Finding your soulmate

Edwin's hopeful grimace shifted slightly. He was unsure of how to process the news.

The trios were long-time friends, and as much as the elders anticipated possible love blooming in-between any two, none of that ever happened in reality. Edwin knows Diego, and of all the times, he had visited the Grey residence, not once his actions meant to favor Lillian particularly.


"And you don't like to go with him to the prom?" Edwin asked.

Lillian shook her head.

"No, it's alright. I mean, we both are left-outs, and that is why Diego proposed such an invite. But-" Lillian hesitated.

"But-" Edwin followed.

"Ever since I accepted Diego's invite, I'm feeling a little depressed."

Lillian admitted to her innermost feelings. She tried to articulate her emotions into words.

"Prom is an event that you attend with your special one."

"Look at me, dad. I've never focused on dating or even try to entertain such thoughts."

"I don't know why the heck am I even thinking like this, but it is what it is-"

"I'm feeling a little bit down, being the only one who wasted her high school life. Such a bummer,"

Lillian vocalized the jittery feeling she had from the moment when Diego popped that question until now.

The loss of contact with Giselle clouded her mind, and all of these unpleasant feelings twisted her senses and raged her mood.

Now that Edwin is listening, Lillian Grey opened up a little bit.

Although the bottom-line to her despondent mood is because of Giselle, deep in her mind, Lillian Grey worried about her dating life.

Throughout her whole high school life, Lillian Grey never paid attention to the romance. With exams over and hearing all about prom talk, Lillian couldn't help from thinking about her love life.

Edwin Grey listened patiently. For him, it is the first time Lillian opened about the topic, and so, he dared not to interrupt it.

When she finally finished, Edwin exhaled.

"That is not true. You are not the only one who never dated!" Edwin reported.

Lillian Grey blinked.

"What?" she gaped.

"Diego, he is just like you; never dated," Edwin asserted.

Edwin cared for the trio, and he knows about them in and out.

Hearing the name, Lillian's rolled her eyes.

"Diego?" she sneered.

"Dad, he's never been in a relationship too, but that doesn't mean he is like me. There a few girls who pursued him intently but got tired of it," she explained.

"That idiot! He could have had anyone, but he hung out with us all the time."

"Wow, so Diego is in the game," Edwin commented.

The father was in a state of shock.

Lillian chuckled, "He is in the game for a very long time, dad. You still see him like me."

"No one is like your daughter," she remarked.

"I know," Edwin supported.

Seeing his mocking tone, Lillian glared at him.

Edwin smiled sweetly. Pinching her cheeks, Edwin replied, "My baby is special."

"Haha," Lillian forged a laugh. Edwin Grey joined her as well.


"Tell me, dad, I remember mom telling me that she met you in school, I'm guessing it is during your high school, correct?" Lillian queried curiously.

Edwin acknowledged.

"So, did you go to prom with her?" Lillian asked naively.

Lillian questioned, alarming Edwin Grey when it included his beautiful wife.

At first, he got emotional from mentioning Lillian's mother. Secondly, when he heard Lillian ask about his prom date, his melancholy filled eyes slowly shut. He pondered about the old days.

When the memories revisited him, his eyes grew in size.

"Dad?" Lillian called, worrying that if she made Edwin sad.

Edwin controlled himself from grinning cheekily.

"Uh- that," he faltered.

"No," he then declared.

Edwin's response felt like a thunderclap to Lillian Grey. She got stoked; not in a fabulous way.


"I was waiting for you to reply to me with a 'yes,' but- NO!" Lillian outraged.

"Now, hear me out," Edwin pleaded.

Lillian refused to go along.

"See, I've met your mother in high school, that is true, but-" Edwin kept sputtering.

"You met mom and thought she was boring. Meanwhile, you played with other girls like I don't know how many! Finally, you got dumped, and mom came to rescue. You thought she was innocent and easygoing, and so, to mend your 'I don't know how many times' broken heart- you went out with her for fun. Being the player you are, you dated everyone, not leaving a single soul, including mom, and finally, when you planned to get married, mom was the only one who accepted because she is a sweetheart and believed in all of your lies. Every other girl knew your dirty games. Lastly, with only mom in your long list of girls you trifled with, you married her."

"Wow, it all makes sense. Now, I know why I am not romantically intrigued."

Within a short time, Lillian created a script on her own and framed her father.

Astonished from listening to such a dreadful storyline, Edwin glowered at the girl.

"You're talking weird now."

"How did you even come up with such a bullshit story?" Edwin smacked Lillian lightly.

"What? That must be the truth. Now that it is out, you are planning to play safe. It won't work on me, Mr. Grey," Lillian snapped back, still believing in her crappy story.

"You went to the prom with some other girl?" Lillian asked in objection.



"No- Wait, listen to me," Edwin panicked.

"Your mother and I had different partners on our high school prom night. We both haven't got acquainted yet-" Edwin stressed as he began sharing his past.

"We knew each other only by our names. Frankly, both of us got asked out by someone else to the prom. There weren't any mutual feelings, but only- how should I say it?"

"Hmm... like a blind date!"

