The plan!

Lillian drove her car past the few reporters loitering outside the building. While crossing them, she heard someone yell her pen name to announce her departure, and the rest followed to chase the leaving vehicle. Surprised by their eagle-eye vision, Lillian sped up to escape their trail, joining the main streets where fellow cars and cabs protected her from getting discovered. Little Lia, who sat in the backseat, dropped her head low to hide and relieved herself upon Lillian's signal at their sanctuary.

"Are they gone?" she asked, peeking her head behind.

Lillian confirmed their escape to Lia's spot-on sight. She returned to her seat, now resting comfortably to her wish.

"I heard they were waiting for you, Ms. Lillian," Lia said.

"Yes! I'm starting to get concerned about them waiting outside all day," Lillian replies to check through the side mirror, hoping that she doesn't have anyone tailing her ride. To her keen sight, no one seems to be following. She relaxed more to slow down and drove at the average speed, keeping in mind that she has a little girl on board.

The descending sun had scattered its golden source of light across the sky, but the outset of darkness diffused its hue. Nevertheless, the city's colorful presence returned the brightness to its patrons, gleaming all around in spreading the Christmas spirit even before Christmas.

"I also heard that you're famous, Ms. Lillian!" Lia noted duly after the recall.

"Is that so? Who told you that?"

The rearview mirror served as their medium to converse as Lia admitted learning the news from her Uncle Jake.

"Is it true?" she asked again.

"What do you think?"

Lia confessed, seeing the name 'Gill' in her mother's personal library. It was surreal to accept that the person she came to know is actually famous. Lillian kept her eyes fixed on the road, only to listen to Lia's voice and occasionally respond to her.

"Then, why don't you talk to those people waiting outside!" Lia insisted.

"It is not that easy, Lia! My boss should permit me, and only then, I could answer those strangers."

"Is that so?" Lia bothered again.

"It is!"

Lillian's stern response returned Lia to stare outside quietly, watching the city's nightlife began. The midtown manhattan certainly catches the heart with its skyscrapers, the iconic Timesquare, and Broadway theaters. The hub of entertainment center filled its bustling streets with people from all around the world. Significant buildings to billboards, the life of the Big Apple makes everyone feel like a celebrity. Lia noticed to turn and inquire Lillian if she liked being famous. It was a random thought that provoked her to prattle, rather than sitting shiftless.

The child may have asked it out of boredom, but Lillian had a hard time responding. She did wish to reveal her identity for several reasons, but the reaction so far was tolerable.

"I'm not an actor or a musician, Lia. People who read my novel would be fascinated to see my face or maybe not- I don't know."

No one had asked her about how she felt about this new change. Even Jenna, who got a heartache from Lillian's sudden decision, had no comments about it. But she did swear her author to face its consequences and left to handle the commotion from the big reveal.

"I don't give it much importance. A lot of my acquaintances at work knew me and respected my privacy, so- so far, it is going great."

Lillian explained it to a sigh empty.

Lia remained quiet in the backseat and watched the view from her window while Lillian drove through the maze of Murray Hill's tree-lined streets and its townhouses. Most of its residents being recent graduates and young adults, Lia saw them in groups. With friends who were altogether acting like another family. Lillian often caught a glimpse of the child through the mirror, only to find little Lia gazing out, admiring the holiday humor from random strangers.

The stores and cafes started spreading the joyful mood with their themed limited editions; Hats, Fancy clothes, Holiday drinks, special discounts- all caught the traveler's attention to take notice.

"I bet it will get quite busy at Christmas!" Lillian exclaimed to Lia's agreeing.

"It's the time of year to be with your family. I think that's what everyone has in their mind," Lia sadly remarked to declare her father's doubtful absence.

She watched the child appear disheartened and isolated. The similarity of her features reflecting her mother, which Lillian witnessed through the rearview mirror; That expression, she had seen a lot in her past and hoped to make it disappear.

"Hey!" she called, looking through the mirror to get Lia's attention.

"Didn't I tell you! That, your father is working hard to grant your wish! So, what you need to do is smile and have faith."

Lia's face lightened from those kind words, and she returned to gazing out the window, now in different temperament.

"Thanks, Ms. Lillian," she added several seconds later to show her gratitude.

