The Lady in Red!

The grand empty dance floor soon filled with many couples, happily swaying to the music alongside their partners.

"Thank god, we can relax now," Carmel grunted.

Josh and Jamie, along with their pairs, took the spotlight alone initially. With everyone joining them, Carmel relaxed.

"I wasn't expecting Jamie to do that. It was scary for a second. I didn't know what was going on at all. I was standing behind Sara, and then the next moment, I'm in front of you."

Carmel explained how nervous she felt back then when Jamie switched places with her.

Josh started grinning at how the girl babbled.

"Are you making fun of me now?" Carmel got mad and stomped onto his legs voluntarily.

"Hey, that wasn't necessary, Caramel," Josh groaned in pain.

"I told you million times not to call me by that nickname!!!" Carmel exploded.

"You two, stop fighting and start dancing," Sara ordered while moving with her partner next to them.

Carmel and Josh blinked at each other before laughing in glee. They obeyed Sara's words and began to move.


"Those two girls aren't anything like Bridgette or Ivy," Anna remarked from watching.

Anthony invited her already, and the two grooved to the music.

"We should join them too," Diego informed.

Diego and Lillian were still out and are yet to join the crowd.

He stepped in front of Lillian. Following the standard procedure, he bends slightly to ask Lillian's hand for a dance.

"Ms. Lillian Grey, May I have to honor to dance with you?"

Diego's formal request sent chills to Lillian.

"Of- Of course, you don't have to do this, Die-"

Before she could finish her words, Diego pulled Lillian Grey closer to him and took her to the dance floor.

The two began dancing to the songs together.


Ivy stayed with the audio crew. She was casually having a bag of chips while watching the couples dance.

"What are you doing here?" a voice entered the backstage area, startling everyone.

"Mr. SETH?" Ivy squeaked.

"I am here, keep down your voice, Ivy," Seth ordered.

He inspected the audio team to verify if everything was alright.

"I came to check on here, but why the hell are you still here? Aren't you supposed to be dancing with your partner?" Seth asked.

"I don't have anyone, Mr. Seth. Everyone ditched me," Ivy pouted sarcastically, trying to appeal for sympathy.

"Don't act, tell me what's going on for real," Seth demanded.

"For real?"

"Yes, for real?"

Ivy took a deep breath and then explained how she doesn't have any interest in attending the prom. Plus, she would also feel guilty if her best friend, Bridgette who did not join this event but let alone Ivy to enjoy it.

Seth listened to her and patiently waited for the girl to end her talk.

"Aren't you stupid?" Seth called out.

"What? Mr. Seth," Ivy stuttered from his harsh response.


"Come on, let's dance," Seth invited Ivy for a dance.

Ivy froze from those words. She pinched herself to check if she heard it or not.

"Mr. Seth, I'm flattered but-"

"What's wrong? You don't want to dance with me?" Seth casually asked.

"It isn't like that, but-" Ivy appeared bewildered from the unexpected invite.


"Guys, a quick announcement, we're going to take it nice and slow soon. So, this will be your last groovy song, dance till your legs go numb!"

An announcement from the audio team heard through the speakers.

The couples cheered in unison.

The Turtles- 'Happy Together' played.

The minutes the song started playing, the couples reunited and began dancing.

Amongst the crowd was two that received a lot of attention, probably more than Jamie and Derek.

Ivy was dancing along with her teacher Mr. Seth.

"Mr. Seth, why are you with Ivy?"

"Haha, what? I'm not that old, you guys. Ivy was all alone backstage, and so, I invited her for a dance."

Seth smiled as he replied while moving to the music.

Despite his age, he managed to move harmoniously with Ivy and helped her dance.

"Woah, it's Mr. Seth and Ivy. Ivy, I thought you ain't dancing, what the hell is this?"

"Ivy, how come- snap, Mr. Seth, what are you doing here?"

"Wow, Ivy is dancing with Mr. Seth."

The students observed as they danced. The news spread around, and by now, everyone noticed Ivy and Seth.

"Mr. Seth, enough, we should stop," Ivy suggested seeing how everyone reacted.

"Nonsense, don't listen to them," Seth assured.

"But- I didn't plan on dancing-" Ivy spoke falteringly.

