Wordless moment

Lillian watched Giselle sped her way faster, dodging the asked question with every effort. Although anticipated, she didn't think that Giselle would once again run away. Never expecting for an answer anymore, Lillian still smiled to joy, for Giselle's face already revealed its response.

The glowing cheeks, trembling lips, flickering lashes, and heated nose naturally acknowledged. While dancing, Lillian also observed the pounding throbs of Giselle's racing heart and her grounded gaze, which threw Lillian at the surprise of still feeling the same pulse she did back in the day. All of these tiny details were clues that satisfied Lillian, letting her let go of the poor soul that tried to escape again.

Following with a content grin, Lillian soon catches up to Giselle. By that time, Giselle too, spent all of the energy to cool down her head, and heart, acting freely.

Her striving efforts got duly noted, and Lillian felt elated more and more.

"You don't have to run again," Lillian said.

"You don't have to reply to that as well," she added with a quiet smirk.

Giselle flinched at noticing her sudden withdrawal and suspected for the reasons to do so.

"Let's move," Lillian said and walked ahead.

Having found no clue to learn, Giselle ignored the slight shift in her face and resumed to walk next to her company, only this time the pressuring tension didn't linger between them. The two appeared quite comfortable.

The shopping district soon reached its end, and Lillian signaled Giselle to take a left so that they can return through the route back home early.

As soon as they left the lively street, the tranquility of the night reappeared. But it didn't haunt the women any longer.


"That was a little fun."

Giselle commented, and Lillian smiled as if she was anticipating praise already. She agreed.

That was indeed a better play for the two to ease up those tense and worry.

"So, I did become a writer as you already know me by my pen name, Gill," Lillian stated proudly.

She remembered when Giselle wished for Lillian to become a writer, and right now, it seemed the perfect chance to brag it to the person who instigated such an idea in the first place.

"Yes, you did," Giselle greeted from the account.

When Lillian inquired if her books received any attention, Giselle admitted positive.

"Did you like it?" Lillian asked, controlling all the eager to know of Giselle's verdict.

"Yes, and very much."

Upon hearing her credit sincerely, Lillian grinned to herself in much jolly. Giselle then revealed her wonder when she learned Gill's true identity. Lillian explained that she favored using a pen name to avoid unnecessary hassles. That way, Lillian can live in peace and write conveniently.

For a short while, this conversation served as the better choice of interaction between Lillian and Giselle. Taking advantage of this opportunity to try, Giselle spoke.

"Please return to your life, Lillian," she said straightaway without holding back.

"I am at home."

Lillian's crafty reply can irritate anyone at the position, yet Giselle maintained her poise.

"You know what I'm trying to say here," she argued by including all of the positive points for Lillian to agree to return. Nevertheless, as if putting ill thoughts into existence to those convincing strategies, Lillian's face remained impassive, paying absolutely no heed to the agreeable arguments of Giselle.

Giselle continued to advise Lillian and placed multiple requests and some demands to retire from this hostage condition. However, Lillian appeared to play dumb, ignoring to acknowledge and only kept listening to what she has to say.

Giselle extended to advocate Lillian to return, but none could ever pass Lillian's stern attitude.

"Are you even listening to me?" she raged finally to the dull ears.


"Then why aren't you responding?"

"I chose not to," Lillian sharply snapped that it cut Giselle's strenuous attempts.

It is unacceptable for Giselle to exert at such length to only receive a nasty remark. Her anger reached heights, yet she chose to follow silence for now and not breakout to provoke her nerves.

Meanwhile, hearing Giselle strive to make her return, Lillian appeared confused. Still, she held hate slight to show her going along to such an idea and let Shane's stratagem win.

None of it weighs though since Lillian noticed their course, and identified that they would return sooner than expected.

The time now passed quickly, practically crossing minutes like seconds. Lillian's patience warned her to make use of the chance, which may or not appear again in the future.

Having reasoned after much self-debate, Lillian vigilantly focused on addressing a few matters.

"Giselle?" she called.

When the enraged woman attended to the call, she found Lillian already staring right back at her.

Giselle panicked underneath from not having the slightest clue to what comes next!

They walked despite the increasing tension. After a moment of certainty, one spoke.

"Why did you leave me?" Lillian said.

As if a thousand claps of thunders struck at the same spot on a stormy night, Giselle felt sick to the stomach and aches at heart. She knew what Lillian meant by this direct interrogation. She battled whether to respond or not, but it looks like it doesn't matter to the confronting Lillian.

