The long awaited visitor

Descending curtains accompanied the distant cheers along with the extended standing ovation at the Majestic Theatre, as in the name of the theatre itself. Once the red drapes touched the ground, the actors took a few seconds to savor the feeling and dispersed to their own satisfaction.

Sweats appear on top of their bright makeup, yielding to the honors of another great show. The backstage crew and the musicians praised and roared for the stunning actors who passed by to their stations. Emerging out of the mask she wore for this evening and entering to her true self, Bridgette had heavy suits on her as the prima donna role demands, and it took a few pairs of extra hands to get her out of her boisterous costume.

Freeing herself from the fate of Carlotta, Bridgette reappeared to her plain face without any makeup, and a voice welcomed her with noteworthy praise. A presence that caught the attention of its surroundings to compare it to a surreal moment.

"Great show, Bridgette!"

"Laura!" Bridgette moved from her seat to greet the guest.

Laura Stritch, a senior to Bridgette and a veteran actor in Broadway, came to visit her junior on her personal request. Even in her late forties, Laura appeared flawless in her rouge pink pantsuit. Thanks to her genes that she was able to look younger than most of the actors succeeding her.

"You finally came to see me!" Bridgette exclaims, returning to face the mirror as she combed her hair to a loose pony.

Bridgette's familiarity caught nearby attention. Laura is a majestic figure within the industry, and her appearance means that she recognizes talent. The word of her arrival passed along the backstage, and everyone began to greet her with respect and admiration.

Returning gently to their love, Laura still conversed with Bridgette, leaving Bridgette's colleagues astounded.

"You do see how people are gasping from my attendance, right! I'm a busy woman," Laura teased as she waved her hand to another attention.

"I know. I've been calling you nonstop for almost a month, and now, you have time to see my show."

"You were great!" Laura remarked.

Bridgette waited for more as she looked at her beloved senior with anticipation. She wanted to know what her mentor thought of her performance and genuinely welcome to listen to any criticism.

My words remain genuine as it is!" Laura commented with virtue.

"Really?" Bridgette transforms into an excited child, listening to its mother's praise.

"You're good! I'm proud!"

The overwhelming joy Bridgette felt inside overcame the sorrows she carried in her private life. At that moment, no sadness survived, but a sense of accomplishment sojourned. Sensing the rising tension and the incoming of an influential group of people such as the producers, director, and composer, Laura signaled Bridgette to carry on, so that they could catch up after a long time with a pleasant dinner. She said to leave Bridgette's side to welcome her approaching company as they delved to a quick chat.

Bridgette's colleague, sitting next to her chair, poked to get the actor's notice and inquired about her relationship with the great, Laura Stritch. Bridgette responds to the gaping shrieks and surrounding attention, where she admits of Laura being her mentor- of a kind.

"Mentor- Did you learn acting from Laura?"

"Yes, and no. I was an understudy for one of her leading roles during my early days. She used to test me with random scenes and helped me around-" Bridgette explained it to her audience.

"Wow, if you had told people about your connection with Laura, it could take you to places," one of the dressers commented in awe.

"Laura doesn't like recommendations- even if she does want to recommend a talent, she sends them to the auditions- she says, you want a part, you earn it with your talent-" Bridgette replied to grab her belongings, getting ready to leave.

"Hey, can we take a picture with her, Bridgette?" the stage manager asked as a humble request. To their shock, Laura returned to hear their plea to Bridgette and agreed to take a group photo together with everyone.

The entire cast and crew gathered to commemorate Laura's presence and snapped a few pictures, followed by which she signed her autograph to a few loving fans, and soon, left with Bridgette.

While leaving, Bridgette said goodbye to her colleagues to find them worshiping her for the real treat. She signed out of the building along with Laura as they entered the streets. Laura had a few disguises to cover her face from getting exposed to the public and accompanied nearby to the Smith's bar.


It was a cozy, old-school restaurant with live music on a typical Wednesday night at Smith's Bar. People dined in pairs while a few took the counter for great cocktails, busily chirping about the play they just watched or something amusing.

Laura, being a regular at the venue, reserved a table private from the center of attraction. Their seats located farther from bustling parties and crowding counter. As they sat down, a waitress approached swiftly to handout the menu, fill the glasses with water, and waited.

