Unhappy departure

As announced, Giselle and Lia got ready after finishing their breakfast and were preparing to leave shortly.

Edwin insisted on driving them to the airport, but Giselle politely refused. She knew that Lillian still hasn't returned home, and Edwin should be there for her when she does.

The two packed their bags, and upon crossing Lillian's room, each glanced it with their own thoughts reflecting.

Deciding to leave, but to retire even without peacefully settling, stressed Giselle. She wished for things gone friendlier. Meanwhile, Lia worriedly thought if the strange lady resided in this lonely room and possessing such thought, it only depressed Lia more.

Both of them descended the stairs and found their ride to be waiting outside.

Edwin joined Giselle and Lia in the living room to send them off.

"Lia, you can go and wait in the car while I talk to Mr. Grey. But before you do, thank him for letting us stay here," Giselle said.

Edwin scoffed at Giselle not to be distant with him.

Lia still thanked for his hospitality and for treating her to delicious meals during their stay.

Edwin, startled from the gesture, accepted Lia's praise with a grand smile and a soft pat on her head.

"It's nice meeting you, Lia. Take care," Edwin said.

Lia dashed to their ride after obeying her mother's words. Her actions, all while remained reserved. She did not once glance at her mother, still holding in the silence.

"She is still not talking to you," Edwin remarked from the behavior.

Giselle sighed from the harsh cruelty.

"She is only listening to what I say since we are outside. If it was at home, she might completely avoid me, I believe," the mother groaned under her breath.

"She can't avoid you forever."

Edwin's cheering raised her confidence to keep fighting. Before letting Giselle leave, Edwin asked her to wait while he rushed to the kitchen and returned with a gift.

Not exactly a gift, but from the look, it represented a packed meal.

Edwin gave the bag to Giselle.

"Why?" Giselle asked from sniffing the food inside the package.

"I managed to complete your first favor, which is to make Lia eat well. She did have her pancakes wholeheartedly. However, you did not have anything. You only had your coffee and convinced me that without sleep, you didn't prefer to eat," Edwin expressed.

"I still do. Since I couldn't catch a wink, my energy is low, and what I need is not food, but the power of caffeine."

Giselle's comment received a slight scowl from Edwin Grey.

"Still, you have it. In case if you get hungry during the trip. I packed enough pancakes for you and Lia,"


"Now accept it already, Giselle. It is an order."

Giselle obeyed and accepted the delicious gift by thanking him.

The time arrived for Giselle to leave, yet she staggered on her spot, feeling saddened from the unhappy departure.

"Edwin?" she called.

Giselle enquired of the second favor she made to him and Edwin, seeing her hesitate, reassured to accomplish her wish as soon as Lillian returns home.

Believing in his word, Giselle thanked him for everything and left to leave.

"Giselle?" Edwin called after seeing her walk a few steps.

When Giselle turned, Edwin asked for a favor this time.

"It was nice meeting you finally after hearing about you from a long ago. I know things still are weary between you and my daughter. However, if you ever have the time to spare, I wish you and Lia to return anytime. I would be glad to have you here more," he said.

Giselle received a surprising blow from his kind words and returned.

"I wish for that as well, Edwin Grey," she replied with a hopeful smile.

Edwin watched the two leave the house, just as he noticed them arrive yesterday, probably at the same time.

His heart ached for his wandering daughter and the struggling mother, praying that they can be friendly sooner.


Afternoon arrived with a clear sky, yet the ground was still wet from the mild showers. Several minutes passed after Giselle's departure, and besides, Lillian hasn't returned home. Concerned, Edwin stayed in the living room while keeping his eyes gawking outside for a trace.

Soon to ease his concerned heart, Lillian appeared walking slower than a snail. Her weak steps indicated the worn body, and dark eyes revealed the lack of sleep from pushing herself. Edwin reacted, and at Lillian entering the home, he hoped to speak out, but to his shock, Lillian moved like a lifeless person, refusing to welcome any conversation. She only glanced at Edwin once to announce that she returned home and moved to her room as dull as she could.

Edwin learned that this was not the right time to achieve Giselle's second favor. He let her leave to take rest and shut the main door to calm down his worried self.

Lillian went to her room to take a long nap.

Meanwhile, Giselle and Lia returned home after hours of journey.

As soon as they reached home, Lia ran to her room and shut it. Giselle didn't get a slight opening to talk to her.

