put off Giselle's mood. Being the girl who admitted her feeling for Lillian and even got rejected, became friends, and right now-

Lillian stopped; she did not move further and stood at the spot.

It hits her.

Right now, the two became very close that they start to feel this unknown air only in-between them. It is then Lillian remembered Anna's words from the trip; about Giselle's feeling and how it can never cease to exist.

'May- Maybe, by any chance, did I hurt Giselle?' – Lillian feared.

The only thing that can seem reasonable is the fact that Giselle seeing Lillian Grey being asked out by her best friend.


'Diego is only my friend. She can't misunderstand; I don't have any feelings for Diego in that way.' – She murmured to herself.


'I don't understand-'

'Is she?'

The more she thought about it, the more Lillian felt pathetic for letting such a scene happen in front of Giselle.

'How can I let her see it?'

'Even if I'm willing to go with Diego, even if she hears about it, it is better to learn it from someone else and not directly perceive it.' – Lillian kept mumbling to herself.

She looked like a crazy person to the passersby. A few stared at this young girl standing in the middle of the walking pavement, talking to herself. It became a scene as the kids playing nearby started laughing at Lillian Grey like she is a mad person.

'I'm such a horrible person.' – Lillian kept repeating it until she heard the kids giggling so close.

Snapping out of it, she remembered that it is still the roadside.

"Hey, the crazy girl stopped talking," one of the kids yelled, and the others joined in together for another round of laughter.

Alarmed from their noises, Lillian Grey gave them a glare as she resumed her pace slowly; the numbness still aching a little bit.

Without getting distracted, she went straight home, ignoring the still ongoing tease from the kids behind.