Diego takes a chance

Unexpectedly, Lillian had no choice but to endure another day of Christmas celebration. She ended up channeling the visual of an actual mummy. Rather than wrapping her body with linen, Lillian added several layers of clothes, jackets, and a scarf to conceal herself. She wore sunglasses, added a mask, matching with a beanie and free hair. Not a skin is visible to the outsiders.

Luckily, her outfit did not receive strange looks as it complimented the winter weather. Unlike Edward Harris, Lillian doesn't have to search her way through the crowd. Diego already took measures to keep Lillian safe and protected. He made sure to reserve a secure spot for Lillian to sit and enjoy the show and had an eye on her all day to check no one's bothering his special guest.

At times, he would stop by to bring her snacks or refreshments and even excused himself to eat lunch with Lillian at his office.


The Christmas celebration eventually came to an end, and Lillian reached her car hurriedly to get some alone time. She noticed Diego busily sending off the actual special guests that took part in today's event and chose to wait while he completes his duty.

Dusk approached with a familiar sight of the families leaving together. The school ground that was full of life slowly turned to get vacated. However, the sound of Christmas carols still echoed through the speakers.

Lillian quietly sat in her seat to listen and watch outside as the evening drew cold gusts. Shortly, Diego's figure appeared to her sight. She quickly got down to greet him.

"I'm so sorry, Lillian. Did you wait long?"

"No! That's fine. Did you send off the guests?"

"Yes, finally! I was grateful that they were able to attend today's event!"

"How in the hell did you get the city mayor to be your guest? I got surprised as well," Lillian praised.

"Well, I invited him last year, but he couldn't make it. Instead, he promised me that he would join us this time. I'm glad he could come as well," Diego breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're impressive, Diego," Lillian added, startling Diego.

"Where did that come from?"

"I only came to your school a few times. The first was when you took the position of being principal. The rest were only to pick you up. I never stayed or saw you handle stuff- Today, I was able to see it," Lillian expressed.

"What do you think?" Diego asked.

"You are pretty impressive!"

"Did you fall for me?" Diego asked playfully.

Lillian went silent for a moment, not sure why, but she was unable to feel. Swiftly, she returned to her usual self, shoving away this repulsive silence.

"Oh! Yes, sure-" she answered flatly without any care.

Diego knew she was playing along. Still, it made him appear slightly pleasant from hearing her. However, not wanting to make Lillian feel further awkward, Diego moved on.

"So? Did you have fun today?" he asked.

Lillian admitted enjoying his school's Christmas celebration. She had never been to these types of events, and having already experienced it with Giselle and Lia, this was a different reality as she was mostly alone. Lillian was able to focus on the play without getting distracted. She enjoyed the snacks and drinks sneakily provided by Diego. Overall, it was another fun-filled day. The only burden was that she felt she could have had some company to share.

Diego was only able to stay with her for a short period. He had his hands tied to his duties. She understood that, yet it felt lonely compared to yesterday, where Lillian accompanied Giselle's family.

Meeting Giselle's parents after a long time, and even though she hated Ethan, his presence didn't haunt her too much. Instead, she could see how much Ethan spent most of his time with his daughter and only kept an eye on Giselle, tending to her whenever his assistance is necessary. It made Lillian taste family love. And, she missed it today terribly.

But, Lillian did seem to enjoy seeing Diego work. She certainly got to see an impressive side of him after a long time.

After becoming adults, each went their own way. Lillian's feats were public to her close friends, and they saw her grow. However, it wasn't the case for the others since their professional achievements are something that isn't evident to the public eye. Hence, through words, these friends shared their accomplishments.

Luckily, Lillian was finally able to witness Diego's world today and watch him bear the responsibility with pride.

Maybe because she saw Diego shine in his glory, Lillian's face couldn't suppress the joy as she answered him.

"It was nice coming here, and I had a great time. Thanks for inviting me!" Lillian smiled as she replied.

Diego could have digested if Lillian were to trash talk about today, but hearing her sincere words made him flustered. He can't help as his expression revealed how happy he was to hear such a comment.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" he added in delight.

Having exchanged a few words, Lillian alarmed about her leaving. It was tiring to go out two days in a row to watch kids and their families. Although the first day had an advantage, it still exhausted Lillian physically. She signed her exit to leave, but Diego stopped her abruptly.

Not sure why he stopped her, but Diego wanted Lillian to stay with him a little more time.

"Are you going home for Christmas this year?" he inquired.

Lillian repeated the same answer she gave to Anna. However, unlike Anna, Diego didn't rage. He did worry for Edwin's sake and suggested that Lillian should consider visiting him. However, his words weren't persuasive. He let Lillian make the decision.

Perhaps, because of this personality, Lillian sometimes slips the truth with Diego. She admitted considering the possibility, but somehow this year, she feels she can't make up to it.

"Did you at least buy him a Christmas present?" Diego asked.

"I sure did!"

What she couldn't say to impress Anna worked with Diego as she listed her choice of Christmas present for Edwin this year. Unlike Anna, Diego loved to hear Lillian talk and listened to her attentively.

Not only was he interested to hear Lillian talk, but it clearly appears that Lillian got impressed with him today. It made Diego wish for something unlikely, something that he couldn't do for several years. Nonetheless, he asked himself if he is solely going to sit around and keep getting bothered. This endless gameplay has to reach an end. More than anyone, Diego yearned to look for an answer. So, devising the perfect plan, he waited until Lillian finished speaking.

Lillian's story ended soon, which cued Diego to work.

"So, you don't have any plans for Christmas?" he asked curiously.

Lillian admitted. She did appear disappointed, which triggered Diego to be more confident in his intention.

"Why don't you join me for Christmas eve?" he bluntly said.

Diego's heart was beating faster that his fingers trembled. He hid them under his fists and waited quietly.

Lillian heard him quite clearly. She thought about it for a while.

This year's holidays had a lot of twists. Lillian met Giselle this year. In recent days, she expressed herself more lively. It disappointed her when Lillian heard Giselle's parents invite her to celebrate Christmas with them. Even though it was natural for her to spend it with her family after several years of separation, Lillian still appeared dejected from knowing that she can't spend Christmas with Giselle and Lia.

Remembering her situation made Lillian contemplate Diego's invitation.

"We could go to my parent's place! Mother still asks me to bring you over," Diego added to influence Lillian's decision.

"Oh! Donna! I do miss Donna's cooking!" Lillian exclaimed.

Diego began to feel exulted as Lillian took the bait. Soon, the two reminisced the past when they were still young and how the three friends, along with their family, would gather to party the holidays with food and entertainment.

All these memories led Lillian to agree with Diego eventually. She expressed her wish to join the Eberto family on Christmas eve.

With that note, Lillian bid her farewell and left the school premises. Diego watched her go, standing alone under the darkening sky. His complexion grew pale from the chilly weather. As he saw Lillian's car disappear, he encouraged himself to be daring this time.

"Let me at least confess my love for you, Lillian Grey," Diego muttered softly.

Just thinking about this made Diego go through a nervous breakdown, adding more white to his pale skin. All these years, he had kept his love hidden safely. However, seeing how Lillian appreciates him and spends her time with him, all these small details, along with the threat of Lillian equally spending time with Giselle, made Diego take a chance.

He finally chose to confess his love to Lillian on Christmas Eve. It was time Lillian acknowledge his love.