Moving on...

Anna remained by Lillian's side, watching over Lillian as she cared for her.

With sleepless days and being reckless, Lillian appeared sickly and weak.


It was no longer cold.

As she got wrapped in a warm blanket, Lillian felt her body temperature return natural. However, the heart still feels cold. The pain still lingers.

Lillian stirred in her sleep. Slowly, opening her eyes, she noticed that no longer she was in the streets with people passing by. Squinting her eyes, she scanned the place and realized that she is in her room.

Breathing deeply, she tried to get up.

"Take it slow, Lilly," Anna helped Lillian.

Lillian settled in her bed, leaned as she rested.

While helping, Anna noticed how light Lillian weighed.

Anna remained quiet. She didn't want to start anything that can potentially lead her friend to faint again.

However, it was not the case for Lillian Grey.

Being with Anna, Lillian relaxed.

"Do you want some water?" Anna asked, noticing how parched her lips looked.

Lillian responds.

Anticipating it already, Anna poured a glass of water and gave it to Lillian.

Lillian drank it in one gulp. She did feel parched.

Leaving the glass aside, she went back to lying down.

"I should call Edwin. He got so worried about you-" Anna said, and before standing up, she found Lillian stop her from leaving.


Anna understood and retreated.

"Stay with me, Anna," Lillian uttered.

Her voice merely sounded.

Anna returned to her seat.

Lillian remained in silence while Anna quietly gave her a company.


"Perhaps, I shouldn't have fallen for her," Lillian spoke.

"Stop it, Lilly," Anna warned.

"I shouldn't have gone that night to her home. Maybe, as Diego said, she might not want me to behave that way," Lillian whispered.

"I said, stop it," Anna ordered.

Lillian obeys, but she was hurting inside.

All this time, when others questioned her feelings for Giselle, Lillian couldn't understand. Even so, she was closer to the girl and stuck with her all the time.

Now that she acknowledges her love, all those dreams of doing things together and love each other ended up shattered.

With no reason and not even a single clue, Lillian ached within.

"I want to see her, Anna," she said.

"I wanted to see her-"

As Lillian uttered those words, she fell asleep gradually.

It is the second time Anna saw Lillian pass out. The Lillian she knew no longer dwells. Concerned, Anna covered her with a warm blanket comfortably and then kissed a goodnight.

"Stay strong, Lilly," Anna whispered.


Leaving the room, Anna saw Edwin waiting outside.

Stumbled and shocked, she couldn't talk for a second.

He looked at her with a somber expression. Anna worried about how much of the little conversation did Edwin catch.


"Edwin, she fell asleep again," Anna informed and tried to leave, but Edwin asked her to stay.

"What is going on, Anna?" his face sulked as he asked her.

"Ah- Edwin," Anna stammers poorly.

"There is a reason why we, parents, are there for our kids. We might yell at you and never agree to you, but no matter what, we only wish for our kid's happiness."

"You know me just as much as Lillian. You two were together since toddlers. Do you really think that I am not fit enough to know what's going on with Lilly?"

"One day, she is so cheerful that I'm happy to see her smile brightly. But the next day, she goes into sulking to the point where I feel that something grave happened to her."

"I'm worried, Anna. I might not say it out loud. I give her every freedom because I know my daughter. I still believe in her and I always will, but right now, look at her,"

Edwin said and pointed out Lillian. Anna watched her friend rest in bed, her face dull, and lacked her usual charm.

"No one wants to see their child in such a state. I kept quiet until now, respecting her privacy. However, when things turned out this way, I can't stay quiet any longer."

Anna listened to him.


Anna grew up with Lillian. Edwin is just as the fatherly figure to her.

If Lillian gets succumbed to this pain, then it will destroy her life. Without Giselle, no one other than Edwin alone could help her, Anna believe in it firmly.

Because, to Lillian, her father is the most influential figure in her life. Giselle might be the girl she fell in love with, but her father reigns over everything.

When times get harder, sometimes all one needs is their family.

Anna agreed.

His words not only reassured her but lifted a tremendous burden from Anna. Since, as a friend, she could only advise Lillian, but if they all wish for her to move on and live her life, then it must be Edwin, who can make it happen.

