Author update! Special announcement

As said previously, I have a very special announcement.

Guys, finally, I published volume 1 of Get Back To You as eBook on Amazon Kindle store.

It was definitely not an easy feat to achieve because I want the book to be extra special and perfect to read. A lot of effort, love, and care was put into that book. For now, I'm starting with eBook and later maybe I will publish it as paperback.

It a dream come true for any author to witness their work published for readers. So, I will add the link here, please go check it out and if you'd like- buy it!

Let me know if you guys purchase the eBook. I would love to see the tags.

Oh, on that note, the eBook is now in pre-order status and would be available to read from April 29th onwards.

Here's the link:

It's the best version of the story! I swear you would enjoy reading it!

So, that's the special announcement. And the eBook is available on all Amazon marketplaces. So, make sure you check it out.

What else?

Did I mention that I also got a new website for my writing projects? That's absolutely gorgeous. Here's the link:

Most importantly, this is entirely self-publishing process, which means I took every step by myself. I guess I left one with a professional. I hired a professional editor to edit my manuscript so that it would be super professional and better for readers to enjoy the story. Other than that, rest all was my job to learn and do it by myself. And that is why I would like to post some very important blog posts about self-publishing process. I will share the influences I used and learned from. There were some tiring issues I faced while preparing my ebook for publishing, so I will share those too.

I hope this could be helpful to anyone who wish to publish their novel by themselves. So, if you are that person looking for some tips and tricks, make sure to subscribe to my website. Don't worry, when I shall post those blogs, I will notify you, so that you can go ahead and read it.

That's all for now!

I am very grateful that you guys love the story of Lillian and Giselle. And I wish more and more people to read and enjoy it. I still remember all those people who commented and supported me, so I dedicate this to all of you guys for supporting me. Continue to support me and I have more interesting stories to write!

Let's live our best lives!

- Ljack Ace