A pleasant dinner!

The fashionably late ones that arrived settled down to share words and get comfortable while the one that is running late was Jessica and her parents.

Several minutes pass, and when the hands hit a sharp 07:24 PM on the clock, the doorbell rang to notice the chattering group about the arrival of their final guest for the evening.

Lia ran to answer the door while Giselle followed her behind. Opening their door, Giselle perceived the all-black group with clear sweat and racing pants as they smiled to their host.

"Sorry, we're late," Jolina, Jessica's mother, addressed.

"That's fine! Please come in!" Giselle invites them hurriedly inside while Lia and Jessica, already reunited to chatter covertly.

With a gentle tap on her forehead, Lia noticed her mother's signal to stop their tittle-tattle and move to join with the rest of the party.


"Look who showed remarkably fashionably late to the party!" Ian exclaimed.

"Wow, you guys were invited?" Conor teased.

"You two stop bothering them! How are you, Donald and Joli?" Melissa attended.

Jolina and Donald responded to the reception. Since the group already received Isobel's news via text message, the lately arrived couple went straight to share their wishes for the pregnant mother. Jessica ran to give a tight hug to Isobel, and Jolina accompanied her. Meanwhile, Donald waited for his turn to arrive.

"It's great to see you three," Melissa rejoiced from the reunion.

"Congratulations, Melissa, I'm happy for you two," Donald said and patted the shy Stephanie standing beside her mother.

"You are going to be a big sister, Steph," he cheered the little one.

The all-time blushing child hid her face away from hearing such an embarrassing comment.

Jessica returned to Lia's side, and along with Andy and his baby brother, they began to tease to soon-to-be big sister!

Giselle and Ethan froze from the striking sight, but to their surprise, the crowd kept teasing the latecomers until they yielded for an apology.

"Hush down, fellows, we got Giselle and her family, housewarming gifts," Jolina said.

"We all did too, Joli," Melissa and Ian yelled in unison while Conor sat next to his wife, audibly laughed.

Giselle's guests were kind to bring gifts for their first gathering. Although she never expected them to display such gestures, she still accepted it to their interest.

"We're sorry, Giselle! Donald had to stay with his client a little late than usual," the wife appealed.

"That's fine, I understand. I'm sorry to plan for this so sudden," Giselle said.

Donald and his wife, Jolina, expressed their interest to meet their daughter's new friend and were eager to attend this party.

"Jessica talked about Lia a lot, and we were curious to meet you guys as well. In case if you didn't plan for this assemblage, one of us would end up doing it anyway!" Jolina reassured.

Ethan and Giselle glanced at each other in relief.

All during the little chit-chat, Donald had his eyes set on Ethan, observing his actions.

When the ladies ended on a peaceful note, the tall guy spoke from his heart.

"It is great to meet you, Ethan," he began.

Surprised Ethan, did not have a clue on Donald's stressed words. Nonetheless, he visibly nodded.


Earlier, when Giselle met Lia's friends and their parents at school, they ended up asking the single mother all of their questions to know about her. Giselle had no choice but to reveal her divorce and mention about them still supporting each other.

It took a few seconds for Giselle to understand the hidden meaning behind Donald's words.

Not only him but everyone in that room as the guests knew of Ethan and Giselle's separation. What surprised their sight is how friendly and comfortable they appear and support each other, which is a rare sight to heed in today's society.

Divorced parents work together to raise their children!

Understanding the circumstances, the adults refrained from touching upon the subject. Nevertheless, they ended up admiring Giselle's calmness and Ethan's dynamic personalities. No judgment or gossips flourished amongst the fun, and the late evening flowered with new friendships.

Jolina, who also kept her eyes, studying both Giselle and Ethan, right away grasped that the two value Lia more than romance. She agreed to her husband's remark and joined in expressing her pleasure in meeting Ethan.

"There she goes, being all spooky!" Melissa commented.

When Giselle and Ethan blinked to their lack of information, Melissa explained of the black beauty standing in front of them.

Jolina, Jessica's mother, is a college professor with an outstanding educational background. She is currently teaching social psychology at the NYU. Graduated and had worked in the field for a few years, her performance skyrocketed, letting her land on her dream role of teaching psychology to the students. Jolina is excellent at reading people and has a practical sense of morals. She raises her daughter to be courageous and smart, just like her.

"Let her be, say, Donald, who are you training now? Conor asked the six-foot-tall black man standing close to Jolina.

Donald Ayden, a professional sports trainer, takes care of various athletes who play different games. He owns a private gym to tutor his clients for their matches and tends to their injuries.

"Rehabilitation program for a kid from Brooklyn who sprained his ankle," Donald spoke in his gruff voice.

"What does he play?" Conor followed up with another question.

"Tennis," Donald's hoarse sound followed as well.

"How is he holding up to?"

"He's a tough one,"

"So, you gave him more of your attention!" Ian guessed by joining in the conversation casually.

Melissa moved closer to Giselle and Ethan and whispered to them about how Donald loves passionate people who are willing to dedicate their lives to pursue and protect it.

The newcomers nodded their heads together upon learning.

Hearing about her father pay extra attention to a kid made Jessica hiss audibly.

"Excuse me, young lady, what was that?" Donald caught her brooding over in the middle of their die-hard teasing.

"Nothing!" Jessica said.

