Christmas Eve - Part 3 - Ivy and Bridgette (2)

Part 2 - 'You're moving on!'

Ivy and David reach Bridgette's place, later than fashionably late. They had to miss their train, and wait to catch the next one to arrive finally. Standing outside of Bridgette's apartment, both stared at the door, delaying their entrance a little more while catching their running breaths.

The stalling affects David to speculate, revealing how he promises to keep his mouth shut tonight.

Ivy did not expect him to be mindful. Still, she remained detached from worrying.

"I don't care anymore!" she said.

However, Ivy realized that the place they're visiting falls under the territory of the subjects involved. Hence, it is inappropriate to let David know about her disinterest concerning this matter.

Ivy feared.

"You better watch what you're saying, Dave! Don't go trash-talking carelessly about me to her friends!" she advised.

"Don't worry! I wish to live my life in peace. Therefore, I will accept your request with grace!" David replied.

"It's an order!" Ivy warned.

"Yes, ma'am!"

Ivy rang the bell only after receiving the confirmation. Both adjusted their good looks for the last time before Bridgette rushed to open the door.

"You're late!" Bridgette burst out instantly.

Ivy and David got startled by her fiery welcoming. As if expecting already, the two glanced at each other, agreeing secretly with their prepared answers.

"Because we were running late getting you these!" Ivy replies to hand out the flowers.

This bright, cheerful bouquet of yellow roses and greenery ideally pleased Bridgette's temper.

David, who stood next, also anxiously followed the cue to hand out his bouquet.

"It's called The Jingle Bell Flowers Bouquet!" he added to notify.

The Jingle Bell Flowers Bouquet consists of rich Christmas red roses, beautifully accentuated with red hypericum berries and seasonal greens, hand-arranged along with a decorative ribbon to bring the holiday spirit directly to its recipient.

Receiving such fragrant gifts charmed Bridgette to put her in a pleasant mood. She forgives her special guests to welcome them inside finally.

Inside, the cozy apartment stretched a bunch of people merrily chatting while sipping their drinks. It is a small gathering of close friends, where ladies dominated than the men. They were all Bridgette's friends from the stage, happily conversing with each other. Ivy recognizes a few faces while they all looked absolute strangers to David's sight. He could recall some familiar faces amongst the crowd, but still, they were all quite popular for him to believe meeting them here.

Meeting them so close is probably once in a lifetime chance such as this. Hence, David expressed his deepest gratitude to Bridgette for inviting him along to this party.

"Please, David! Don't be a stranger! You're Ivy's friend. I don't want you to be alone on Christmas Eve. It's better to spend time together. My friends are all quite charming. They are fun to hang out with as well. I hope you have a great time here!" Bridgette wished.

Not a long time passed before a group of ladies marched towards Bridgette. The late appearance of the remaining guests sure did attract attention from almost everyone. Out of interest, a few stormed at them actively.

As expected, Ivy could recall one or two from the group and vice versa. They poured congratulatory wished along with their greetings.

Ivy couldn't perceive at first but soon figured that they were for her recent success. Once finished with flattering, the ladies finally noticed David's shadow hiding behind Ivy and Bridgette.

They all peeked at him curiously.

David felt goosebumps from their keen stares.

Ivy wasted no time and introduced David to the group. Along with Bridgette adding extra character to his introduction, the crowd grew excited in meeting David.

Someone for his age, who left everything to pursue his passion and start from the bottom to taste the crumb of success finally-

The passionate stage actors got impressed and wished to know more. They all approached David to invite him over for a chat.

David looked at Ivy confusedly.

Ivy signaled him to take it easy and have fun.

"You should go, David!" Bridgette added to encourage.

David appeared reserved at first, but hearing the two cheer for him changed his mind. He agreed shyly to join the ladies as they escorted him to the living room to chatter.

Ivy and Bridgette saw David leave to join the ladies.

"I guess he will be fine!" Ivy uttered from watching him blush around the female audience.

"Oh, please! My friends won't eat him up!" Bridgette remarked.

Ivy sighed, unsure of the future, yet she could only pray for the old guy to have some fun.

Bridgette observed Ivy's concern and played to distract her.

"Thanks for the flowers! They are pretty!" she spoke, raising the lovely bouquets to smell its sweet fragrance.

Ivy smiled.

"So, I assume that the other two had plans already!" Bridgette inquired.

"Hmm, Parker wanted to visit his parents and brag."

"Bethany said she wanted to travel alone. I can't- with the two-" Ivy said to quiver.

Parker's parents live far away from the city. Therefore, traveling the distance for a short time is tiresome. Meanwhile, Bethany's decision to travel alone on Christmas Eve is an appalling decision that Ivy can't seem to comprehend.

Entirely exhausted from filming a movie every day, Ivy wondered how the two had the energy to play around. Unlike Bridgette, who got lucky this year to be free and celebrate the holiday at home, Ivy had no time to take a break.

"You're lucky to have no shows this year!" Ivy remarked.

"I know! It's been two years since I get to spend Christmas at home!" Bridgette exclaimed.

"Although I would be lying if I say that I don't miss the stage!"

"Is it?"