She lost the bright color in her tone a few minutes ago and appeared with a solemn face that depressed Giselle.

"Why did you choose to leave me at that time! You certainly were aware of my intentions, which I explicitly displayed to your evidence. Despite it, you chose to leave me," Lillian asked.

Giselle tried to talk, but no words came out of her mouth.

"Why didn't you keep your promise to me?"

"You said that you would meet me on that weekend, but you left without a word, why?"

When Giselle attempted to utter at least rubbish, Lillian resumed as if she bothered not to listen to what Giselle wishes to say.

"If only you had stayed another day to see me! Oh, I wish things would change in good ways," Lillian expressed soberly.

Giselle ceased to try and only listened as it appeared that Lillian only wanted to vent out.

She glanced sideways to find Lillian's cheeks flaming in heat from firing words. Her chest heaved up and down from the unconquerable range of emotions she encountered. Giselle felt helpless and worried sincerely about what would happen if Lillian were to expect for her answers. She can never disclose what happened with herself and Diego, now that who knows what would happen from separating the two best friends. Frankly, Giselle has no stats on Diego that she chose never to include his name ever and decided to bury that evil encounter forever.

Nevertheless, it doesn't matter at all right now, for Lillian skipped noticing for Giselle's reaction and kept going all the way.

Questions kept bombarded one after the other, ranging from wanting to know if she really got married, to the reason for her ignorance when met unexpectedly at Shane's place.

With dozens of queries on the queue, Giselle no longer thrived to work on her answering, but solely listened with submission.

Lillian returned to herself only after sensing their course nearing its destination soon. She ended with the inquiry and panicked to have wasted good minutes to only assaulting heartfelt concerns. She never received an answer as well, which made Lillian realize her madness.

A few deep breaths helped, and a single speedy glimpse over the side to inspect Giselle is enough for Lillian. She observed her company be still in a trance.

"I'm sorry," Lillian apologized.

"I-" she tried reasoning but failed even to attempt.

Under self-loathe, Lillian recollected herself to spot the approaching main gate. Their return journey felt like it went with the wind, a complete contrary to when they left to tour. That was a slow tragedy.

Having nearing the main gate, Lillian slowed down her steps while turning to face Giselle.


Giselle stopped on the trail to see that they reached the house already. She wondered why Lillian stalled all of a sudden. However, before entering, she saw Lillian seize her hands in a gentle motion. Giselle grew her eyes wide open to witness what began unfolding in front of her.

"Giselle, you are the first person ever to love me in such a way, and let me say this- with or without any influence, I happen to fall for you as well."

"I realized my feelings on that prom night. That is why I had to rush to see you- so badly. I waited for an opportunity to say it properly, but it never happened. I don't know if I can ever get another chance with you like this, but right now, this second, all I'm thinking is to confess my feelings for you, properly, sincerely. I lived in vain for a long time, sobbing to the misfortune of never seeing you on that weekend. Let me do this now, and then I can hear all your words."

Giselle heard as Lillian said to validate what Diego mentioned already. Lillian indeed reciprocated her feelings at last, but at what cost!

Giselle expected for what is to come, yet the impact of being at the end of receiving a confession from Lillian after several years moved Giselle to tears.

Lillian lifted her trembling fingers to wipe away the droplets. She caressed Giselle's cheeks fondly with a smile.

'Ah, I feel so strange. I don't care about anything anymore.'

Lillian believed in the rising strength and storming confidence building at the moment. She chose to use it to her taste and spat those unspoken words right now to the person she wanted, wished, and ached to say for a long time.

"Giselle, I love you."


Rejected at first, Giselle got heartbroken from declaring her love. Despite facing failure from liking someone, she still felt slightly happy for conveying her feelings. Since that rejection, Giselle earned another golden chance to meet Lillian again and become friends with her.

Going from loving to being friends did sound painful for Giselle, yet she endured and tried to convince herself from not committing the same mistake.

To her dismay, spending time with Lillian on several times, revived those convinced emotions that once admired from distant and silently kept existing underneath all that close bonding.

Giselle's love for Lillian is something tenacious, so keeping it under control can be a tough task to achieve.

Without realizing, her fondness for Lillian became eternally engraved into her soul. She came to notice it during the school trip, and ever since then, in the shadows, the love respired.

She chose never to confess her true feelings again to get rejected, but right now, the scene that she witnessed, the words she overheard to her wonder, all of it were from Lillian Grey, the person whom she silently adored.