Ian walked over to tickle the grumpy girl and exposed how she doesn't like it when her father pays more care to those athletes.

"Well, I love sports, and I appreciate those players who put their heart and soul into their games. That is my job, sweetheart," Donald explained.

Jessica knew it always, but she still preferred to be her father's top favorite. Despite her mother confirming it, Jessica believes that being a player will make grab the top spot in her father's heart.

"Wait till I become a player and then-" Jessica paused in the midway to find everyone's focus direct towards her.

Her face became beet red, and she grabbed Lia at once.

"Show me your room, Lia," she said and dragged her away.

Seeing her, Andy grabbed her baby brother, and Stephanie followed them as well. The kids left the scene in a flash, and it took a few seconds for the adults to recover.

"Jessica is getting stronger every day, Donald. What is going to happen when she becomes a player?" Conor asked.

The crowd's attention now focused on the startled father:

"I will make sure that she never sees me-" Donald said, pausing before completing his words, which caused panic around the living space.


"I will take proper care of her, but- before all that hope, it should be her dream and not a forced decision to get her father's full attention."

Donald's carefully answered while being still in a state of shock.

"She is still a kid and thinks that playing sport is the only way to be her father's favorite! Let her be, Jessica will catch on it soon. Nevertheless, if it becomes her passion, then-" Jolina looked at her husband, passing the baton.

Donald stirred to acknowledge his everlasting support for his daughter's dream.

"That sounds fantastic!" Isobel remarked.

Soon to not let the flow cease, Isobel suggested that they start the dinner already, for the time is ticking away.

Melissa went to call for the kids, and they ran out to the dining table to take their seats.

With Ethan's help, Giselle prepared a banquet with British themed cuisine and displayed her skills lavishly.

Starting from the famous Fish and Chips, Kidney Pie, Bangers and mash, and the highlight of the evening, Sunday Roast filled the table to feast their guests.

A lot of gasps and appreciation followed Giselle, and the family soon started to enjoy their dinner.

Giselle and Ethan made sure that their guests enjoyed the meal in peace and comfort to their tastes. However, in the middle of a pleasant dinner, Isobel started feeling nauseous from the early symptoms of being pregnant. She expressed her queasy, squeamish feelings subtly and soon got discovered by his husband and the others.

Giselle assisted the sick mother to the restroom to relieve herself while Melissa took charge to fill in her role. Despite the little mishap, everyone enjoyed the dinner. When Isobel returned, Giselle prepared her tea to relax and took her to the living room for new air as the scent also causes her nauseating. Stephanie watched her mother struggle.

"It's alright since your mother is carrying a baby in her tummy, she might feel uneasy with several food scents. It is natural," Ethan assured the worried child, and Conor reassured the child.

"Your mother is fine, honey," he added. Stephanie kept her eyes fixated on her mother while resumed eating. Her friends supported her as well and proposed that they finish eating soon to give company to her mother.

Only then did Stephanie chose to eat wholeheartedly.

The kids ate full and left the table to join Isobel and Giselle while the rest stayed to have wine.


"Don't you guys want some dessert?" Ethan shouted from the kitchen, aiming to reach for the children.

Having heard the magic word, they all looked at each other, puzzled about whether to leave the nice lady Isobel or not eat the dessert.

"You can get your desserts and join me here. I will be fine," Isobel convinced Stephanie and her friends.

Following her words, the kids left to get their plate with a slice of English Trifle and returned by Isobel's side. The pregnant mother controlled herself from giving in to the sick feelings and bravely refrained until they all finished their slices.


The time to depart arrived, and the guests, even though they wished to spend more time, sharply chose to leave since it is the school night.

"It was a delightful evening, Giselle, Ethan. Thanks for inviting us," Jolina said.

"We had a great time together. I hope we all can meet often and have these parties," Ian remarked.

"I hope so too, but right now is perfect as we get to meet Lia's father. Next time, you come to the States, let us know, and we can have a get-together, man," Conor wished and extended his hand for a greet.

Ethan agreed.

Isobel apologized for her circumstance, and none of them accepted it as it is natural. They all promised to drink wine and eat fried chicken together after the birth of the second child.

A round of laughter crossed, and Donald took the lead.

"Alright, girls, say your goodbyes."

Lia's face sulked slightly from seeing her friends leave. She had a jolly, spending time with them and their families. Now that they are to say farewell, the scene turned dramatic.

"Ah, for christ sakes, you will meet each other tomorrow."

Melissa's comment urged the girls, and they sadly departed, promised to meet tomorrow early.


Sending off the guests, Ethan and Lia fell on the couch with individual sentiments. Lia momentarily sulked while Ethan felt exhausted. Meanwhile, Giselle continued to work to clean the aftermath of the dinner.

She collected the empty plates, stored the leftovers in the Refridgerator, and moved to wash the dishes when the doorbell suddenly buzzed to her alarm.

Lia jerked up from lying, hoping if it is her friends while Ethan and Giselle glanced at each other from distant to signal, wondering who might it be!

Giselle was at the moment had her hands soaked in the soap, and she signaled Ethan to answer the door. Ethan picked up his drained body and marched it tough to reach the door and open it.

When he opened the door as slow as possible enough to let it make a soft cry, someone spoke.

"Since when did you become such a party animal, Giselle," the voice uttered.