"Hmm. I grew to the feeling of performing on the stage. So I guess I miss it slightly!"

"You should have taken a break too!" Bridgette suggested.

"You just said that you miss performing even during holidays! And you want me to take a break!"

Ivy shook her head to decline. The entire film crew knew about the upcoming holidays. Still, they all chose to follow their time schedule strictly. Even before starting the production, Ivy proposed that the entire crew finish early on Christmas Eve and take a day off on Christmas.

"So, you return to work the day after Christmas?" Bridgette asked.

Ivy exhaled deeply.

"That's tough!" Bridgette pitied.

Ivy sighed again.

"I hope I get to finish the movie on time and get ready to release it. That's all matters! I can't rest until then-"

Bridgette patted Ivy on her back to support her.

"It'll be fine!" she cheered.

Just then, a loud voice summoned Bridgette's name. Amid the busy chattering and soft music playing through the speakers, this voice didn't seem to disturb the party. It merely did its job to call for help.

Alarmed from hearing the voice coming from the kitchen, Bridgette grew impatient. She looked at Ivy with eager eyes.

"Ivy!" she called, beaming from joy.

Ivy responded to her sudden burst of enthusiasm.

"Ivy! I- I want you to meet someone special-" Bridgette said, hardly resisting patience.

Ivy appeared lost. Still, she agreed.

"Okay!" Bridgette yelled. Sudden sweats appeared on her forehead as she led the way.


Bridgette takes Ivy to the kitchen, where the voice initially emerged. Even as approaching, Ivy recognized the face.

'Woah! That's Adrienne Gavin Garner!' she gasped.

Anyone who enjoys Broadway shows can easily recognize the star, Adrienne. It is Ivy's first time meeting him, which made her slightly nervous. She suspected if it was him whom Bridgette wished to introduce.

If so, Ivy couldn't help but cherish this moment. Every step nearing him made her heart flutter, and she was ready to put on her best smile to meet this talented performer.

Ivy remembered to worship Bridgette for organizing this rare opportunity.

"Ah- There you are!" Adrienne signaled.

Ivy flinched to realize that it was his voice that they heard earlier.

"Bridgette, can you get me more glasses?" he requested, completely ignoring the person standing next to her.

Bridgette spontaneously moved to help. She went around searching cabinets to find more glasses while Ivy stood disappointed, feeling heartbroken that Bridgette left without introducing her to this dashing star. Nevertheless, Ivy remained, silently watching Bridgette act carefree around Adrienne. She wondered what their relationship could be!

Adrienne was busily stirring, making a fresh batch of refreshments for everyone to enjoy. Soon, Bridgette returned to arrange the glasses in order. She noticed Ivy still standing in the same spot from before.

Bridgette had forgotten that she instantly felt horrible upon discovering.

Regardless, Ivy remained stunned to watch Adrienne prepare a cocktail for everyone.

'Is that really Adrienne?' she doubted to herself.

Bridgette hesitated no more. She ignored putting the glasses in order and left them clustered in a mess on the counter before taking Ivy's side.

"Adrienne?" she called out.

"I'm almost done! Just a minute!"

Adrienne quickly finished pouring the drinks into the glasses and finally looked up to meet a stranger standing next to Bridgette. He had no clue that this figure stood there for a long time.

"Are you done?" Bridgette asked, signaling him to get ready.

Adrienne obeyed.

"Ivy?" Bridgette called.

As Ivy cleared her vision to find reality, she saw Adrienne standing right in front of her. They were facing each other only a few feet apart. Ivy's heart raced from getting ridiculously nervous. She doesn't understand why, but meeting this person for the first time made her nervous.

Adrienne studied the stranger's face to recall it referenced in several photographs of Bridgette's. Also, he has heard the name often in most of the conversations with his girlfriend.



'I- vy!'

The best friends from school and until now, Adrienne finally remembers.

No wonder he noticed Bridgette looking most concerned at the moment.

Without delaying any longer, Bridgette introduced Adrienne as her boyfriend to Ivy.

"Meet my boyfriend, Adrienne!" she revealed.

Ivy's excitement disappeared in an instant. She thought she heard it wrong, but seeing how Bridgette chose to join and stand next to Adrienne with a nervous smile, Ivy finally realized.

It is not some famous actor that Bridgette wanted to introduce, but it turns out to be her boyfriend.

Ivy's whole body goes numb, losing its strength gradually as she grew pale from hearing the shocking news. Her eyes never stopped staring at the two.

"Adrienne! You've heard about her a lot! Meet my best friend in this whole world," Bridgette smiled to introduce.


She announced.

Adrienne extended his hand to greet Ivy finally.


Not sure how to react, but Ivy greeted back Adrienne with respect. She glanced at Bridgette and saw her anxiously observing the scene. It must have been hard on her to do this, especially after rejecting Ivy's feelings.

Somewhere deep within, it hurt Ivy to accept this change. After all, the feelings for her best friend wouldn't disappear over a night.

Ivy's anticipation in meeting Adrienne failed miserably, plummeting her good mood.

They exchanged formal greetings at last.

Adrienne was urging to spare a word with Ivy when someone interrupted, requesting a fresh batch of refreshments.

