Christmas Eve - Part 2 - Anna and Jake (1)

Part 1 - 'Reaching out to you!'

The following day, Anna woke up feeling restless.

Yesterday's dinner with her parents was their last invitation. The couple can now spend Christmas together at their peaceful home in the Bronx, having fulfilled everyone's invitation.

Jake and Anna's sun-filled colonial-style country retreat resides in the Riverdale residential neighborhood of the Bronx. It is a spacious living space surrounded by plenty of green foliage and flower beds.

However, due to the winter climate, Anna couldn't make time to care for her garden. Also, going out almost every day deprived her of leisure time to care for her plants. Now, it appears to require a lot of restoration before Anna could plan to plot something new. However, that work can wait for now.

Anna let Jake sleep late while she went to the kitchen to make her morning coffee first.

Apart from the main dining area, another table sits across the other end of the kitchen, closer to the windows. Anna sat there to enjoy her first cup of coffee while gazing out. The dew drops painted a picture on the glass. Outside, it was dawn, and the sun is slowly rising behind the curtained clouds. Anna kept the windows shut as it was still cold climate.

The hot, bitter coffee helped her relax from the sleepless night.

Ever since that bickering with Jake and his cousin, Anna couldn't rest peacefully. That talk with Lillian Grey did comfort her. Little did she know that the aftermath of such a dispute dragged its tail all the way to create a cramped atmosphere at her parent's dinner.

Jake's parents were already informed about the news, alarming them to be wary.

Anna was feeling brave from talking with Lillian. However, faced with the sudden change of attitude, along with the silent treatment from her parents, she couldn't help but dread inside.

Anna's parents treated the couple to a Christmasy feast, cooking all of Anna's favorites. The dinner was a success in terms of how well they entertained the guest and treated them with care. However, Anna noticed her mother often appeared disturbed, and her father only spoke when necessary. Even if they conversed, they only touched upon common subjects like work, hobbies, politics, etc.

Soon, it became clear from their behavior that the in-laws had already shared the hot news. Anna's confidence dropped after discovering. She began to accept the silence over braving her parents openly. She didn't want to repeat the scenario and respected her parent's choice.

On the other hand, Jake happily conversed with Anna's father, energetically addressing several news articles. He made sure to express his likes for the delicious food cooked by Anna's mother, actively engaging both of his in-laws. Anna continued to remain mute. She kept ignoring Jake's perpetual efforts. No matter how hard her husband tried to pull her into a conversation, Anna would reply with a simple nod, agreeing nonetheless.

Following dinner, Anna helped her mother clean up after the meal. She arranged the leftovers neatly on the counter while her mother loaded the dishwasher.

Even working in such close vicinity, the ladies didn't speak unnecessarily.

They cleaned up the dishes and plated the desserts to enjoy next.

All while Anna could sharply notice her mother taking anxious glimpses of her. Somehow Anna lost the courage to react. She carried the dessert plates to the living room where her father and her husband were watching television.

Once everyone finished with their desserts, this time, Anna let her mother rest while she handled the rest. She went back to the kitchen after collecting the empty plates. She believed that it would be better to work alone than stay under the watch of her worried mother.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Anna's father continued watching the television while his wife showed Jake their newly adopted puppy.

Jake's face changed as soon as his eyes met with the little guy hidden under a soft blanket and sleeping on his small cushion.

Since the little guy was sleeping peacefully, they didn't wake him up and only watched him with love while hearing his sharp little snores.

Anna's mother wished to adopt a puppy.

When the idea came for discussion, Anna suggested that the old couple shall adopt a dog. However, Anna's mother remained stubborn to get herself a little puppy.

When Jake heard the good news, he sent his wishes, sharing his desire to meet the little one sooner.

With two people's eyes on him, the little puppy soon awakened after tossing for a few rounds. As soon as he woke up, Jake lifted the little guy to take a closer look. Anna's mother warned him to be careful as it was still a young puppy. He obeyed to let him on the floor. As expected, shortly, the little one dirtied the floor. The two bystanders shared a laugh from watching. Jake volunteered to help and cleaned the floor. While on his way to get a towel, he made sure to pass a word to his wife, calling her to join them to watch the puppy.

Soon, Anna joined as the three began to play with the little one, adoring his cute actions, feeding him food, and falling in love with its presence.

After tiring themselves out, Jake and Anna retired for the night.


Jake tossed around in his bed, soon noticing his missing wife. Swiftly, he opens his eyes to confirm. Reading the time, it was still early, around eight in the morning. Wearily, he got out to his bed to find Anna.

He searched around to come downstairs to the kitchen. As he came down, he caught a glimpse of his wife's silhouette, sitting on the table closer to the windows. She appeared lost in thoughts, and the cup of coffee on the table was left abandoned. Jake dared not to approach and only kept staring at that concerned face for a while before choosing to return to his room.

