Arrived and Aware

Edwin received a word from Shane Ricardo that early Saturday cold morning. He got up at the beginning of dawn when heard the news of Shane sitting down with Giselle yesterday. His mind kept him occupied with the thoughts of the outcome, and when obtained the knowledge of Giselle agreeing to his plan and is on her way along with her daughter, Lia, felt glad and praised the efforts of the man who struggled for his best friend and Edwin's daughter.

Upon learning the information from Shane early that morning, Edwin was tense and began his day to prepare to receive his guests today. He made breakfast for four to five people, in case if his visitors haven't had their breakfast. Since a kid is visiting as well, Edwin checked for treats to serve her and had a few home-baked cookies available. That wasn't enough, and so he chose to make some more and of different kinds. Time was left plenty on his hands, and Edwin made sure that his guests, not because it was Giselle, let alone anyone, would get a pleasant warm welcome and treated with interest.

By the time he placed the tray of cookie dough shaped some round, some squares, and other few other fashioned to fancy ones, into the oven, Lillian descended downstairs. Surprisingly awoke at seven in the morning, she appeared ready for the day with a new pair of pants and shirt, dressed in her own taste.

"So early, Lilly?" Edwin called to show his attendance in the kitchen.

Lillian, who was heading towards the living room, retreated from the sound and moved straight to the spot the voice originated. She saw the counter filled with ingredients, indicating their uses.

"You're baking early in the morning?" Lillian asked after studying that most of the products involved with home-baking.

Edwin admitted.

It was a bit weird, but Lillian did not think too deep as she knew the passion for cooking never died anytime with her father.

"Is breakfast ready, dad? I'm feeling hungry, a little," Lillian asked.

Edwin set the table with her food, and the two joined for a surprise early breakfast.

Often while eating, Edwin would glance at Lillian and find her expression match the mood soon to appear later for the day. She was holding a constraining frown that indicated her busily engaged mind.

Edwin got reminded of Giselle and her daughter's arrival today. It made him fear slight, thinking if he should whether give notice to his daughter or not. In the end, he maintained censorship and believed that it would be best for the two to meet on the spot.

As he ate, Edwin recalled the times Lillian displayed her interest in the past and that Edwin mistook it for some guy when it actually meant for Giselle. He wondered about this girl, who was able to capture Lillian's heart and made her go crazy. For a long time, Edwin aspired to meet this person in real and not just hear tales of her. The more Edwin thought about it, his mind became agitated, and time appeared to suddenly slow down as the passing seconds felt longer than usual.

Finishing breakfast, Lillian headed back to her room after fair notice to her father to not disturb her, for she will spend time reading some books. Edwin allowed.

Lillian returned at once and entered her room.

To save her boredom, Lillian often went out to look for new novels to read and collected new copies from the store. Stacked on the little study desk at the corner of the table, Lillian examined the list and chose a book to read, for the weather was cold and intimidating: a perfect way to encourage this hobby.


Crossing 636 miles by the air and reaching the beautiful port city of South Carolina, Charleston, the flight landed sharp as it assured.

Out came Giselle accompanied by Lia, whose eyes kept gawking at scenes without a blink. She didn't want to miss out on a thing.

"It's a bit cloudy in the morning now, mother," Lia said as she looked up in the sky.

"Yes, I think it rained last night here. The weather is a bit chilly-" Giselle observed.

"I like it here," said the little one tasting the fresh breeze wash over the bright sun with grey clouds.

The dark visible mass covered the space as it swayed to the moving wind, which only flew lighter to the ease of travelers. However, from observation, one can suspect light showers are soon to make their presence. Giselle felt glad for arriving without a hassle.

"Let's get moving before it starts to pour down," Giselle said and took her phone out to learn the address to navigate around here.


Edwin rested in the living room for the rest of the morning and kept his front door open to his signal. He kept glancing at the time and couldn't feel focused for one minute straight. Hours passed, making him feel like surviving a thousand years. The main gate is far from the entrance, and it was hard for the retired man to squint his eyes every time to take notice of any appearances.


It is the first time Giselle traveled to another spot alone within the country.

Her confidence in traversing at foreign lands increased from living long years abroad, and it often ceases her anxiety upon landing on new ground. However, those merits faced a slump today, especially when it was Lillian's place that they were to reach. Giselle appeared anxious quietly.

Having read the address, she called for a ride and boarded the transport, making sure that Lia stays by her side at all times.

The ride was new for Lia and a shivering call to Giselle, for every second she noticed the residence located left and right and the proximity of their drive closing the distance, Giselle's heart panicked all of a sudden. It was scary to sit and receive panic attacks at every turn the vehicle made jointly, masking as if it reached the spot.

Giselle felt her legs trembling on its own. However, Giselle did not respond to it, as the minute she starts to listen to the shiver, she might end up conceiving absurd ideas such as running away. Having Lia by her side helped in these times, and Giselle found the little one to enjoy the views by the window heartily. Often Lia would throw questions at her mother, and Giselle's panic disappeared without a trace by educating Lia.

The ride was sure long enough into the city, and it reached the said spot after consuming several minutes on the clock.

As soon as the car stopped, Giselle felt running back to cowering, while Lia questioned if this was the place. Giselle admits positive, and as they looked out to find a lone home standing firm, surrounded by the trees and lush plantation.


Edwin heard a noise outside, and his eyes flashed at speed to find a car parked outside the gate. Until now, the possibility to welcome Giselle and her child seemed like an easy task, but when the time came, Edwin panicked, not for him, or his guest. His concerns related to Lillian Grey, who is now upstairs in her room, reading leisurely.

At once, his mind crashes with the possibilities of what is going to happen right now!


