Curry for dinner

Lillian already felt wearied from facing unfortunate events today, especially when she had such an extravagant start. She didn't want to cook and kept begging Lia by appealing to order from exclusive restaurants. None of that impressed the little girl against planning to surprise her mother with a kind gesture. She dragged Lillian downstairs, compelling her to cook for Giselle.

"Lillian, I was about it read this book, and I gave it up for you," Lia groaned under struggle.

"I didn't ask you to cook for Giselle! Plus, we still have leftovers from breakfast!"

"I am not asking you to cook a feast but just one dish," Lia pled.

"What do I get from having to sweat for your mommy?"

"Really, Lillian? Think about it? Let's see! What do you get? What did I get when I do nice things for mother!" Lia paused to think of a solid reason to enslave Lillian from escaping.

"Let's see, mother loves when I do something for her, so she'll give me kisses and hugs when I do something nice for her," the little girl bragged, for Lillian instantly grew hot and blushed like a teenage girl who fell in love for the first time.

"Look, your face is telling me you like the idea. You could get a kiss as well- if you cook," Lia tempted by pulling the right strings.

Lillian's face grew redder from taking Lia's sweet story and drifting off to dreamland. To the point where she had created a role-play with her imagination. Lillian had to stop her impure thoughts voluntarily.

"Alright, young lady, you have successfully convinced me. Let's- cook!"

With that said, it became easier now, for Lia didn't have to pull Lillian anymore. Both marched to the kitchen and looked around for a while. Lillian suggested a few recipes she had in mind, but Lia rejected them all heartlessly since most dishes didn't require much effort. Lia wanted Lillian to make an effort to cook a meal for her mother. She believed that hard work was the only way to show someone their love.

Finally, after bickering about with each other, the two were able to settle on making curry, which is Giselle's favorite dish. Lillian tried to ask if Giselle would even be back for dinner on time, hoping that the child would give up on the idea of cooking.

"It doesn't matter. You cook, and I'll help you," Lia stubbornly said.

"Young lady, you are suspended from school today. Remember that?" Lillian tried again at the risk of touching a nerve.

"Yes, for breaking a boy's nose," Lia said with confidence that Lillian almost didn't want to provoke any further. She tried it because she was feeling ready to give up anytime, but Lia rejected any excuse. Both mother and daughter can be scary when they are determined. Lillian thought, and upon finding a recipe, she went around to pick the ingredients to start preparing curry for dinner. Lia was ready to help as much as she could. However, Lillian didn't work with the little girl and simply fixed her with a strawberry milk to drink while waiting.

Even if she ended up not helping, Lia sat by the counter to supervise the cooking. And somehow, watching Lillian making an effort for her mother made Lia realize that this was the end of their brief stay together. It wasn't as depressing as she feared it would be because from now onward, Giselle would join as the three had decided to live together. Regardless of how Lia's life continued to change over time, she still took a moment to acknowledge certain moments as they made memories for her lifetime.

"It's the last night for us, right?" Lia asked somehow from spending time with Lillian. She only focused on the cooking for a while before her thoughts floated off to the days she had lived with this lovable stranger- no, this new family member. The more time Lia spent with Lillian, the easier she could accept her. Living with Lillian was so much fun every day, and it had proved to be true about her feeling for Giselle. Every effort and care she took to be there and spend time with her, Lia remembered to become emotional.

Her feelings had affected Lillian as well when she heard Lia confessing them, but Lillian promised that they would get more chances to spend quality time together in the future, which cheered the little girl.


Lillian ended up doing a better job in making a decent curry, and the two waited as dinner time approached, hoping to welcome Giselle with their homemade comfort meal.

Time had only passed as the two grumbling tummies echoed together from waiting a long time.

"Giselle isn't coming back, so let's eat," Lillian said first.

Hunger betrayed their intention as the two swiftly started eating at once.

The curry Lillian made didn't turn out delicious but the little kid adjusted for Lillian's sake. Lillian tasted the curry and couldn't agree more about giving up on it. She suggested ordering something simple like pizza, but Lia refused to continue eating. Lillian began to feel bittersweet from Lia's consideration. Just as they indulged in this moderately delicious curry, the doorbell finally rang.

Both Lillian and Lia paused eating at once and looked at each other, excited and nervous all of a sudden.

"Did you- order pizza- without- telling me?" Lia anxiously confronted.

Lillian was so struck at the moment that she had to think about it before answering.

"No- I- don't think so. That should be Giselle!"

Lillian didn't finish her sentence, but Lia had already left her seat, running to answer the door.

Just as expected, Giselle had returned. Lia threw herself at once with a squeezing hug upon seeing her mother.

Meanwhile, Lillian followed the little girl to meet Giselle in person finally.

Giselle saw Lillian at last, and it threw both speechless.

"I- I'm home!" Giselle stammered as Lillian didn't know how to react under exploding happiness and followed Lia to throw herself to welcome Giselle.