Anna broke out in tears as she cried on Edwin's arms.

"Please help Lilly, Edwin. She is hurting so bad, and I can't take it anymore," she pleaded out loud.

"I'm here for you guys, don't cry. You always took care of Lilly, no matter what. I can only push her a little, but it is you who can bring back that smile of hers. Please continue to stay as friends with my crazy daughter, Anna."

Edwin thanked Anna as he consoled the crying child.


Anna then spent the night telling everything that happened until now.

Edwin at first got shocked to hear it, but soon he felt sorry for his daughter.

Finally, finishing her story, Anna passed out on the living room couch. Edwin bought her blanket and tugged her warm. He then returned to Lillian's room; without making a sound, he entered.


Looking at the room, it was in a mess. Clothes on the floor and things scattered around.

Edwin picked out one by one and cleaned the room.

As he did, Edwin noticed a small box on the study table. It got wrapped in a glittering paper. On top of it had a note, written to 'Giselle.'

Sighing to himself, Edwin picked out the box and placed it in the drawer.

He then went to check Lillian and saw her sleeping soundly at last. All these days of exhaustion must have finally hit her.

Gently caressing her head, Edwin watched his daughter sleep.

He noticed the traces of the teardrops that fell on her cheeks.

It was painful to watch a lively girl like Lillian to break down like this.

Edwin stayed a few more minutes watching over Lillian Grey. Later, he went down to check on Anna, who is also sleeping calmly.

That night, Edwin did not go to sleep and remained in the living room, watching over the two girls.


Waking up to a sore throat and headache, Lillian looked around to check the time.

It was afternoon already.

As she stretched, Edwin knocked on the door thrice, and then entered.

"You're up, Lilly," he greeted while giving her a glass of water.

Lillian received it.

Finishing her drink, she looked around aimlessly, and only then she recalled the last night events.

Seeing that she returned home safely, it means that her friends came to aid.

"I'm sorry, dad."

Lillian apologized sincerely.

"I wanted to tell you after everything worked out," she added.

Edwin sat next to Lillian on the bed, patting her softly, he smiled.

Retrieving the empty glass, Edwin stood up to place it on the table nearby.

"Anna left already," he informed.

Lillian nodded in silence, reminding herself to thank Anna properly for finding her and returning her home safely.

"So, Giselle left without a word, right?" Edwin asked.

Startled, Lillian looked at him in awe. She never spoke a word about Giselle to her father, how come he knows about it?

Lillian worried.

"Last night, I asked Anna, and she told me everything," Edwin answered, understanding Lillian's confusion.

"Oh," Lillian sounded.

"Are you mad?" she asked.

Lillian never shared it with her father that she fell for a girl. Practically, she did not come out to her family, and so, Lillian worried that if her father might accept or not.

Waiting for his reply, Lillian kept her vision lowered. She didn't have the confidence to face anything in her life right now.

Feeling completely broken and defeated, Lillian felt scared for the first time emotionally.

To be able to get accepted by her family, Lillian awaited.

"Hmm…" Edwin hummed, observing all of her daughter's emotions.

"Frankly, at first, I got shocked when Anna told me that Giselle was the first one to confess to you. Well, in the end, it is not something so grave for me to ignore my own daughter or treat her any different."

Edwin smiled once again.

"Listen, yes, it came as a surprise to me. However, it is not what I want in your life but rather what YOU want in your life."

Edwin said.

Lillian agreed, showing her weak smile.

The girl who used to laugh so brightly is nowhere to see.

Edwin groaned.

Soon, jumping into the haunting reality, Lillian openly asked her father what to do now.


"I say, move on," Edwin replied.

It shocked Lillian as she gaped at him in disappointment.

"Wait till I complete. If Giselle wanted to break up with you, then she would have met you on that day and properly rejected you, but that did not happen, right?"

Edwin explained.

He mentioned how Giselle might still have those feelings for Lillian because it seems like something happened that led her to run away from you.

"We don't know what it is, but she made her choice," Edwin exclaimed.

"What is it?" Lillian asked.

"Giselle decided to move on, which you should do too. It is not the end of the world for you two. Get up, and take the next step in your life. Do what you dreamed of becoming and then search for her."

"My dream?"