"So what? Even if you're unwilling to join this event, I don't want to see my student all alone back there. If you didn't plan on dancing, then you should stay at home. As long as you're here, you should take some time to enjoy this while you can. Remember, you won't get to have another high school prom in your life. I'm only helping you out because you don't have a partner. So, forget about what others might think and have fun."


"Yes, Ivy, you should listen to Mr. Seth. You are the only girl lucky enough to dance with him," Anna remarked when she came near to them while dancing.

"Wow, Anna and Anthony are rocking already," Seth praised the passing by pair.

Ivy did not reject anymore and continued to focus on her steps.

Watching them perform, another round of murmurs elicited.

"Ivy, I'm jealous, you get to dance with Mr. Seth," a few girls joined in together.

It is noticeable that they all were who fancied Mr. Seth.

Seth laughed at their comments and encouraged Ivy to let go of useless worries.

"Mr. Seth, can I have a dance with you later?" one of the girls nearby asked after gathering the courage.

"No," Seth replied playfully.

"Why?" the girl cried.

"This is an unexpected scenario and also a special one, so Ivy is the only one who gets to dance with me," Seth replied as he snickered cheekily.

The girls around them got heated into more jealousy.

Taking the spotlight at the moment was none other than Ivy and Seth.

"Give it up for Mr. Seth and Ivy," the guys yelled suddenly in support.


'You won't get to have another prom, huh?' – Lillian thought as she overheard the conversation nearby.


Following the song, there was a short interval for everyone to rest as the upcoming night will only have slow numbers to enjoy.

Most of them went to quench their thirst firstly. A few girls visited the restroom to retouch up their makeup.


After a short relaxing break, the music commenced once again.

"Hello guys, from now on, we are going to go slow. Take it easy and enjoy the night."

Following the announcement, the couples returned to the dance floor.

Chris de Burgh's 'The Lady in Red' – the song started.

Matching the music, the guys held onto their partners and took the position.

"What is hell is with this song? Who chose it?"

Lillian Grey felt a little jumpy with the song along with her matching dress.

"You look surprisingly red, Lilly!" Anna commented as she danced with Anthony.

"Shut up, Anna," Lillian replied.

Anna didn't stay longer to hear her response.

"Ignore her, you look beautiful," Diego tried comforting.

"That's not helping, Diego," Lillian felt like a fawn, dangling with her knees in discomfort while doing the slow dancing. She was doing all fine with upbeat songs, but these slow numbers all have cheesy lines, which can make anyone blush in color.

"Enough, now, you are not the only one who is wearing red, look at her," Diego had enough and pointed at another girl for Lillian to cheer up.

Lillian noticed not only her, but a few more with different shades of the red color dress was dancing joyfully.

"Come on, let's dance," Diego helped her stand steady.

Lillian followed him, and with his help, the two resumed dancing.

'I was Lying, Lilly,' – Diego thought to himself.

He kept his eyes fixated on her as he moved.

With such proximity, Diego began to sense how close they are, and his ears got a little red from being so near to Lillian.

'The only lady in red who is stunning tonight is you, Lilly.' – Diego remarked in his mind.

It was too much for him to intake, but he wished to take this opportunity to dance to his heart's content. Just for this once, Diego danced, remembering all those moments he cherished and adored this girl he is dancing with tonight.

For tonight, Diego let his loving side savor the moment with Lillian quietly.

Diego let his heart race as he took advantage of this chance.

As they danced, Lillian gradually locked eyes with Diego. She smiled at him radiantly, exposing her charms.


And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away

And I have never had such a feeling

Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight


"This is not that bad, Diego, isn't it?" Lillian mentions how relaxing it is to dance for this type of music than lively ones.

Diego didn't respond and only kept watching Lillian.

When she poked him for a response, Diego agreed to whatever she asked. He didn't bother knowing what she spoke unless it is something that his heart yearns.


The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek

There's nobody here, it's just you and me

It's where I want to be


The song related to Diego on another level as every line seemed to be what he would intend to say to her.


But I hardly know this beauty by my side

I'll never forget the way you look tonight


The song ended with a faint whisper of 'I Love You,' and when it came, Diego almost mentally conveyed his actual feelings for Lillian Grey. His face flushed from his mental confession. It was so beautiful as well as terrifying to think of such words to utter while having Lillian near.

Diego commended himself for restraining from exposing his genuine emotions in a situation like this.