The boss pays a visit

The number of people waiting to meet Lillian Grey increased by time, and she politely signed their books with grace, occasionally entertaining their chat. Some couldn't believe that they were meeting Gill in real life while a few passed on comments about her beauty. Jenna stood by Lillian's side to take care of her author and keep the line orderly.


Earlier for the panel discussion, Norman led the authors to the stage by introducing them one after the other. He made sure to give them a proper introduction before calling out their name.

One by one, the stage got filled with accompanying applause and special cheering for Jayce's charming entrance. When it came to Lillian's turn, everyone awaited to meet her in person, so they remained hushed as Norman spoke. Some even stood up to see her closely in awe while giving a big round of applause.

The panel discussion then began where every author had an opportunity to talk about their published works, current or future projects, inspirations, writing process, and so on.

Though feeling slightly anxious to share about her craft out loud in front of a dedicated audience, Lillian managed to face her fears with the help of her fellow authors. She was not alone but riding the same boat as Jennifer, who made a debut recently. The new novelist joined in expressing her angst as well.

Nonetheless, Norman kept it light for them on their first experience. The panel lasted for about thirty to forty minutes, following which he allowed a few questions from the audience to ask the authors.

Without a doubt, one of the questions was for Lillian about revealing her identity.

To much anticipation, everyone waited for her answer, including Giselle, as she stood together in a group with fellow editors. They were all expecting specific details behind Lillian's choice and wished to know.

Norman couldn't ignore as he signaled Lillian to respond quickly.

Evading the actual truth, Lillian answered by admitting that it honestly felt the right time to expose her identity to the public. There was no particular reason for her decision. However, everyone in the room got covered in disappointment from Lillian's answer, including Giselle, who hissed from hearing the same response.

She replied confident, holding a sweet smile on her face as everyone in the audience, including Giselle, got covered in disappointment.

Giselle ground her teeth from hearing the same response. She suspected an actual reason, which Lillian seems to be hiding. Nevertheless, she had nothing to prove her theory. Therefore, ignoring it like everyone else, Giselle sighed to relax. She glanced over at Lillian to find her staring back at her.

Where their eyes met, Giselle's face suddenly flushed as if she got caught from doubting Lillian. She turned away her face naturally from shy.


Twenty minutes passed since the authors began signing the books.

More people joined to get their copy signed by Lillian Grey.

Competing with her was Jayce's queue, packed with females as the engaging author chatted heartily with his beloved fans.

Lillian would often glance at the direction where Giselle resided next to busy Jayce. She would take short glimpses of her while encouraging the crowd in front.

Seeing Lillian getting distracted repeatedly, Jenna stepped in to ask if she needed a break or so. Lillian refused, assuring Jenna not to concern herself with this and requested for something warm to drink.

Jenna left her place momentarily to act, and Lillian kept signing the book. As soon a reader left her space for the next one, she fished out her phone to send an urgent text message. When another appeared with a book on their hand along with a cheerful greeting, Lillian excused herself. She returned to her post and resumed her duty briskly.

"Hi!" she would greet with a bright smile to receive their copy of her published novel.

"And your name?" Lillian added a request to satisfy the reader.

Jenna returned already with a cup of black coffee for Lillian. She kept it on the table where it won't be a hindrance to Lillian.

During the short break after the panel discussion, the entire Reading room got a makeover and transformed the space into four major forks, giving space for the readers to fashion a line and wait to get their copies signed.

Norman took charge of handling Jason's desk while Jennifer's editor encouraged her to speak louder so that the people could hear it properly.

Thankfully, Jayce became Lillian's neighbor, granting her all the access to keep an eye on Giselle.

Meantime, Giselle had her own sneaking peeks of Lillian. Her delicate actions caused no suspicion, giving her the leisure to watch Lillian shine all in her glory. Often she found herself getting worried whenever someone approached Lillian to interact closely.

Giselle fidgetted within herself from feeling intimidated. Ever since hearing Jenna talk about Lillian, she found herself getting upset unknowingly. She couldn't hide her contempt from seeing Lillian closer with someone else. Worried when and where did the locked-up emotions slip to her oversight, Giselle continued to keep an eye on Lillian.


The event ended as people retired eventually. Towards the end of the gathering, Shane paid a visit to the hotel. Together, the group then assembled in a private spot reserved for them to celebrate the successful day.

Shane treated his employees for a drink as he shared a few words to thank the authors for their work. His speech also included devoting editors working hard to accomplish the goal.

Shane thanked Norman exclusively for making this event a success. Following his compliments, the director of the publishing house sent his holiday wishes to his dear employees before signing off. It was a short and sweet message to the authors to continue creating their passion projects and to his hard-working editors to guide them in the right direction. His note also included the rest of the KeyLine employees who worked behind the scenes. Everyone applauded to his support as Shane hinted at his departure for the day. He signaled Lillian before leaving in a hurry for another appointment.

"You sure are a busy man, Ricardo!" Lillian remarked as the two took an empty spot for a quick chat.

"It is always the same during this time of the year. Forget about me, look at you-" Shane said to stare at Lillian's outfit for the day.

"Pink?" he exclaimed.

Lillian blushed. They were away from the group, yet Lillian made sure that no was present to hear Shane.

"W- Why? Am I not allowed to wear the color?" she appealed sternly from the tease as Shane still found himself staring at Lillian's pink power suit.

He dared not to say a word but turned around to find Giselle and found the woman dressed pleasingly in the same color.


Shane only opened his mouth, but Lillian stopped him abruptly by covering his lips with her hands, not letting a sound slip out from it.

"Don't you dare!" she warned.

Shane withdrew by obeying ultimately. He did not make another comment about the matching outfits. The two returned to join the group, where Shane bid his goodbye to everyone personally. He thanked Jason for attending the event, encouraged Jennifer to continue her journey boldly with KeyLine, gossiped with Jayce about his adventure today, and finally, looked at all the editors to acknowledge their hard work. He adored the sales team for creating a separate stand to sell books for the fans without a copy. Luckily, every book they had put out got sold to a reader, and it tripled the joy.

"Good work, everyone! Be sure to take rest during the holidays!"

"Alright! I'll be off then-" he added to leave.

However, submitting without a fight made him stop in his steps, "Lillian-" Shane called out suddenly.

Everyone waited to watch the director turn around with a solemn grimace.

"-And Giselle," he yelled for attention.

"You guys look cute together! Goodnight fellas!'" Shane said to leave immediately. He knew if he extended his stay, Lillian is sure to pulverize on him for his comment.

Surprisingly, Giselle remained bold yet speechless while Lillian's face reddens from seeing everyone staring at both in the sense of awareness. The color deepens on her cheeks as people continued to observe her in wonder.

Jenna chuckled at the sight from far, and Jayce bitterly lifts his glass to call for a toast on Lillian's first company event.

"To Gill!" he raised his voice as everyone joined, soon ignoring Shane's remark and Lillian's hot blush.