Rotting within guilt

"True love is tested when betrayed."

Back at the Eberto house:

Donna and Clemente sat down for breakfast together.

Clemente enjoyed his first meal of the day as usual while Donna didn't touch her food. She appeared lost in thoughts for a while before Clemente took a chance to confront her. Donna denied the accusation, but Clemente knew his wife was lying visibly. Donna's appetite drastically fell, and she barely filled her hunger. At first, Clemente let her do so because her darling son Diego didn't answer her calls throughout the day.

Clemente knew his son would be busy and overlooked his wife's concern.

Regardless, having passed two days, the pattern repeated except for not starving herself to death but barely eating minimum to keep her thriving.

Clemente had enough, and he didn't want his wife to get sick from this stubbornness.

"Honey, stop suffering yourself and eat breakfast. You think I don't notice it. I'm afraid of your health if you keep going like this!" Clemente remarked.

"I'm not stubborn. I'm just worried about our son. He hasn't answered any of our calls or messages,"

"I keep telling you- he is a busy man. It's not an easy task running a school!"

"I know, but even at the cost of ignoring his mother's phone calls? He would call me back usually, but now that didn't even happen,"

As Donna and Clemente went back and forth discussing Diego ditching communication with his parents, Clemente's phone rang to separate the couple lastly.

Clemente answered the call with tension from his previous bickering with his wife. He almost sounded rude to the other person and instantly regretted it.

While hoping that it was not an important engagement, Clemente waited until the other party addressed the reason for their calling.

Within a few seconds into his story, Clemente glanced at his wife confusedly and then walked towards her. He then put his call on the speaker so that Donna could hear it as well.

Both Donna and Clemente were informed about Diego's prolonged absence from his school since the beginning of the year. The one who had called Clemente was the acting principal that Diego appointed hastily at first to take the absence of leave. This guy handled the responsibility well until Diego extended from days to weeks. Regardless, Diego had kept his contact and informed the person to continue doing his job. He never intended his return, and without an appropriate reason, this person was put in a difficult position to handle more work than he was assigned to initially.

Donna and Clemente were quietly listening until the said person followed his story with another twist.

The temporary acting principal handled his extended role well, hoping that Diego would return soon to take away his load. However, to his surprise, Diego isn't answering his calls for the past three days. Donna's face darkened. She looked at her husband anxiously, proving her gut feeling. Clemente didn't ignore her this time, for his worries began when he heard that Diego wasn't going to the school.

The person that had called them was able to get Clemente's number as he was the retired principal of their school and Diego's father as well. Naturally, this guy reached out to Diego's father to inform him about Diego's absence and requested that they likely step in to help him connect with the actual principal.

Clemente said nothing but a simple declaration,

"I will take care of it! But, give me some time. Until then, you have to continue the given duty."

Having heard to continue his added work, the guy appeared to sound weak. However, Clemente reassured him that it would be only for a couple of days. Hearing such positive affirmations, the caller had finally agreed in peace.

As soon as the call ended, Donna reacted. Clemente asked if he would like to accompany her, but Donna refused. Even if she didn't know anything, she was sure that Diego was going through a tough time, and that means he would need his mother.

Besides, Donna said she would visit him first and then make sure he was fine before letting him meet his father. Clemente has his temper, and that would not help Diego at the moment. Hence, Donna quickly packed her things and left the house to visit her son.


Donna saw her son changed since she last saw him. Diego had lost most of his weight, taking a slender, weak form. His beautiful face had gone ghastly pale, and his eyes looked dead without life and sunk inside the socket from lack of sleep. His hair had grown significantly longer during this isolation, along with a spikey beard as well.

Donna had never seen her child in this condition before. No matter what, Diego presented himself neat and handsome to his relatives. Witnessing him in his state right now shattered Donna's heart. She swallowed the sadness away to enter his apartment and find it matching her son's state, completely upside-down.

Donna didn't say a word but started tidying the place first. Diego watched his mother, observing her presence. As soon as he realized it, he wanted to cry to her embrace. But his sins stopped him from reaching out. Knowing how things turned out, he looked shattered by his lies.

"I bought some food. Go clean up," Donna said.

Having heard the familiar voice commanding him finally, Diego obeyed.

He didn't reply and silently went to the bathroom. After a half-hour, he came out, looking fresh but still carried his beard and grown hair. At least now, he looked like a human being.

Donna served him some food and continued to clean the rest of the apartment. However, Diego couldn't eat.

Soon, Donna finished her cleaning. She came to check up and saw the food still untouched. She didn't ask him anything and quietly took away the food to reheat it again. This time she ordered Diego to eat, and he obeyed her silently.

Diego's apartment now looked more like a home than it did before. Donna's effort paid off well. She joined her son at the table and sat across facing him. Thousands of questions ran in her head, but she couldn't find herself asking them out, for Donna knew her son looked hurt.

After swallowing the good food, Diego could finally feel at ease. His mother's food provided him with comfort. He understood that he should stop lying to himself or his family. After taking a few bites, Diego put down his fork and chose to speak.

"I liked Lillian ever since we were kids," Diego began.

"I liked her so much that I thought I was the one who would take care of her. Lillian, Anna, and myself, we were fine until- Giselle came along. That- girl," Diego found himself sore.