She consoled herself from giving up.

Home felt safe and liberating for Giselle, and she fell on the couch to rest her body. Her eyes glance around, and it feels like months passed even though they left yesterday morning.

So many things happened, little to big, and despite those tough times, Giselle recalled the little dance they shared together.

Her own thoughts confused now that Lia witnesses them kissing. Giselle worried if she has to say the truth entirely to her daughter or not.

Lia is at a fragile age and is still growing. Maybe, right now, she may not understand her mother or the truth. The troubled parent worked if revealing all would only end up distancing their relationship. Nonetheless, Giselle knew that someday Lia will learn the truth of her birth and of her mother's past.

Thinking hard made her stomach grumble, and she saw Edwin's package still unopened.

Giselle grabbed the bag and went to the kitchen to eat, and as she did, it surprised her to see that Edwin made blueberry pancakes, which are Lillian's favorites.

A small smile displayed, and she took a bite of it to melt under the taste.

Edwin packed a lot of pancakes that can fit for both, and so, Giselle felt free to eat more than one while saving some for Lia as she plans to meet the little one promptly.


Lia entered her room and locked it from the inside. She still didn't recover from the incident, and all her mind kept replaying was the image of her mother with this strange woman.

She lay on her bed to forcefully forget it, yet the memory haunted her steadily.

To interrupt her lone suffering was Giselle's knock, and Lia startled to unlock the door.

Giselle entered with a plate of Edwin's blueberry pancakes and a small bottle of maple syrup. She wasn't sure if Lia would eat it again, and so, it stayed in the bottle.

Lia refused to accept it even at seeing the tasty meal in front of her eyes. She kept her sight down to the ground and quietly declined the offer.

"How long do you plan to stay like this, Lia?" Giselle asked finally after waiting for her from last night.

It is their first conversation since that event, and Lia started shivering already.

Under pressure and fright, she said something that shattered Giselle's hope and destroyed her spirit.

"Till I meet father, I won't talk to you, mother. Please, I beg you. I want to meet my father. I won't leave this room until I see him. I can't look at you in the eye, mother. I can't- no matter how much I struggle-" Lia cried.

Giselle thought that home could make Lia feel safe to open up, but hearing her say such words hurt Giselle. The already grieving heart received a cut from its own blood for the first time. Giselle got defeated altogether, and she stayed speechless.

Lia walked away to her bed and faced the other side while Giselle holding the plate, felt like it might drop if not cared, seized to it firmly, and left the room without sparring a word.

Coming outside, she did not expect tears to fall, but it did. The situation got a lot worse than she could suppose.


Lillian Grey woke up feeling still exhausted from roaming the entire night while taking breaks occasionally at late-night bars. Only after a cold shower, she could feel alive and came downstairs to fill her empty stomach.

"Dad, I need food," she begged weakly.

Edwin noticed her being well and conscious.

"It is still evening, and you only slept for a few hours. Are you alright now?" Edwin asked to confirm.

"It's alright. I have free time on my hands already. I will sleep early today. Please, give me some food."

After convinced that she is back to normal, Edwin planned to execute Giselle's second and last favor.

He took out a letter that Giselle gave to him in the morning while informing her leaving, and handed it out to Lillian.

"What is it?" Lillian asked, after encountering.

"It is from Giselle, and she asked me to pass it to you before leaving," Edwin replied.

Only after hearing it, Lillian learned that their guest left already. It added more distress and plundered the mood. Lillian exhaled in frustration.

"Read it, Lilly. She wrote it for you," Edwin said.

There is no harm in reading a memo from Giselle. Maybe she said goodbye in it- Lillian thought, and she received the letter and placed it in her pocket carefully without crushing it.

Dinner got served early, and Lillian filled her tummy. Rushing back to her room, she sat on her bed to remove the letter from her pocket to read.

All while her sweat grew over her body from seeing the note on her hand.

Her heartbeat throbbed from the ambiguity she perceived from this paper.

After encouraging herself to be brave, Lillian finally opened the letter to read.


To Lillian,

I am not leaving this time without a word.

I am not planning to run away anymore.

I feel sorry about my behavior from last night. You took me by surprise with the kiss. I don't know what to do anymore except to talk to my daughter first. I don't wish for her to hate me, and also you.

I came to meet you and bring you back home, but it looks like I failed already. But I hope that you could return soon. Please.

- Giselle