The dying romance

It was quite a dry night following a minimal rainfall in the late afternoon. The wind was still loading to its best, and with no dancing breeze, it was still at a suitable temperature to enjoy.

Jenna was cooking in the kitchen, making use of the discarded pasta in the pantry, and prepare a simple meal for two. She was quiet but appeared at ease from settling into a new place. Jenna felt no more conserved and added a few additions to the house, giving it the homely touch to it. It only took the editor a day to get comfortable, and she begged Lillian to be in charge of making their meals. The author did her best part in running to the store to purchase the list of items as instructed by Jenna.

Lillian came downstairs after showering. She felt the dry weather eat up her brain, and a cold shower could fix her back to normal. Descending the stairs while sniffing out the aroma in the air, she took a diversion to the kitchen and found Jenna almost at the end of cooking.

"That smells delicious!" Lillian commented to Jenna's notice.

Jenna nodded slightly to approve and continued to toss the pasta with its sauce.

Lillian clamored plainly to draw in Jenna's silent attention, and when she did, the author puckered her lips in gaiety.

"Were you talking about me when you said that you have a guardian who cares, yells, and even spoils you?" she asked.

"Is there anyone else I can give that title other than you, Ms. Grey?" Jenna exclaimed with a composed look.

Lillian was playing with the towel that she used to dry her hair. After hearing Jenna confirm to her inquiry, Lillian let her hair take the front stage and hid behind the cloth from getting caught in joy.

Jenna grated cheese on top of the dish and covered the lid to leave it as it thaws.

"It's finished," she informed.

"Alright, go take a shower while I wait," Lillian said.

Jenna left with a nod and walked to clean herself before sitting down for dinner.


Lillian peeked inside to get a glance at the food they are eating tonight.

Creamy Pesto and Kale pasta for dinner, steaming hot, and Lillian watched the cheese melt to her sight.

She covered the lid again to retain the flavor and let the cheese work its way to coat the food.

Moving to her favorite spot, the couch, and sitting comfortably in front of the television, she picked her phone out to play with it while waiting for Jenna.

Checking emails and responding to it was the main task, and as she kept herself occupied, a call interrupted her work, and it was from Lucy.

Lillian stopped moving her fingers swiftly and stared into the screen as the mobile buzzed at a stretch before ceasing.

Lillian resumed her work in worry now. It got reflected in her action as the fast-moving fingertips slackened following Lucy's phone call.

The second time when the mobile rang, Lillian hesitated from answering.

Everything kept happening at a fast pace that Lillian never paid any attention to the tireless girl's continuous efforts. The call ended.

Lillian waited this time, anticipating that Lucy would surely call, but there came no call to her phone.

She was aware of their dying romance, but it was painful to be direct and hurt the girl, which made Lillian run away, hide, or do anything that could give her the momentarily satisfaction from avoiding the trouble.

Several minutes pass and, Lillian is currently amusing herself from slumping to shame. She threw the phone away from her sight to watch the television, indulging in a fantasy drama series, focusing on the characters, the dialogs, and the background sets. The more she concentrated, the vulnerable her mind bounced back to thinking of Lucy. The doorbell rang to terrorize her for more, and Lillian looked up. Startled and hushed as she could no longer catch the sound coming from the TV. The pure fright got her standing uptight in the spot, and she guessed who it could be at the door.

There is no choice for her, and it scared Lillian as she marched to answer the door.

Paused in front of the entrance, her growing pulses in fear from venturing, and she exhaled out loud before opening the door.

There stood Lucy, drenched in her trench coat as the weapon of her disguise while wearing large sunglasses to conceal her face. Even for Lillian, the first sight misguided, and Lillian wondered who was standing in front of her. Only after the unveiling of the coolers, she was able to identify Lucy. Thrown back to her panic, Lillian remained hushed facing the visitor.

"Can I come in?" Lucy asked.

Lillian could feel the gap, separating the once tightly bonded hearts. Unable to decide wisely, Lillian thought of million reasons to satisfy Lucy, and it ran across her head like a coder on his first project. Running through simulations and stuck in errors was tiring, and the lengthy silence alarmed Lillian to discover she still had her guest waiting outside.

No matter what happens, attending to Lucy took priority. She let her in, and Lucy stepped inside the fortress. It is an odd welcoming. The place that once made Lucy go head over heels to go to any extent in finishing her job flawlessly to return by Lillian's side, made her feel at home and loved. The very same dwelling is now releasing a peculiar aura, and Lucy knew she became a stranger inside this residence. It made her possessed, and she decided to act introvert.

Seemingly, it was not only Lucy who felt enigmatic but Lillian as well. As if it was Lucy's first time in here, she walked a little farther from the visiting model.

Entering the living room, Lucy confirmed to the feel of the strange environment.

More features added to the simplistic design made it feel more family-oriented and warming. Nothing mattered too much because Lucy ignored the details in disinterest.

There was much tension between the two.

"Sit down," Lillian broke the silence.

"It's fine,"

Lillian got amazed by Lucy's response.

"Did you eat dinner? Why don't you stay to eat-"

"Are you joking right now, Lillian?" Lucy raged directly.

"I'm not! Stay for dinner!" Lillian replied.

"What made you think that I came to stay for your dinner when you didn't show any respect for my earlier calls?"

"It's not that I don't respect it-"

"It IS! That is why you keep avoiding my calls and rarely send me replies."

"I was busy!"

"For how long? Busy for me?"

Lucy's reply left Lillian speechless.


"Lucy, sit down first," Lillian approached, and Lucy hit her hand, reaching out to hold.