"However, our high school life ended like that. Later, I met your mother during our college days. We both attended different universities and had randomly stumbled upon each other once. Since then, we hung out on weekends, reminiscing the past. Little by little, I started to enjoy her company, and she became someone important in my life. I became obsessed with her to the point where I would dream of spending every second with your mom. I hated it when she is not around me, and those are the times I would be cranky. I remember my college friends used to tease me by saying that I'm addicted to her."

"It is true. Your mother is very charming, and I hated myself for not realizing it sooner."

Edwin paused for a while, reliving every detail of his memories with Lillian's mother.

"However-" Chuckling as he continued.

"Your mother didn't like it at first. She thought I was annoying because I would meet her every day."

"She was like this magic to me- and I refused to meet her only during weekends. So, I would travel every day to her place and ask her to meet me."

"I get it now as it seems a little too much," Edwin giggled.

"A little?"

"Dad, that is too much," Lillian noted.

Edwin did not listen to her and resumed talking.

"I will not accept it, because one day your mother called me and said," Edwin smiled cheekily as he firmly gripped onto Lillian's hands.

"She told me that my annoying was one of the things she liked so much and was the best part of her day, every single day!"

Edwin bragged proudly.

"Haha, mom was gentle with you as always!!!" Lillian mocked.

"Of course she loves me and, I adore her, and you too," Edwin stated it like a proud man.

"Now that you ask me-" he scratched his temple.

"We used to tease ourselves about how we both had different prom partners."

"Although she was able to accept it, I wasn't-"

"Knowing about her, being with her, and caring for her- I wished I could do it all from the first time I heard her name."


"Eventually, I asked her to be my girlfriend, and she accepted; both my heart and me. She received all of me without any difference."

By now, Edwin's voice began to break. Still, he spoke.

"Soon, she moved in with me, and I still remember that day, it was raining as I helped her move into my apartment. She was angry on that day, the very day we both started living together,"

"Why?" Lillian asked, peeking her eyes and ears out while listening.

"Because I didn't let her outside; I picked her up and dropped at my place. I had to carry the boxes from my car to my apartment, which was on the tenth floor. She wanted to help, but I didn't let her. She got angry at me."

"What did you do to make her happy?" Lillian asked.

Edwin blinked at her question. It threw him back as he raised his brows, signaling Lillian indirectly.

"Oh- you-" Lillian gasped, shutting her mouth from completing the sentence.

It goes without a saying that Edwin did some cheesy, lovey-dovey stuff to improve his girlfriend's mood.

"From that day onwards, every night, we used to dance after dinner; together, to our favorite songs. We both surprisingly had the same taste when it came to music."

Edwin snickered.

"She loved me more than anyone. Soon, after college, we got married, and then came another little, bright, charming girl, whom I loved more than anything in this world," Edwin said as she pinched Lillian's cheeks.

By now, Lillian got completely graved into her father's story.

"Unfortunately, your mother left us soon, but she didn't leave me alone. She gave me you; a part of her and me, You are the perfect gift I ever received in my life, Lilly."

"Your mother is not dead. She is still living in you, and that is how I chase out every single day."

Edwin's voice lastly trembled, but his gaze stiffened.

"You might think about going on this type of event with a loved one. It is normal to think in that way. It is okay, don't worry too much."

"Finding each one's soul mate is not as easy as you think. It takes time, and when it is the perfect moment, it will guide you automatically."

"I met your mother, but I didn't realize that she was the one. Later, when I did, I didn't waste a second, and lived every minute of it fulfilling my dream along with her."

"You are such a beautiful soul, Lilly; you are our daughter," Edwin pointed at Lillian Grey.

"Maybe your soul mate is near you already, but it takes time for you to realize and build that trust."

"You will one day realize the love around you. And when it does, you don't need an official event like prom. You can create your prom and dance every day for the rest of your life."

Edwin winked as he spoke.

Lillian smiled, convinced from his story and advice. Her bad mood seems to disappear at the end. Lifting herself, she jumped into her father's embrace.

The two hugged each other, comforting and remembering the soul that connected the two.

Releasing his hug, Edwin dragged Lillian Grey to the dinner table, and the two enjoyed their meal. Lillian dug into her grilled cheese sandwich and blueberry pie while Edwin relished his hot wings and some leftovers.

Lillian had to step in her game with the hot wings as her father gobbled down every piece faster.

For a while, Lillian Grey forgot about Giselle and enjoyed the night with her family.


At Diego's house:

After dinner, Clemente, Diego's father, was reading a book while Donna watched the drama on the television as usual.

At least that's what Donna thought she should be doing, but not today.

Since returning from school, Donna noticed Diego's hyper mood. The boy was smiling alone,

Singing alone,

Dancing alone.

When Donna planned to watch her favorite drama after dinner, Diego interrupted in and invited her to dance. Clemente saw his son celebrating every second.

"Did something good happen at school?"

"Is it because the exams are over?" the father inquired.

Diego shook his head and replied, "No-"

Donna was still in her son's embrace as they both danced while Diego replied to his father.

"Then what is it?"

"Did some girl propose to you?" Clemente jokingly asked again.

This time, Diego's smile grew wider, making his grin so bright and beaming.

Donna saw her son and was in awe. Secretly, she felt happy for Diego. At last, he found a girl he likes. The mother now focused on dancing pleasantly.

Clemente smiled as well, watching the two having fun together. He was happy for Diego.