Smothered by the two, Giselle was beyond content having welcomed like this. It felt like a dream that she didn't bother telling them to leave. She let the two continue to squeeze her as Giselle's bags left her grip. She was now free to return their love.

"I missed you guys!"

"I missed you so much, Giselle," Lillian said as she noticed Giselle returning the courtesy.

"I missed you too, mom," Lia cried.

Giselle finally laughed from seeing their hilarious reactions. It wasn't like she had gone on some dangerous adventure. Giselle just accompanied her author Jayce on his book tour to promote his new book. Still, it's been over two weeks, and to see such a reaction was truly worth the trip. Giselle finally summoned her personal space, begging the two to let go of their overwhelming welcome. The two then welcomed her inside. After leaving her belongings somewhere in the living room, Giselle finally settled on the couch.

"Alright- One at a time!" Giselle said to call her daughter.

Lia ran to her mother. It had been weeks, but Giselle took a keen look at her daughter's face, studying every feature with utmost care while kissing the little eyes, nose, cheeks, and forehead, covering every spot she could.

Giselle didn't leave a place and showered the kisses generously. Lillian almost felt jealous of the little girl for a second. Still, she remained quiet to see Giselle admiring her little girl.

They both must have missed each other very much, especially Lia. Lillian then thanked herself for somehow taking good care of the child without ever making her feel alone.

"What's this?" Giselle suddenly shrieked upon discovering the bruises on Lia's hands.

Both Lia and Lillian panicked again, locking eyes with each other as they signaled to remain calm through the storm. Lillian had already taken care of the fresh wounds. But they barely had time to heal before Giselle's return.

"Well, Lia- fell while playing with her friends- today!" Lillian covered for the little girl convincingly.

It was a common excuse, but it had worked well with the target because it convinced Giselle. Giselle only examined the cuts and marks while repeatedly asking if Lia was feeling well or if it did hurt her. At one point, she even whispered about taking Lia to the hospital. Lillian understood that it was natural to panic for Giselle, who hadn't seen her daughter for a while. So, she spoke in favor of Lia to comfort her panicking mother.

Only after hearing Lillian's ardent words did Giselle calm down. She let it pass after realizing her excessive reaction.

"Alright- you promise you would tell me if its hurts, right?"

"Of course, mother. I will. Why would I hide the pain? I'm not a grownup," Lia replied ironically.

Giselle pinched her little button nose, remarking how much she missed these big words coming from such a small person. Just as the mother and daughter enjoyed being reunited, Lillian invited them to join dinner. Giselle already had a light dinner while traveling, but upon both insisting, she agreed to join them.

Lillian waited as Giselle tasted her curry. Overcome by the presence of strong sourness, Giselle's eyes twitched, giving out her honest reaction. It was expected, so both Lia and Lillian chuckled. Howsoever, Giselle shared her appreciation for the effort and how it did taste good if one liked the flavor profile.

The three shared a laugh after being separated for a while. Being together almost felt like a dream for Lillian because the love of her life came home to her. And the fact that the joy was only more with little Lia's presence, Lillian had to pinch herself to feel the reality. Probably that's is also why after dinner, as Lia took over the television and while Giselle prepared tea for herself in the kitchen, Lillian came down from her room, looking all dressed up.

Giselle spotted Lillian's change of attire and questioned what was going on.

"I'm going out- for a drink- if it's okay with you," Lillian said.

Although they decided to live together long back, this was the first time they actually shared the space without being gone for work or travel. For a second, Giselle didn't want her to leave, but she was restrained by the fact that she was at Lillian's place. There was still a slight trace of awkwardness between each other as Giselle allowed Lillian to go out.

Lillian knew her decision to go out the night Giselle returned was more selfish, but she needed that break to gather her lumping thoughts.

"I'll be back soon! I'm just going to the bar nearby. Plus, we are out of alcohol in the house. Since you're back, I want to buy us something to enjoy later. So, I'll just- have a drink and buy some, and I'll be back soon," Lillian reassured.

"Lillian- it's fine. Go! I know it must have been difficult with taking care of Lia."

"No- no way. Lia was not difficult. She- She's an angel of a child."

"I know."

There was a brief moment of silence between the two before Lillian realized not to expose herself.

"Okay. I'll be back soon. Wait for me- we are going to get wasted tonight- not that I meant- we can moderately drink and-"

"Lillian- go and come home soon. I'll be waiting!" Giselle sternly said.


Giselle smiled and let Lillian step out for a while. She poured the tea and joined Lia to give her company.


As soon as Lillian stepped out, she felt fervently shivering and took a cab instead of driving herself. She chose the place she'd regularly visit whenever she felt down or even slightly worried.

Upon reaching, Lillian got down, paid for her ride, and then walked into the bar like she was still holding up everything together. She looked for her usual spot, which was close to the bartender, and found someone already holding her fort. Lillian walked up to the counter and took a seat next to her regular place. Just as she ordered her drink and waited to see who took her seat, Lillian's eyes widened as almost they shrunk immediately from the disappointment.

It was Diego who was sitting at Lillian's spot with a half-emptied drink in front of him.