I am your number 1 fan!

Evelyn became the subject of the conversation throughout the ride back home.

It wouldn't have if Lillian hadn't boasted about meeting a fan who had supported her for a long time. It's always the ones that became a recent fan or a fan of her most famous works. That's why it's always special to hear or meet someone who believed in you right from the start. They trusted your talent even before you became well-known. Lillian's endless gloating went on and on until the little girl by her side fell sick of hearing the name. Lia burst out for the first time against her. She couldn't let Lillian praise Ms. Evelyn when it was her who went through days of unneeded special attention. It even startled Lillian seeing the little girl explode, but it was her age that masked all of her outpourings into an adorable demeanor.

By the time they reached Lillian's place, Lia requested a wish for Lillian to be wary of Ms. Evelyn. Although Lillian doesn't see any issue with this Evelyn character, she ended up agreeing upon seeing the little girl's dreaded state.

Lillian promised to be careful of Evelyn and her impromptu meetings in the future.

Now that Evelyn's name disappeared from the conversation, Lillian had another routine for incoming.

Giselle had given a list of things to take note of and be taken care of at several times of the day. Lillian had them ready in her pocket and was now retrieving the one that said 'after-school.' She fished out the list and was now taking the role of imitating Giselle.

The two then followed a set of simple directions to get settled into the evening. The depth of winter was getting progressively higher day by day into late January, and so, staying at home felt cozier than stepping out for fun. Lillian had her place warm at the right temperature, which helped Lia recover from the Evelyn terror. Pretty soon, she returned to look fresh and lively around the house.

Lillian let Lia play for some time before letting her do school homework. Now, this was a fun time for the little girl. Before getting started to play or watch some television, Lia gets to have another drink, preferably juice or some sort-of flavored milk, along with some snacks. She quickly ran to the towering refrigerator and found another chocolate milk carton. Lia also noticed that the empty egg bowl had been stuffed with dozens of eggs. Lia had never seen this cooling storage be unfilled ever since she started living with Lillian. Lillian made sure she had bought enough things for Lia, which gradually ended up favoring the young one to get spoiled blissfully.

Lia spotted a fresh new box of pastries behind the blueberries. She eyed them before closing the door and slowly strolled towards Lillian, who was making herself a drink for the evening. Lia began to act all cutesy and was ready to influence the adult into giving her the delicious treats. Lillian knew what Lia was doing and how long she had been doing it to get her stuff. She knew Giselle was strict and strongly warned to only give Lia an appropriate quantity of snacks after school or post-dinner. Nonetheless, Lillian just couldn't resist the charm. She even tried rejecting Lia's appeal, but the little girl vouched not to ask for dessert after dinner. Moved by her little petition, Lillian ended up sharing the pastries with her.

Time went by as Lia devoured an entire slice of strawberry pastry by herself. She then played with her toys and dolls for a while and soon, upon Lillian's alarm, started studying and completing her schoolwork for tomorrow.

Lillian remained in the same room to continue her work as the two minded their businesses throughout the evening. Since Lillian had work to do, she suggested ordering food outside for dinner. Presently, they took a short break to place orders before continuing with their respective tasks; Lia with her school homework and readings while Lillian was busy writing and researching.

Just as the dinner arrived, Lillian's phone rang in coincidence.

It was Giselle who called.

"Right on time!" Lillian dived in to answer excitedly.

"Are you busy?"

"No, we just ordered dinner," Lillian replied, looking out to call for Lia.

"You didn't cook? What about the pasta from last night?" Giselle asked.

"I finished it for lunch by myself. How are things for you? How's the book tour?"

"It's great. I'm just a little tired, but I'm getting by. It's my first book tour, so-"

Even though Giselle had experience being an editor, she had never assisted an author on a book tour in the past. Therefore, when Jayce suggested going on one within the States, Giselle accepted the opportunity. Lillian too encouraged her to experience, for this is a great chance to promote the new book and get to know the live reactions. Since everyone around her kept talking about it, Giselle ended up agreeing. Jayce had only consulted with her, but he did get surprised by seeing Giselle's decision.

"I know! But it's exhausting, Lilly!" Giselle grumbled in a lower voice.

It seemed that she got surrounded by people or at a place where she couldn't speak more freely. Lillian instantly grew worried and inquired if Jayce had been treating her well or if he had overworked her.

"No, he is not! We're in the middle of shooting an interview for a channel, but there were some technical issues. They said it'll take time," Giselle replied, still keeping her voice low.

"That's fair! Wow, Jayce is starting to sound like a reasonable adult."

"He is very kind, Lilly. I get my own space. I get my own room. He makes sure that I learn things about going on a book tour. He makes sure to include me in his list of people to thank in his interviews- he is just so great!

Jayce only told me to check up on Lia because who knows how long the shooting might last once it's resumed!"

Giselle's endless praising struck a nerve on Lillian.

"Only Lia?" she exclaimed.

"Yes, only Lia!"

It was a silent defeat when Lillian expected a different answer from her lover. But, that expectation soon came fulfilled when Giselle followed her previous response. She admitted to Jayce not being aware of her moving in with her girlfriend, who was Lillian Grey.

"Shit!" Lillian gasped in awe.


"It's supposed to be me saying these kinds of things to you!"

"Why? It doesn't have to be one-sided. I want to sweet talk to you as well!"

"Well, congratulations, now I'm blushing like a little girl!"

Giselle laughed, confessing that she would kill to see Lillian right now.

"Yeah, and it's not a very nice sight to see, Lillian!" another voice joined the party, and it was Lia.

"Is that Lia?" Giselle instantly called out in joy.

"It is… talk to her!" Lillian said to hand over the phone to Lia and stepped aside to let them freely speak to each other. Meantime, she went to set up the dinner.