"She suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and Lillian slowly left from my grasp. Before I could realize it, they both liked each other already. Lillian said she was going to confess, and that's when I-" Diego paused, finding himself guilty to articulate his words because he was going to admit his wrongdoings to his mother, whom he loves dearly.

"I was angry- and I-" Diego's eyes anxiously wandered.

"I threatened Giselle-" he admitted.

Donna couldn't believe what he had just admitted, but she didn't make a sound to alarm Diego.

"I told her to leave, and she left-"

"I only wanted her to stay away from Lillian."

"I didn't mean to harm her that night. I- I was just angry,"

Only admitting this, he felt comfortable speaking out the rest because it was the start of all his hatred. He explained how he had thought that Lillian would soon forget her but encountered the opposite, where Lillian spoiled herself from missing Giselle. Every time Lillian got into trouble, Diego feared.

Years passed, and despite Lillian jumping from one relationship to another, Diego believed he was the one. He assumed that Lillian would end up with him eventually after getting tired of others. Diego admitted to hallucinating himself with such thoughts, which prevented him from confessing his feelings. Besides, he couldn't declare his love because he was afraid of Lillian rejecting him. Lillian's reckless behaviors only proved her sincere feelings for Giselle. And that kept Diego from revealing. Still, he remained hopeful because he knew Giselle wasn't here to distract Lillian. And all these short-lived relationships never bothered him personally. However, when he heard that Giselle returned, his fears returned to rule him. His anger turned him into a monster, and he started respecting its voice.

"I asked her to leave again at Anna's thanksgiving dinner," Diego revealed.

Donna was still quiet, listening to her son's story in complete shock.

Diego went on to confess everything and every emotion. How much he loved Lillian and how bad all that love turned to a hatred that he ended up detesting both Lillian and Giselle. He even included what he had done to Giselle and Lillian at Shane's New Year party.

Diego ended his story by revealing Lillian's visit the same night. He informed how Lillian had overheard all of this somewhere and was disappointed. Lillian was angry, and she cut off his friendship for Giselle's sake.

Confessing all this took great courage from Diego as painful tears started pouring, and Donna let her son cry.

"Your love for Lillian pushed you to do harmful things to an innocent person, Diego,

I understand your feelings, but if the person you love doesn't reciprocate your feelings, you should respectfully wish them to be happy and leave silently, whereas you wanted to separate them. Where did my good boy go? My little Diego wouldn't hurt a soul. He was the protector of his friends and family, and hearing all this- I am heartbroken for your rejection, but this isn't how you should have behaved, Diego. You hurt an innocent girl. You pushed Lillian to folly. My god- her father worried for her a lot- you knew it! And yet, you remained silent. She was not herself after that girl left, and everyone around her was getting affected by her actions.

None of it matters, but hearing that you were the reason for her changing- I am disappointed in you, Diego."

Diego never looked at his mother, for seeing Donna's face would multiply his pain tenfold.

"But- you are my son. I can't stay mad at you. If I didn't see you like this, I would have left right now, but- my Diego, you made a mistake. And locking yourself is not going to let you atone. Do you think if you stayed locked up inside your house, that would erase all that you did?

I wasn't aware of any of this. I mean- you could have told us or- Edwin. We could have helped you-

Not everyone gets to live their first love, Diego. You loved Lillian, but she fell someone else, and they liked her back. So, you can't separate them. You can't act selfishly.

You telling me this means you realize your actions, I hope so," Donna sighed in dejection.

"Now, get up and live your life. One love failure is not the reason one should stop living their life. It's part of living, and what's yours will reach you in time. You know I am a firm believer in fate, and I want you to trust me this time. Leave it to fate and get up.

It's not like you locking yourself up is going to fix everything. Lillian left, so what?

We are still there for you. We are your family. Your school is there for you! You can't hide from us.

I came here to check up on you because we need you. Get a day off. Clean yourself up and now go live your life. Don't rot in here!"

Donna said to step away. She left Diego more food to last him till dinner and warned him strictly to eat. If not, then she might have to stay here with him. Diego obeyed.

Lastly, she told him to come back and live with his parents if he ever felt too sad to be alone. He could go to work from there, and his father would be there to help him out as well.

Donna left that afternoon. She didn't intend to stay there too long, not after listening to such a story. She didn't want to spoil her son because he got both his feelings and a long-term friendship cut off.

Diego's father later heard the story and felt the same. He was disappointed in his son, but he couldn't stay mad at him either. After all, they both wished for their son to be happy. Also, both Donna and her husband didn't show any resentment toward Lillian or Giselle. Clemente promised to talk to Diego later.

That evening, Donna called Edwin to chat as they are still very good friends. Now thinking about it, only because of the kids they could have become friends. However, that doesn't mean the parents should also cut off their friendship like the kids. Donna thought to herself and worried as she spoke with Lillian's father. She hoped that Edwin wouldn't follow her daughter. After all, this is between the kids. The two spoke for a while until Donna randomly apologized to Edwin unexpectedly. Edwin got shocked by her sudden confession. He asked her why but Donna refused to answer. She requested him only to accept her apology and not demand any explanation.

Edwin being the sweetheart he is, accepted her apology right away. Donna knew this was not enough to atone for her son's behavior. Still, it was necessary for him to change.