A family dinner together!

The reunited family went out together after a long time.

Lia walked in the middle with her parents and held on to her father's hands tightly.

"Alright, here is the plan, we are going on food hunting to find a place to eat and then we will hit a dessert bar or so, for ice creams and cakes. How does it sound?" Ethan asked.

"I want big ice cream sundae," Lia demanded with a pout.

Ethan agreed with a loud cheer, and Giselle smiled from watching them.

The three kept walking until they reached the busy city's big avenue, packed with numerous restaurants, cafes, bars, theatre, multi-complex mall, shopping stores, etc.

Ethan had the authority to choose for tonight's dinner, and he kept passing various restaurants until a particular spot sparked an interest.

Ethan noticed an outlet that appeared to be a diner, also serving American fast food. The turquoise blue color interior first caught Ethan's attention, and he peeked inside to find people enthusiastically enjoying their time. He also noticed a few families savoring their dinner. From the look of it, it seems to a local cuisine outlet known for its burgers and shakes.

Somehow the cheerful, active vibe that Ethan picked from this place, along with the smell of tasty food served, he lastly made his mind to eat here with his family.

"We'll dine here," he said and dragged Lia inside in a swift.

Giselle followed them in a hurry. Just a few seconds lag, and Ethan already got them a table near a beautiful spot.

Lia waved at her mother to hurry, and when Giselle joined the table, she smirked and revealed with a blush of how her father tried sweet-talking with the lady.

Giselle eyed Ethan, and he suppressed his smile cheekily.

"Well, sweetie, isn't that an old news!" the mother observed.

Lia nodded her head nonstop, to confirm.

"Alright, enough. I'm your special guest, and so, no teasing me," Ethan hissed.

The waiter bought the menu to the table and left to let them decide.

Giselle already chose her order, while Lia and Ethan discussed trying out a variety of menus. They placed orders and waited. While their food was getting cooked, Giselle updated about Lia's school and Mrs. Beth's helpful assistance. Lia chatted happily about her friends, and Ethan asked for their names, wishing that he could meet them.

"Mom, we should invite them now that dad is here," Lia pleaded with her request.

"Woah!" Ethan said to his surprise in finding his daughter speak in an American accent and that too, a poor one.

"Yes, she is mixing it here and there," Giselle informed.

Ethan loved Lia's British tones when she speaks, and seeing it get mixed with the Americanized dialect- he felt slightly discouraged from the way she verbalized.

Nevertheless, Giselle grew surprised with the sudden wish that she worried over the preparation needed to invite Lia's friends and their parents over for lunch or dinner.

Lia kept begging, and Ethan proposed to support, saying that he can help to his knowledge if the idea has a possibility.

Giselle considered it to work well if they can somehow manage altogether.

She agreed.

Lia thanked her mother by rejoicing and dancing while sitting on her seat.

Their food arrives at the table sharply, and the three dug into their delicious dinner.

Ethan wanted to taste the chicken sandwich and the Harlem Classic, which is the choice of a classic beef or turkey with American cheese, onions, pickles, and the special sauce. He added regular fries to the table and helped Lia to select- Kid's grilled cheese, and cookies and cream milkshake.

Giselle advised Lia to choose her favorites while she can bequeath trying out a new menu to her parents. Ethan agreed, carefully picking so that Lia can have her fair share of taste. If the child likes, they could let her eat a portion from the plate.

Giselle was the last one to order, and she got herself, the famous veggie burger made in house with vegetables, grains and nuts, American cheese, onions, pickles, and special sauce. She also got the Hot Honey chick, which is basically crispy dark meat with hot honey, jalapeno pickles, and honey mayo. Giselle wanted to taste the alcohol, but Ethan restrained her from ordering. He added about going to an ice cream parlor after this dinner.


Giselle insisted on paying, but Ethan raged over to be one treating his family. He paid for their dinner, and all three exited the place with happy smiles and almost full tummies.

"Alright, now to someplace like snow land for desserts!" Ethan sang, and Lia joined him.

Watching the two was amusing at first, but Giselle got tired slightly from the packed week full of work.

"Why are you still sulking there, Gi?" Ethan called.

"Come on, mama," Lia joined as well.

Momentarily, Giselle glared at Ethan for calling her with the nickname he gave her back in the college where they studied together.

Ethan shifted his gaze away from discerning the daggers glared at him.

No matter how stress she was from her job, seeing these two smiling faces did cure Giselle's exhaustion and gave her new strength to pursue, to make sure to enjoy as much time as possible with them, not for her but Lia's sake as Lia's smile never ceased when she stepped out of her home. Her bright, cheerful face that she missed seeing, the sweet angelic voice that sings her name all the time- Giselle was glad that their cold, distant air disappeared. She marched and joined with Ethan and Lia. The weekend had many people out of their homes to enjoy the night. Ethan worried for Lia and picked her up to seat her over his shoulders. In an instant, Lia became the tallest over her group as she gazed at the night city and the strangers passing by. Ethan lifted his hand to connect with Lia's, and they swayed together in rhythm. Giselle walked next to Ethan, and at times when it gets jammed, she would hold on to the rim of his shirt. Ethan noticed it a few times, and soon, at the next occasion, he removed one of his hands from Lia to cover Giselle's shoulder to haul her in from getting pulled away from the crowd.

The three marched the night city in search of a dessert parlor.