Lia had talked to her mother for a while, reporting her daily activities and how did school go, and somehow Evelyn entered the conversation again, which alarmed all of Giselle's seven senses at one place. As soon as she heard someone at Lia's school desperately trying to meet Lillian Grey, Giselle grew anxious. She knew Lillian is madly in love with her, but the thought of someone else sharing that enthusiasm annoyed her. She let Lia finish with her reporting, and after considerably talking to each other for several minutes, Giselle requested Lia to pass the phone back to Lillian.

Lillian got summoned again. Upon arriving, she spotted the little girl's panicked face. Lia signaled Lillian about Evelyn and how she accidentally informed her mother about her music teacher.


Lillian cluelessly glared as she took over the call from Lia, and as soon as Giselle realized that Lillian was on the line, her tone changed.

Friskily, Giselle asked about this new fan that Lillian had met at her daughter's school. Lillian went again to repeat the story, all while Giselle quietly listened. Her dull silence even haunted Lillian to the point where she stopped midway to ask if everything was alright. Giselle snubbed a casual response to let Lillian continue, but she clearly sounded like otherwise.

Once Lillian finished telling the story, Giselle didn't bother questioning her any further. What she had was more effective than any destructive weapon. Giselle struck back Lillian with a simple affirmation; A musing of how she was her first supporter before anyone else, which left Lillian speechless and so foolishly in love over and over again.

Giselle received a signal to return, just in time, for she too was feeling for Lillian from feverishly admitting her jealousy. Their call ended on a rough note, but the conversation had left both of them on a glee rampage. Giselle rushed back to work. Meanwhile, Lillian lifted the little girl waiting all by her side in a flash to have dinner.

Post dinner, Lillian cleaned up after the dishes and was wrapping up the leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. Lia watched television before her bedtime. Just as the two blended into their new lifestyle routine, Lillian's phone rang again to create a buzz. Fortunately, she was near to answer with a single glance at the screen.

"Sorry, the number you're trying is busy taking very good care of Lia, so please try again later!" Lillian greeted the call with a smug brag.

Ethan heavily groaned in response. He has had enough of having to go through Lillian over the weeks to talk to her sweet angel.

Before Giselle had left on the book tour, Lillian had compromised to share her number with Ethan, who could call to talk to Lia anytime. Lia is only a little girl, and Giselle doesn't want to buy another phone for her. Plus, this way, Lillian felt on top of the game, so she quickly agreed to help Lia bond with her loving father.

Giselle knew this was going to bring chaos between Ethan and Lillian, for these two are at the constant tease, back and forth. It doesn't matter if it's day or night, early dawn or dead night, Ethan and Lillian are ready to battle.

"Did I ever mention that you are annoying?" Ethan grunted back with a snarling remark.

"Yes- you did! in fact, every time you called."

"Where's my daughter?" Ethan asked, putting an end to her taunts.

"Oh, you are asking for Lia?"

"Yes, MY- MY daughter, Lia!" Ethan emphasized the word 'my' repeatedly to play the same game as Lillian Grey.

"She is mine too!"

"Well, I'm her father."

"I could also be her father figure- just so- you know-"

"No offense, but you can't. You don't have the qualifications- I meant- physically."

Lillian chuckled at his brave mockery, taking a defeat for the second time today.

"She went to the bathroom, wait- she's coming out,

Lia, it's your papa!" Lillian announced in her British tone, which made Ethan regrettably sigh again.

As soon as she heard, Lia rushed to answer the call.


"Honey? Did you eat dinner? or is Lillian starving you to death?" Ethan quickly inquired.

Lillian was only near, so she heard him inform taking very proper care of his precious child. Ethan returned to purposely ask his daughter, knowing full well of her surroundings. Lia went on to second Lillian's words. She even accidentally confessed to eating an entire slice of cake, which sparked terror in her father.

"Sweetie, can you pass the phone back to Lillian, just a minute?

"O- kay."

Lia handed over the phone to Lillian, who instantly got lashed by Ethan's rage about his daughter's appetite.

"Are you trying to make my sweet angel fat?" he raged.

"What- What?"

"Are you feeding my daughter too much than she needs?"

"Well, she does like it when my fridge is full of treats for her!"

And just like that, the two rattled again in a full-fledged competition of who's the best for Lia. Lillian flaunted spoiling the little girl to her wishes. Ethan didn't like Lillian giving into Lia's desires. She is obviously a child, and thus she might wish for more. But, it should be Lillian's duty to remain strict with her. Ethan knew it had to stop for the sake of his daughter's health. While fighting against his arch-nemesis, he found a way to pull down Lillian's confidence.

"Well, Giselle hates it, so be ready to face the consequences!" Ethan responded casually.

When it came to Lia, Ethan had the upper hand in raising his daughter alongside Giselle, which gave him plenty of insider details to fight against Lillian, who might be Giselle's first love, but they only reunited recently.

As soon as Giselle's name came to the board, Lillian panicked.

"Well, Giselle put me in charge so I can do whatever I want."

Ethan laughed in tease and informed his eagerness to wait until Giselle returned.

"I don't know why we are the ones having to talk when you clearly called to speak to your daughter. Now, do you want to talk to her or not? Or else I will have to cut the call right now."

"Wait, don't-" Ethan panicked, requesting Lillian to pass the phone to his daughter.

Lillian smirked loudly from taking the final victory today.

However, before giving the phone to Lia, Lillian covered the speaker to signal the little girl, asking her to keep the snack treats a secret from both Giselle and Ethan. Lia winked. Despite the effort, Ethan ended up hearing them whispering secretly. He doesn't wish to confront this topic with Lillian anymore, for she couldn't easily threaten him with his daughter. Thus, Ethan chose to save this topic for later discussions while talking with Giselle.