The act of receiving love is a treasurable moment.

It felt too genuine to be real, and under the night sky, even the reality mirrored a dream.

Shattering it with a blast of her expressions, Lillian Grey came to rescue the woman who looked captured from the confession.

"Yes, I rejected your confession at first, but the more I learned about you, the more I fell and cared for your existence. I disliked every second of your absence and cherished all our moments together. I hoped and prayed to be with you all my life, and yet it never came true. I despised all these years of living alone in sadness and suffering hell every moment of being away from you. Oh, the agony of carrying the love without being able to admit! It killed me several times from remembering how close I came, and then you left my world. It broke my heart and tore me apart into pieces. I know things happened, and I might not be aware of part of it, but I want you to know that my feelings for you will never die. I keep thinking about you, Giselle."

With every sentence, Lillian neared Giselle, who stood nailed to her feet.

"I missed you,"

"I missed being with you,"

With that, she dared to move her hands to hold Giselle and stare deep into those astounded eyes.

"Hell, I missed you to the heavens,"

"You've grown into such a beautiful woman. Yet, you look the same old Giselle whom I loved more than myself."


Giselle had long gone mute from the very first statement and froze to the spot, only able to feel the closing gap rousing her heart.

'What is happening to me?' - she thought at hearing Lillian make a heartfelt confession.

Giselle experienced feeling the solitude she endured for several years vanish this instance from her comfort.

Lillian Grey loves Giselle!

It echoed inside while getting engraved in her heart and soul, word by word, all of it. Giselle heard with her ears wide open and active to listen. Her gaze never left Lillian and only kept staring at her in awe.

Seeing those tears finally stopped, Lillian pressed her fingers into those moist cheeks, palms cupping Giselle's face, and gawking into those eyes that loved her quietly for a long time.

It is the moment of wordless contact where the two who liked each other gazed steadily, refusing to let go of it. The thought that even a mere glimpse away can ruin this unusual moment.

The atmosphere seemed frozen along with her, and Giselle could no longer be able to hold herself to understanding. She lost into Lillian's guard, and for a split second, shut her eyes in passion, which flagged an opening to the other.

Lillian saw Giselle not pushing her away yet. To express her love wholeheartedly, she leaned further closer to the face.

Their breathing sang high and rough at first. Soon, it married and danced at the same pace, which only encouraged both to keep still.

Having each other at such close embrace for the first time, without realizing or considering, Lillian chased for Giselle's lips and kissed it softly. They were cold from the breezy weather, yet the moment their lips brushed against each other, they turned warm.

Little tender brushes and even breaths made Giselle moan lighter than air, only audible to the other. Lillian liked it and pressed a little harder on Giselle's lips by tilting her face forth with a gentle force.

At first, from closing her eyes, Giselle felt Lillian's presence, frighteningly near where she could feel her breathing. Soon to her shock, Giselle sensed Lillian's lips on hers.

The cold lips instantly burned from the immediate touch. It unlocked a new passion from the inside.

Giselle opened her eyes a little to see Lillian already kissing her. There were only gentle movements, and Giselle felt her body set on fire.

Unable to react, she kept staring visibly at Lillian, who closed her eyes long back.

Before giving Giselle a chance to think, the sensation spread all over her body, and she began to feel good. Losing soon to the overflowing love, Giselle closed her eyes naturally and let Lillian seek more.

Receiving the signal to discover Giselle allowing this, only made Lillian more aggressively passionate. She forced a little to invade the sealed lips, and Giselle let her in. Soon, their soft brushes turned to a violent venture.

The two kissed wildly and were inseparable until they needed air to survive. The little action broke, and after the sudden race to breathe, Lillian reconnected their lips for another kiss, which lasted longer than the first. This time her eyes were open and searingly watched Giselle enjoy this as much as her.

How long had these two yearned to be with each other!

How many years passed in absolute isolation!

None of those wounds hurt anymore, for this declaration of their love made it clear that both stayed true and still cherishes the passion without a doubt.

They kissed and embraced in the same position for quite a time until Giselle heard a repeated cry.

Ignoring made it only increase its volume, and soon the faint call turned into the loudest screams of the night, and Giselle, at the instance when heard the voice, broke the kiss abruptly and pushed away Lillian by an impulse. Looking around to notice that they were still outside, Giselle rushed to the direction the voice emerged.

The moment of truth revealed itself as Giselle saw little Lia's face in horror from seeing her mother.