A half-hour later, Jake came down rushing the stairs, dressed in a pair of fresh clothes and wet hair dripping lazy droplets. His voice was louder as he descended the steps, alarming his approach to his wife.

Anna, who was still idle at the same spot, heard Jake's voice to a startle. She realized that the third cup of hot coffee had gone cold now. Shoving away her worries, she stood up, facing Jake immediately on sight.

"Morning! An!" Jake announced as he came down the steps.

His radiating energy brightened Anna's world. Following his smile with a touch of love, she signaled him for fixing his morning coffee.

Jake hopped on to take a seat on the center counter and watched Anna brew him a cup of fresh black coffee. He observed every move of his wife with attention.

Anna's face didn't display any of those worries, as if Jake never witnessed that image of his wife from earlier. It bothered him within. However, he wished not to express his concern, silently choosing to help her in his way.

As soon as Anna handed his cup over to him, Jake took a sip to let out a loud yawn.

Anna noticed his face still carrying the fatigue.

"Why did you wake up so soon?" she asked.

"I wanted to, but you weren't there, so I couldn't sleep more," Jake replied to sleigh down from the marble and began to roam the kitchen while drinking his coffee.

Anna shook her head with a short smile. There are times when Jake gets expressive with his love for her.

Anna can't help but burst out a silent smile at his bold excuse.

"What are we having for breakfast?" Jake asked.

Anna poured her reheated third cup, thinking about breakfast. Soon, she announced having pumpkin bread that her mother gave her last night. Jake's stroll paused. He looked at her to confirm in awe.

Along with a feast, Anna's mother baked a few goodies to gift the couple last night. It included Anna's favorite pumpkin chocolate chip bread, a bag full of gingersnaps, along with a mix of flavored sugar cookies.

Anna took the loaf to slice a few pieces. Generously, she lathered cinnamon honey butter on top of it and placed it on a plate. Jake waited patiently to rush over to grab a slice and took a bite of it.

Just as expected, it tasted like a Christmas, perfect and delicious.

Anna was planning to add simple scrambled eggs to go along with those sweet bread. She fished out eggs to whisk when Jake startled her by hugging her from behind.

"Your mother's pumpkin bread is the best!" he praised while planting a firm kiss on her cheek.

Anna's movements restricted from his behavior. Still, she managed somehow to crack a few eggs successfully and began whisking them.

"An?" Jake called her sweetly, not letting go of his hold.

Anna responded.

Jake paused from whatever he was doing to her neck. He hesitated but soon spoke out his wish.

"Let's go on a date!" nonchalantly, he suggested.

Anna was not sure if she heard it correctly, but she remained dumbfounded for a moment.

Jake certainly noticed her stiff state.

"Date! Do you mean today?" Anna asked in difficulty.


"But it's Christmas Eve! It'll be bustling!" Anna pointed out.

Jake sensed Anna's hesitation and embraced her tight, ensuring that it will be a pleasant evening.

Seeing her body relax from his hold, Jake loosened his grip, showering soft, tender kisses on her neck. Anna flinched whenever his wet hair came into contact with her bare skin, brushing against it.

Jake kept playing with her like a child wanting attention.

"Come on, I promise it'll be fun!" he appealed.

Anna remained still.

With every passing second, Jake's caresses increased, not intended to hurt but to make her feel warm and protected.

"But- why so sudden? You don't like to go out usually-" Anna spoke.

"Who? Me? I like going out with you more!"

Seeing how Anna fell back to silence, Jake continued to pursue endlessly.

"Please, Anna, let's go on a date, just you and me, uh?"

Watching him beg like a child, not letting go of his hold, Anna finally gives in to his pampering.

She agrees.

Jake's soft kisses turned rough and deep as he dominated from joy. He eventually let go of her free. Jake finally left the space to take the table close to the windows. He placed the plate with pumpkin bread along with his cup. As if remembering something, he left the spot for a moment to return soon with his morning newspaper.

The ritual is now complete as he sat down to read his newspaper with breakfast and a hopeful event to plan for their Christmas Eve.

Anna was unsure about what went inside Jake's head for him to ignore their weariness like usual and suddenly suggest to go on a date out of nowhere.

In the past, once done from visiting their family and friends, Anna and Jake would spend the rest of the holidays at home without ever leaving their house. However, this year, the situation turned upside down.

Anna had no idea, but still, if it's her husband's wish to go on a date, then there is no harm in accepting his invitation. After all, it could bring them more closer.

With that conclusion, Anna began to make their scrambled eggs and soon joined the table with Jake to have their breakfast.


The rest of the day continued casually.

Following breakfast, Jake put on a Christmas playlist and pulled out the traditional Christmas tree they've been using for the past few years. Anna helped him decorate it, and the two spent the rest of the morning adding ornaments to the tree. It was a fun-filled distraction for Anna. No longer did she detach herself to agonize. Jake made sure to keep an eye on his wife, never giving the opportunity to make that face again. He followed her closely.