Lillian saw through the reflection, the features returning to its tender self, yet hiding the concern deep down. It struck Lillian for a while about Lia's whole demeanor. It wasn't because she suspected the child but completely dazed from her transformation. The child, who ran away seeing her mother kissing another woman, returns to act as if nothing happened. Lia's intentions also changed to a whole new course, now that she is trying to play the wingman for her mother and Lillian Grey's relationship.

It did not make any sense for a child to act as such. All of it confused Lillian even to consider what goes inside Lia's head. Thoughts engaged her mind as she entered the Queens Midtown Tunnel. The momentary absence of the outside world let Lillian's mind wander recklessly, even making a stray comment.

"Why did you go such great length in inviting me, Lia?"

Lia's gaze traveled to the mirror from swiftly keeping up with the count of cars passing by the other side. She saw Lillian's eyes fixed through the tunnel, on the long road ahead.

"Why do you think that inviting me will make your mother happier?"

The loss of sound inside the tunnel let Lillian's words mark its clarity.


To her alarm, Lia saw Lillian's eyes transfixed still ahead, never to meet the child's gaze.

"What do you know about me?"

"How do you know about me?"

"Why would the child, who once got scared and ran away, returned to care?"

Lia sat through to listen. It doesn't seem to be an interrogation like the words chained to drag her. They all seem to be an unresponsive approach. Nevertheless, Lia grew speechless as she couldn't find herself to answer.

Just as Lillian anticipated,

"Like this, I have a lot of questions in my mind, Lia," Lillian said to retreat to silence, driving through the end of the tunnel without ever acknowledging her previous comments. Lia remained stiffed until they exited to enter the expressway, continuing their journey to meet Giselle.

Lia returned to her seat, sliding back cozily, her hands inside her jacket pods for warmth and comfort. The returning source of the dark sky freed her from her concern. A few short breaths let her relax and gave strength to survive.

"I know who you are, Ms. Lillian," Lia replied voluntarily.

"I know who you are to my mother."

She added, following a few seconds.


Startled, Lillian hesitates to append,

"May I ask who-"

She never expected an answer and left her words hanging, but the child's intention assisted her courage.

Lia revealed it was her father who spoke about Lillian Grey.

The grip on her steering tightened as Lillian drove, wondering who this man was, the guy who seems to care for Giselle. The same guy who got separated willingly with Giselle and now supports his family.

The more her mind agonized about this unknown character, the more she got curious. Glancing to her side to find Lia worked up, she chose to kill the mood then and there. It was best not to involve the child with their tangled past and uncertain future.

"We'll reach your place soon," Lillian said to put an end to the conversation, continuing to focus on driving.

The completely darkened sky heightened the Christmas glow in the city, leisurely leaping into the holiday mood, and Lia admired every decoration to herself. Occasionally she would call Lillian to take notice at the sight of something interesting.

The two ignored the past conversation for the better and chose to enjoy their remaining time cheerfully.

As said, they reached Giselle's place as expected on time. The cheerful child now slightly hesitated from facing her mother all of a sudden. She feared if this act of hers would put her faith into a test. Lillian got down to follow Lia and supported her all the way.

They stood in front of Giselle's apartment, slightly panicking, but with the company of an adult, Lia chose to stay sound.

"Alright, Lia! Now, listen up," Lillian called to whisper her plan.

"We both enter to meet Giselle. What you do next is to give your lovely mother a tight hug! A hug that doesn't give her the chance to talk. Following you-"

'I could squeeze Giselle for a few seconds as well-' Lillian got distracted to a random thought but shook herself to remain focused.

"Following your hug, I will greet your mother to signal you to leave. Then, I will talk to Giselle. But you still have to give your apology after I leave. Do you promise?" Lillian proposed to take a pledge.

Lia agreed to the idea, though it seems too easy to hear, but had anxieties within.

"Don't worry! Your mother is a very kind-hearted person."

'Plus, I selfishly hope that my presence would keep her distracted!' - an inside chuckle broke to her random thought again, but mainly appealed to please the child to relax.

With that settled, the two got ready, and Lillian rang the bell to hear the rushing footsteps approaching the door.

It opened to a sight of alarmed Giselle, who hurriedly checked for her daughter and found her standing alongside Lillian Grey.

"Lia," Giselle called with a loud gasp to embrace the child to her heart.