Lillian remembered Giselle encouraging her to be the best author.

She resolved to make it happen somehow. However-

"Should I ignore her then?" Lillian asked.

"Not entirely, she left you behind for now. So, use this chance to make a name for yourself, and then you can go out to see her."

"Legends say that lovers who get separated will often end up deepening their passion for each other. So, maybe in the future, if you can meet Giselle, and you two are still true to your feelings, then you can decide what to do next, am I right?"

If Giselle can resist Lillian, then she would have done it long back. Since she left without a word, it means that Giselle still has feelings for Lillian, which she cannot confront if given a chance to decline.

Maybe this is a chance for the two to focus on their lives, Lillian thought.

It doesn't sound bad though, Lillian agreed.

"You can't give up on yourself, Lilly. Get up and keep walking. If you stay still, then you are only hurting yourself. There is no escape to that pitfall. It is not easy, and that's where you have to rely on us, your family, and friends. I'm here, and so do, Anna and Diego. They both are your buddies, right?" Edwin advised.

Last night, it was Anna who found Lillian and helped her get back home. Lillian is also pretty confident that Diego, too, helped in finding her.

Having such good people in her life, Lillian cannot let herself down and live in despair.

She chose to live and love.

"Thanks, Dad," Lillian finally smiled.

'Don't worry. I promised your mother that we both would take care of you all the time, Lilly,' – Edwin thought.

"Come down after getting ready," Edwin said and then left the room.


Lillian looked around to find her room spotless. She knew that her father must have done it for her.

Arranging her bed, Lillian stretched her body. She went to get ready for the day.

Before that, remembering something, Lillian examined her room.

After a short search, Lillian found the item resting inside the drawer of the table. Picking it up, she looked at it.

It was the gift Lillian prepared to give Giselle to convey her feelings.

Looking at it now, brought back memories rushing. After Giselle became a part of her life, Lillian never stayed away from Giselle for days and always kept coming up with reasons to meet and talk to her.

However, recently, for her, every day felt like years passing. Without seeing Giselle for days seemed like hell for Lillian, especially when Lillian clearly knew what she felt for that girl.

"This belongs only to you, Giselle," Lillian said while looking at the gift.

Keeping it back in the drawer safely, Lillian exhaled.

"I miss you-"

Saying those words, Lillian felt heavy in heart. Wiping off the tears, she went straight to the bathroom.


Somewhere, miles away-

Giselle walked around and got overwhelmed by the infrastructure.

Holding onto the brochure, she explored the university she chose to attend.

The beautiful construction and aesthetic surroundings enchanted Giselle.

It felt peaceful and quiet compared to the other colleges she visited so far. Getting absorbed into the place, Giselle lost herself.

It was chaotic everywhere she went previously. Plus, Giselle hated the noise. However, standing here, it felt tranquil.

At least now, she can be at ease, because no matter what she did, Giselle couldn't forget about Lillian Grey.

Giselle recalled Diego's words.

He mentioned something like Lillian already fell for Giselle and that she was looking forward to confessing. The more Giselle thought about it, the more it ached.

The image of Lillian filled her mind, and Giselle ignored her surroundings momentarily.


Giselle only snapped out of it when she heard a voice beckoning her.

Attending to the call, she turned to see a young man waving at her.

Giselle finally reacted.

"Thank you, Lord, you have been staring into space for a while. I had to call you out loud," the guy spoke friendly.

"Were you here to check out the university? I am also planning to go to this one," he added.

The guy talked as if he knew Giselle for a long time. He kept chatting about the unique features of this college and why he is planning to attend here.

Despite getting bothered out of nowhere, Giselle listened to him.

From his accent, she could tell that he is from the city.

"Ay- I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ethan, Ethan Ruz."

Ethan greeted Giselle and waited for her to tell her name.

"- Giselle, its Giselle,"

The two exchanged formal greetings.

"Giselle, the name suits you," Ethan remarked.

When Giselle deemed there is no noise, and it's peaceful here, she got involved in something very boisterous. However, unlike anyone, this guy doesn't appear ill. His honest ways didn't scare Giselle.

"Do you want to tag along and explore the place together?"

Giselle hesitated until eventually, she agreed.

The two walked ahead while checking out the place they planned to attend.