Meanwhile, Giselle, having settled the payment, got down from the car. Their departure alarmed the driver to retreat, and Giselle found it tough to see their transportation leave, making her feel isolated and stranded.

"Is this the house, mother. Well, it looks gorgeous," Lia commented.

"Yes, it does," Giselle responded much to her procrastination, and all of the thoughts deemed, seemed like a bad idea to go along with Shane's plan.

'Should I have not agreed to this ridiculous plan?' Giselle thought, slightly falling into her own trap.

She gulped for fresh air and felt the cold wind piercing her lungs.

Lia saw her mother hesitate. She kept observing her movements, which delayed them from entering the house.

On the other hand, Edwin rose from his seat as soon as he saw two figures emerge from the car and that the vehicle left already. The first glance openly perceived a little child, along with an adult. Edwin's sight needed assistance as it was not able to grasp Giselle from a far distance. Nonetheless, he instantly left the room and hurried out to welcome his visitors.

Giselle spotted the silhouette of a man coming out. She learned at once that it is Lillian's father, Edwin Grey; Natural panic overwhelms Giselle and refuses to let her take a step forward.

"They must be waiting for us, mother. Let's go soon," Lia said and pulled Giselle forward.

Giselle marched with each step at a ridiculously slow pace that comparing it to that of a moving turtle on a beach would suffice the imagery.

Edwin moved as well, matching her speed to his own astonishment.

Both advanced, walking towards the main gate, which is far from the front door.

A few yards distanced between the main gate and the front door gave ample space for the residents to own garden to their pleasing. Edwin used the area to plant flowers and a porch swing that stood underneath a giant umbrella. It often serves as a spot to relax amongst the buds and blossoms.

The closing distance, little by little, presented both sides with a clear view as one watched the other with a careful eye.

Giselle stared at the man nearing the gate, his steps little brisk for his appearance while the way he dressed, and his countenance did prove that Lillian Grey inherited some of his handsome features. Giselle's age let her explore his features with clarity while Edwin struggled a little with reading the woman walking along with a child.

Upon sight, Edwin looked at the little girl first, and a spontaneous smile surfaced on his face to sing her sweet presence. It took him a moment to get a clear picture of Giselle and to watch her actions and expressions.

The two, having touched the gate, stopped at once for a few seconds to catch a break, respectively. Their eyes still fixed upon each other steadily.


The tension builds up between the two while the gate stood as a mediator.

With short distance, Edwin read Giselle's soft features and gentle eyes that surfaced stress, which is to expect from the unplanned encounter. However, his intimidating looks frightened Giselle, and she froze. Lia, who already received the man's greetings from afar, now saw him inspecting at her mother.

"Hello, Sir, We are here to meet my mother's dear friend. I'm Lia, and this is my mother, Giselle," Lia spoke to break the stress after watching the adults arrested to their feet for a long time.

Hearing a young, sweet voice reach their ears, the two mutually broke the stillness. Edwin smiled, which relieved Giselle to the slightest of sighing softly without letting her emotions run wild.

"Welcome, please come inside, Giselle and- Lia, right?" Edwin greeted with a respectable tone.

"I've been expecting to meet you for a long time, Giselle," Edwin added and threw Giselle into hysteria. Giselle sweated to the weather already, but this greeting just added more pressure to bear.

She smiled to respond and kept up with Edwin as the group marched towards to house.

Giselle felt her heart might stop at any time, and to break the growing tension, she gazed over the space and admired the blooming buds of colors. The little one is no stranger to the merriment as Lia enjoyed watching dancing butterflies kissing the blossomed lavender crocus petals.

"This is a pretty house, Mr. Edwin," she remarked.

"It is where Lillian's mother was born and raised. My mother-in-law left it for me to take care of after her departure. This building holds a special place in our hearts," Edwin expressed.

His response made Giselle study the house even more closely as it is where Lillian's mother lived.

Her direct examination went noticed by Edwin, and he smirked a little to see Giselle's curious exploration of the construction.

'She is in interest to things related to Lilly,' - Edwin noted.


Lillian Grey, secluded in her room, read through half of the book, which she started a few hours ago after having breakfast. Because of the tranquil environment, her reading skills enhanced as she studied through pages after pages. Within hours passing, Lillian reached the last few chapters. As she turned the page to keep going, an insight of sudden sensation made her drop the book on the table. She got weak and tired in her heart, which resulted in not focusing anymore on the story.

Lillian forcibly tried to read, and it only made her disrupt the flow, which angered her state.

She stood swiftly up and roamed about inside the room to wash away this uninvited feeling. It stirred her mood and left her to abandon her reading time.

As Lillian rambled inside the room to wipe out and organize her mind, she crossed the window and caught a sight glanced down on the frontcourt to take notice randomly. Upon its perception, Lillian stopped moving and ceased on the spot nearby the windowpane to look at three people, out of two whom she could recognize right away.

The first gaze identified Giselle, whose face is something registered in her soul forever.

The next one was Edwin, who's back faced Lillian's vision. The remaining was a little girl who stood stuck by Giselle's side but didn't seem scared over Edwin's presence.

Lillian Grey appeared utterly shocked and now finds that the uninvited feelings were only a foreshadow of this particular scene.

'What the hell is she doing here?' - Lillian said and dashed out of her room in a flash. She went flying downstairs, and upon reaching the end, the group already entered inside.

Absolute silence attacked the air, and the patrons inside, along with newly appeared faces, all encountered each other.

Lillian's eyes only heeded Giselle, and the same for Giselle, who couldn't move her gaze away from Lillian Grey.

Probably, the only sane ones were Edwin and Lia in the room.

Edwin noticed the two on their own world while Lia was left alone to look around the home and finally ended up seeing the woman who stood at the foot of the stairs.