"I keep telling you again and again that I didn't come here to entertain you," the young model exploded in vengeance.

Now, it all seems pointless to hold back.

"Then, tell me. Tell me why did you come to see me now," Lillian asked.

"Why aren't you replying to me? It is not like I'm a bother to keep you always in my pockets. I give you freedom. I let you do whatever you want. I don't annoy you unnecessarily, but why? Are you getting tired of me already? I did hear your little rumors. Is it that time for you to flush out the old and seek for new?"

"Lucy, don't try to duel with me based on gossips. I hate it."

"Oh, the truth hurts!"

Once again, Lucy's words touched a nerve. Nevertheless, Lillian prevailed cautiously.

"Again, I was busy,"

Lucy bit her teeth to a fit of exploding anger.

"Oh, busy with hooking up with your editor, I guess."

Lucy saw Jenna come downstairs after showering, dressed in her sweats while patting her face with products. Lillian turned to find Jenna, and so did the inmate.

"Ms. Lucy, When did you arrive?"

Lucy ignored Jenna with passion. Hit with no response, Lillian signaled Jenna to stay put for a moment.


"Then, why am I seeing her? What the hell is she doing here?"

Up until now, Lucy treated Jenna friendly and someone whom she could trust with Lillian Grey. However, seeing the same person differ in her tone from the basic greeting, it made Jenna sad. She realized if anything happened between the two and if Lucy misread her staying at Lillian's place.

Lillian Grey takes Jenna's side, supporting her with a typical excuse of workload. She did not intend to hide about Jade from Lucy but seeing how she reacts weighed in Lillian's decision.

Nonetheless, Lucy is not happy to see the response she received.

"Stop lying to me," she cried.

"Alright, Jenna's grandmother passed away two days ago, and I brought her here," Lillian revealed bitterly.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lillian Grey, because I did not hear about your editor's loss, and I clearly don't know why you let a stranger into your home."

"Jenna is not a stranger."

"Then, who is she?"

"She is family, Lucy. Stop it before you misinterpret everything. I am taking care of Jenna- for a few days," Lillian added the last part, hoping it would do its magic in stopping Lucy from judging incorrectly.

"If you don't want me to misunderstand everything, then you should have your job done right. And, I understand Jenna is close to you like a family(Lucy quotes the word with too much emphasis), but don't

you think that what you are doing is kind of ridiculous. I mean, being a support system is good, and I agree to it, but to let her into her home and where is she sleeping, in your bed?"

Lillian remains silent.

"She is sleeping in your bed when you don't even talk to me," Lucy cried again.

"You're relating to nonsense, and you know you are wrong, Lucy."

Despite the heated conversation, Lillian maintained to stay patient.

"Yes, In a way, I am a nuisance to you, right? It is only her grandmother's death, someone who is old is going to die anyway, and that doesn't require your undeviating attention when I, your

girlfriend, getting rejected-"

Lillian did not let Lucy finish speaking, and a harsh slap did the job.

Lucy felt the piercing sting in her toned cheek, and it hurt to instant tears.

The hand that raised to stop Lucy from speaking such poisonous words twitched as Lillian heard the slap crystal to her ears. What she wished is never to harm Lucy, but when she inflicted this pain on her, it crushed Lillian as well.

"Ms. Grey!" Jenna yelled from the sight and was about to take steps to meddle and end before anything more drastic results.

"You stay there, Jenna. Someone who doesn't have humanity can leave this place right now."

"Are you telling me to get out?" Lucy said. Her hands, both holding the bloodied cheek.

"I'm glad that you are quick, Lucy."

"You are cruel, Lillian Grey."

Yes, accusing her was alright with Lillian, but bringing in Jenna and humiliating her when she is already fighting her battle made Lillian Grey finally lose her poise.

"Am I? I just told you that Jenna lost her only family, and you have the nerve to mock about it right in front of her. Don't you have any decency? They buried her grandmother today, and you are saying all these right now, to her face!"

"Do I know that? Was I informed of such news?" Lucy asked.

Instantly feeling wronged of her behavior, Lillian regretted. She hated herself, which was the second time, following her action with Giselle in front of Lia. It was an unpleasant feeling to despise oneself. The way Lillian treated Lucy when it was her fault of never informing about Jade priorly and kept running away, and that resulted in today's account. She knew her mistake, but those words Lucy said did pierced her, imagine Jenna's pain after hearing it.

"Do you think I would talk like this if you had replied to my million messages and thousands of calls just for once, telling me what happened?" Lucy said, and without waiting for a reply, she turned to leave in a hurry.

Lillian jerked from her spot, moved to follow her, aching to apologize right away for the way she treated her with physical violence. She was willing to sit down with Lucy and let her know the truth, what happened, and everything, but the crying model already escaped from her sight.


"Ms. Grey, you shouldn't have-"

"I know, Jenna. I'm sorry you had to see that. I'll apologize for those words she said. I know Lucy never means it. She probably regrets it more than anyone, but it was wrong of her to speak as such."

"I'll be in my office now. You eat and go to bed, alright?"

"What about dinner?" Jenna asked.

"I am not-"

"You said you are taking care of me. If you mean it, then sit down and eats your meal, Ms. Grey. I know that you are on the verge of breaking down as well. I know you are regretting your actions. I will wait-"

"I will wait until you calm down, and then we can eat dinner. About Ms. Lucy, as you said, she is a good person-"

"I know that she didn't mean it as well, but you must apologize to her properly," Jenna added and moved out to the kitchen as a place to retire while leaving Lillian alone, giving her the time to catch a breath.