Disturbed for good, Adrienne worried if the time isn't appropriate for chatting. He quickly expressed his pleasure in meeting Ivy then rush to carry the drinks for everyone.

The famous Adrienne, carrying the refreshments for everyone!

No longer was Ivy stunned from watching Adrienne. Moreover, the news she just heard took her by shock. Nevertheless, none of her reactions display on her face.

Ivy patiently remained to resist the burning irritation deep within. She noticed Bridgette smile fondly, watching Adrienne leave. Averting her gaze back to the guy, Ivy silently watched the crowd going wild over Adrienne's presence. It is natural since he is simply an irresistible man.

Bridgette's smile faded as she looked at Ivy.

"Are you- alright?" she asked.

Ivy dared not to return her gaze. Still, she responded.

"I'm fine!"

Although she resisted facing Bridgette so much, she can't help but get curious if Bridgette is taking pity on her.

"Why would ask?" Ivy inquired.

Bridgette flinched at her doubt.

"Ah! Nothing, I- I was just- worrying-"

Unable to remain insecure, Ivy finally looks at Bridgette's way.

"You are worrying for me? But- why?" she asked.

It was hard to express what went inside her head, but Bridgette visibly stuttered to look at the crowd to find Adrienne.

Ivy watched her seeking him. She let out a muffled simper, wrapping an arm over Bridgette's shoulder, patting it with warmth as she reassured Bridgette.

"Sorry! I'm fine! Seriously!" Ivy said.

Not long after Adrienne left, someone from the living room summoned Bridgette again. Their call came twice or thrice to interrupt Ivy and Bridgette.

Bridgette responded to the call but expressed her hesitation to leave Ivy's side. She wanted to stick with her longer, hoping to make sure that her best friend isn't feeling heartbroken.

On the other hand, Ivy insists that Bridgette leave to attend to her guests, who came to enjoy a fun party.

Bridgette remained stubbornly.

"I will join you shortly!" Ivy convinced.

Feeling reassured, Bridgette eventually leaves.

Ivy stood alone in the kitchen, watching the crowd rejoicing.

As if someone is squeezing her heart, she felt this throbbing pain so subtle that its mere existence is enough to go through hell.

Ivy saw Bridgette left to join Adrienne. The discomfort deepens to torture her silently. Unable to bear it any longer, she turned around to face the cabinets. The counter below had a pile of mess on it. They were empty wrappers of snacks and condiments.

Ivy chose to clean them up before moving to join everyone else.

Just when she started to distract herself, the shadow of another figure approached her from behind.

"How are you doing?" the shadow spoke.

Ivy turned back to meet David.

"I should ask you that!" She said, returning to clean.

"Well, I'm having fun," David admitted.

"I'm glad that you are!"

"The ladies said that I inspire them," he added to gloat.

"Good to know!" Ivy agreed without delay.

"Some even asked for my contact!"

Ivy paused to look at David. She found him especially nagging at the moment. However, it's solely because of the repercussion Ivy is feeling from meeting Bridgette's boyfriend. She sighed, advising David to share his contact if he wishes to socialize.

Instead of responding, David quietly studied Ivy's odd fit.

"Are you alright?" he inquired, worrying.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" he asked again in doubt.

Ivy exhaled in distress.

"Why is everyone concerned about me?" she groaned from feeling rather annoyed at the moment.

"No reason! I'm just worried for a pathetic friend!" David replied.

Ivy glared at him furiously.

"Sorry!" David surrendered.

"I just- heard people teasing Bridgette with Adrienne- so I wonder if you knew anything-"

"It's true! We just met!" Ivy replied to carry the empty wrappers to the garbage bag.

David closely followed her behind.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes, she introduced him as her boyfriend!" Ivy admitted.

"Wow!" David mumbled under his breath.

Ivy returned to wipe off the dust with a clean cloth. She then leaned against the counter to rest while getting a glimpse at the party. She gasped, watching Bridgette act cautiously around Adrienne while glancing back often to check up on her friend. As soon as Bridgette turns, Ivy puts on a decent smile naturally.

David notices her act to join her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I'm fine. I will be fine! It is natural that she finds a boyfriend eventually. She always wanted a handsome one!" Ivy remarked.

"Well, I'm glad she finally found one- I- hope he treats her well," she added with a thin smile.

David smiled back. He knew underneath all that caring, Ivy's heart suffers excruciating pain, unbearable for any loving soul.

He patted her on her back to encourage her.

"You are still dear to her in another way, so be proud of that," he cheered.

Ivy signed, suppressing her lips under suffocation.

"You better be careful around!" she warned, recalling David's lack of self-control earlier.

"Do you think that I'd see out on a friend for some cheap gossip?" David raged.

"I'm just requesting you to be careful now. There's Adrienne!"

"I know. I know. Stop doubting me. I'm not a child! Now, join me before those girls come and seize me away for taking a break. Let me use your name in one of my tales!" David pleaded to grab Ivy's hands to return to his group.

Despite her disinterest, Ivy bitterly smiled to obey him.

David helped Ivy by keeping her close throughout the rest of the party.