Bridgette moped. When Laura had told it was her treat, Bridgette was hoping posh interiors, shimmering golden chandeliers, spread-out tables with food from all around the world-

She did not expect to sit at Smith's bar and listen to Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks.

Not that she hates it- in fact, Bridgette's already been to the restaurant a few times, and it is one of those standard places to dine or drink.

Regardless, the vibe remained unchanged- the live music or the karaoke on every Tuesdays, the chattering group to couples, the range of conversation begins on simple subjects to a deep-down dialectic of plays. Aside from the people, sometimes, even actors stop by to relax and decompress as it became routine.

One can get stunned to randomly encounter any star at any time at Smith's bar.

"Alright! What do you want?" Laura said to browse the menu.

"I- 'll- have-" Bridgette dragged to pick Chicken potpie, and Laura added a Big Blue Burger for her.

"Good! Then I will have the classic vanilla milkshake, and you- Bridgette-"

Bridgette scanned again to look for something more to warm for her vocal.

"Hot tea would be fine!" she added with a friendly smile.

Jotting down the food and repeating their orders, the waitress left the spot, leaving the two ladies alone to chat before the hot food arrives at their table.

Left alone to pass the time, both listened to live music as Laura's gaze found someone familiar. She knew who that was exactly and what he was doing!

"Is that Gavin Garner?" Laura exclaimed to find Bridgette flinch at once. She turned quickly to search for and found the face nearby the counter.

Meanwhile, having got exposed to Laura and her company, Gavin couldn't continue hiding anymore. He looked at Laura and then at Bridgette, smiling sweetly upon sight and marched to their table.

"Laura! Surprise seeing you here!" Gavin gasped with a dramatic tone of hysteria and surprise.

"Yes, be surprised! I come here most of the time. It's my favorite place, and everyone knows it!" Laura announced to his pretended baffle.


Laura knew Gavin also had a show today and inquired how did it go.

"Great as usual!"

"You've become a big shot, uh? Playing Dr. Jekyll- well, who are you now, Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde!" Laura teased.

"It's me, Gavin, Laura."

"Aren't you? You are a god's child with great talent. Protect it. Treasure it!"

"I will."

Feeling blessed with such a heartfelt compliment, Gavin noticed that he's been ignoring Bridgette's presence all along. He shifts his gaze to greet her again, quickly stealing a sight- brown turtleneck crop top sweatshirt with black trousers. She had a messy loose pony, a few sweats on her plain face, and along with the ear where a beauty mark rests, finally her glossy lips, which looked unusually enticing. She had her long french coat resting on her chair as she appeared composed and casual.

An exchange of awkward expression shared between the two as Gavin praised Bridgette on her performance tonight to draw himself away from getting lured into her charm.

"You came to the show?" Bridgette asked, almost appearing astounded.

Flustered, Gavin chose to stammer his way out of getting exposed.

"I- I was- around-" he manages to conceal the truth of dragging his friend specifically to watch Bridgette's play.

Watching Gavin reveal himself miserably to Bridgette made Laura feel like the third wheel in between the two. Both being her likable juniors, she couldn't help but feel the urge to tease them.

"Oh, stop, you two love birds."

Laura's intentions received very well as both blushed to their hot cheeks and burning embarrassment. Seizing the chance, the actor focused her little play towards the shy gentleman.

"So, why are you here?" she asked to follow with a loud gasp.

Laura haughtily guessed if Gavin came to watch the play and was waiting to meet Bridgette, which got spoiled by her presence. She saw Bridgette look surprised by the assumptions. Sensing Laura's secret entertainment, Gavin resorted to retreat and cut in her fun to reveal that he was nearby to stop for a moment and saw the play. He gave his fake story more evidence by guiding Laura to spot his friend, who was busy sipping his orange drink.

"I'll leave you two be-" Gavin said to announce his withdrawal. Before leaving, he returns to Bridgette's side once again, wishes her another sweet farewell and to Laura, and then left with long strides.

"Take care, Gavin," Laura yelled to his ears. She saw him nudge his friend hurriedly to leave his orange cocktail on the counter as the two men vanished from their sight as soon as possible.