Sour night turned sweet!

Once done helping the guys with their checklist, Ivy walked out of the tunnel to meet the dark sky and its cold breeze. Rapidly, she zipped her jacket from feeling the crisp weather. The guys invited her to join everyone at the bar. But Ivy kindly refused, telling them that her presence would only put everyone under strain. She didn't want that and asked the crew to have fun without her. However, before seeing them take off, Ivy made sure to tell the guys to take it easy and never let anyone get into any unnecessary trouble. She granted everyone to have fun tonight, but at a reasonable cost.

Finally, the production crew left after collecting the remaining people on the location. Ivy looked around and saw an empty ground. No one was seen anymore. She was the last one to leave, and honestly, feeling a bit disappointed.

Ivy was looking forward to hanging out with Bridgette tonight, but seeing her cancel the plan at the last minute did bring down all her hopes. She was left alone on New Year's Eve. All she could think at the moment was calling David and requesting him to get dinner for her as well.


David and Parker were together at a store, shopping for alcohol. They met sometime before at a random food truck while getting their dinner. After which, the two found a nearby place to shop. Parker was busy adding cans of drinks to the cart while David heard his phone ringing.

It was Ivy calling he picked up right away.

"What's up?" David greeted.

Parker asked who it was, and David hinted it was Ivy on the phone.

Parker's gaze flinched. He carefully overheard their conversation as his craze in shopping slowed down.t

Ivy seemed to ask if their still out, to which David replied. But what happened next startled both David and Ivy, who was on the line with him.

Ivy asked if David had got dinner. Before letting him answer, Parker seized the phone from him violently to reply. He informed that they had gotten dinner already and now reached the hotel.

"Get something on the way. We reached the hotel," Parker answered rudely.

Ivy tried to ask if they have enough food to feed her. Even though she only demanded a small meal to consume before sleeping, Parker seemed to disapprove. He informed that they only got less food that could barely satisfy both.

"We're sorry, Ivy. But, yeah, get something on your own. Goodbye. Oh- have fun!" Parker rapidly spoke before disconnecting the call.

Still shocked by the little stunt, David saw Parker giving his phone back. He seized it away from him, warning never to do it again.

Parker apologized right away.

"Why would you do that? We bought so much food and now getting packs of drinks- what's wrong in sharing them with a friend?" David fumingly confronted.

Parker could feel the rage from his tone. Instead of answering, he posed a question.

"Did you happen to notice anyone waiting on the set earlier?" he asked.

David thought about it before replying. He admitted seeing no one of such.

"Didn't you see Lucy waiting somewhere outside the set?" Parker demanded again.

David heard the name and refreshed his memory to recollect, but he couldn't remember seeing Lucy.

"Well, she was- I saw her waiting. Even though the guys wanted to go to the bar, she refused, stubbornly waiting."

"For who- Oh!" David finally connected dots.

"Exactly, that dummy hadn't noticed it- I'm sure, so why should she eat with us when she has a date waiting for her already?" Parker explained in simplest terms for David to understand.

Just as said, David realized to reveal a silly smile. He kept giggling, thinking about Ivy and Lucy. Parker joined him to share a laugh, and the two finished their shopping to return to their hotel.

They were ready to get drunk and celebrate New Year's Eve.


It was the second time she got rejected that night. And Ivy's mood fell on the irritable scale. She was thoroughly frustrated from the way Parker just answered. She knew she wanted to beat him to death for his behavior. But instead, she put away her phone, feeling very annoyed and off mood.

Ivy then marched on her way out of the place when all of a sudden, she found herself stuck at a random spot. Not in a million chances did she expect to see this person's face, but Ivy found her frustration flying away from her. All of her disappointment seems to dissolve at the sight of seeing her.

Ivy was not sure if she was hallucinating because she was notably in a sour mood and wanted something good at the moment. However, she saw a statue-like human standing outside. And it was Lucy.

Lucy's skin had gone pale from waiting outside. She was covered underneath layers of clothes, but around her cheeks, it was bright red.

Out of instinct, Ivy's hand reached out on its own to graze those red cheeks. With the slightest touching, she could feel the scorching chill burning her fingers. As if she had put her hands inside a freezer. Lucy's skin was cold. Upon her touch, the girl panted heavily.

Ivy clasped her hands to cover her cheeks. None of them reacted. Frankly, Lucy allowed since the sweat from the alien hands gave some heat, and Lucy soaked in it.

Only after feeling herself from the subtle warmth did Lucy realize the position they were in.

Startled, she pulled herself away with a jerk, and Ivy released her hands at once. Lucy rubbed her own cheeks for more warmth.

"Sorry," Ivy apologized to give her personal space.

"What are you still doing here?" she asked, looking around frantically for her manager, Frank. She cussed the guy for leaving Lucy alone and cold and was ready to yell at him upon meeting.

"Where's Frank?" she inquired angrily.

"He left already," Lucy answered.

Shocked by her reply, Ivy stressed why Lucy waited outside without her manager to take her back to the hotel. She was alone for a long time. Just imagining it made her furious, and she demanded Lucy for a proper explanation.

Lucy waited. Her eyes kept wandering around in search of a proper reason, but she couldn't find one. Instead of coming up with a fake answer, she went with the truth.

Lucy admitted waiting alone here to meet Ivy.

"I wanted to- see you, so-" she admitted shyly.

Ivy couldn't believe what she heard, but at the same time, somewhere in her heart, she felt glad hearing those words.

She wondered what made her feel as such. In the deepest part of herself, she was happy to hear that Lucy was waiting outside for long hours to see her. The pain of standing alone underneath the cold weather, despite her skin getting frozen, Lucy waited. It made Ivy go crazy inside her head.

Regardless, it was unfair.

"This is unfair!" She blurted out.

She wanted to know why Lucy waited so long to meet her. But at the same time, instead of pressuring her with more questions. Rather than confronting her intentions, Ivy wanted to hold on to this moment tightly.

"Do- Do you want to hang out with me?" Ivy asked.

Lucy felt worth waiting all this time because when she heard Ivy invite her, all the cold seemed to strip away, and a new warmth appeared in her heart. She nodded her head to agree.

Ivy smiled to search through her bag and found a hot packet. She handed it over to Lucy, requesting her to hold it close to her face for warmth.

Lucy obeyed to try a few times and succeeding in protecting herself from getting frozen. With that, both Ivy and Lucy left together from their shooting spot.