Afternoon, the two decided to skip lunch. The reason was simple. For the past few days, the couple attended several feasts, filling their stomachs with delectable meals. To savor their date, they chose to snack on the baked treats that Anna's mother gifted, patiently waiting for their much anticipated evening.

Anna watched Jake often excusing himself to answer a call or so. She knew that it should be for the reservations. Since it's the holidays, it could be hard to reserve spots for dinner. Once or twice, Anna suggested giving up if Jake couldn't get a reservation. However, Jake reassured, telling her to look forward to their surprised-filled evening.

Anna no longer tried to stop him. She didn't want to sound negative. Instead, she believed in Jake and awaited for the dusk to fall soon to her delight.


The wait was finally over because dusk came early, and the day ended, kick-starting the Christmas Eve celebration officially.

Jake got ready first and waited downstairs for Anna. He felt alive from planning this little treat for his wife, hoping that it would help her cheer up.

As time passed, Anna came downstairs. The sound of her heels echoed inside the house, and Jake became alert to greet her with a smile.

When the two eyes finally met, awe struck them like a sweet surprise.

Jake saw his wife, Anna, wearing a beautiful red dress, flaunting her figure like a doll. She wore expensive jewels to match the outfit and even wore high heels to impress. It was clear that she aimed to present herself elegantly for this date, and it worked. Jake's eyes never left his stunning wife as he gaped at her.

On the other hand, Anna's eyes met with a sight that took her back to the past.

Jake's usual preference would be a suit, or anywhere near that level, which he owns with different shades. At home, he prefers wearing his sweats and top. However, what stood in front of Anna is someone that's been missing for a while. He is someone whom she met during her college days.

Jake pulled a classic winter ensemble; black jeans paired with a grey top and a black leather jacket. He even wore white sneakers to complete his look.

Anna stood dazed as she watched Jake appear younger than his usual self. Ordinarily, in a suit, Jake would look mature for his age. However, right now, he resembles youth and handsome. It reminded Anna of the person she first met and fell in love with, and it made her go speechless.

She stopped in the stairs to watch him in awe.

Meanwhile, Jake admired his wife endlessly, but soon, he snapped out of it to realize that it won't suit their evening. His face changed with an interest to approach her at a high pace.

When the two met closer, they got even more taken by surprise.

"But-" Anna gaped.

"Why?" Jake gaped as well.

Jake can't take off his eyes from that gorgeous red dress and how well it suited his wife. Up close, it made him blush too. On the other hand, Anna can't believe herself right now. The two stood stunned for a while, admiring each other secretly.

It was Jake who snapped out once again. He hated himself for doing this and announced Anna to change.

"What? But, if you made reservations, isn't it appropriate to dress like this?" Anna exclaimed.


Jake directly declined to object.


"No, but's- We'll save this for Valentine's day, honey, come on," Jake hurriedly replied to escort Anna back to their room, where he raided her closet. In it, he found a range of outfits neatly folded or hung in an organized fashion. Jake's intrusion disturbed their peace as he pushed and pulled apart the clothes to choose.

"What are you doing? Let me-"

"You just stand there, and I'll pick an outfit for you!" Jake exclaimed as he continued to explore the wardrobe.

Anna stood behind him, watching her neatly arranged closet get invaded by her husband. Jake often asked his doubts if he can't figure out any clothing item. Anna restrained herself, replying patiently. Presently, Jake pulled out a black wavy printed skirt and handed it to his wife.

Anna received it with a doubtful glance.

Jake then continued his examination to pull out another clothing item with an animated face.

"Don't you dare pick that color! It won't match-" Anna raged from behind.

It was a pink sweater, and Jake returned it to its old spot, sighing as he mumbled his complaint.

Soon, he spotted another clothing item. It was a plain old white pullover sweater. It matched with the skirt, and the black and white contrast played perfect harmony together.

Anna got dumbfounded by his preference. However, it didn't stop there as Jake returned to explore more and quickly found a black denim jacket to complete the set.

He gave the jacket to his wife, feeling thoroughly pleased with his choice.

"Change into this and come out soon! I'll be waiting downstairs!" Jake said to leave Anna with his selection and a messed up closet.

Anna threw a glance at the disorder to sigh heavily. Feeling devastated inside, she stripped herself out of that beautiful red dress, feeling reluctant to put it back in the closet.

Nevertheless, since it was Jake's plan, Anna believed him bitterly to get changed in her new outfit. Eventually, she came downstairs to meet her husband. Together, they were good-looking, and it made them appear young in those outfits. Anna wore her black boots instead of high heels, and seeing her out of those jewels did hurt Jake insignificantly, but it was for the best. He noticed how Anna lightened her makeup to go along with her current look. With that, the two finally left the house in Jake's car.

Anna was feeling less enthusiastic than before because of the red dress. However, she didn't show it out on her face. Instead, she remained quiet in the passenger seat as Jake started the car.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they left their house.

Jake brushed off to keep her in suspense, and the car left the property.