The courage to our future together!

After spending a lovely time together in bed, Lillian and Giselle just couldn't fall asleep. They stayed up and chatted for a long time before Lillian abruptly interrupted to propose an idea. She asked Giselle to wait for her and came down to pick up the leftover wine bottle and two glasses. Lillian looked over the counter to find chocolates. Remembering how Lia had asked Edwin to teach her to make some chocolates, Lillian thought she'd give it a taste. She picked the one that looked most likely set and gave it a try. It was perfect. Lillian couldn't believe that Lia must have participated in creating this fine delicacy. She assumed that Edwin must have done it by himself. Lillian grabbed two random pieces that also appeared to have set well. She then went upstairs and waited outside the door to request Giselle to close her eyes. Giselle thought it was silly but did it anyway. She covered her under the blanket and shut her eyes, giving a signal back to Lillian Grey.

Lillian opened the door slightly to peek inside. She saw Giselle obeying her. Lillian then announced entering the room, still instructing Giselle not to open her eyes yet. She then carefully put the wine bottle on the carpet and filled the two glasses in half. The glistening white wine appeared warm with fizzy bubbles. Lillian then dropped the two pieces of chocolate into each glass, and the pale-yellow hue slightly altered to the drowning chocolate. She picked up the two glasses and faced Giselle, asking her to open her eyes at last.

Giselle opened her eyes to see Lillian holding two glasses of wine.

"You asked me to close my eyes for this?"

"Rude. Look at this creation," Lillian revealed.

"What the-" Giselle gasped to find a sort of jelly-some mush in both glasses. She knew it was filled with wine because they had it for dinner, but Giselle wondered what was in the wine.

"I present to you my love for Valentine's Day. Chocolate flavored Muscadet," Lillian announced as she handed over the glass.

Giselle grasped it with a hint of doubt.

"Trust me and give it a try."

"What is that thing?"

"You'll know it when you give it a taste, darling!"

Giselle ignored the sweet talk to take a small sip, the smallest to taste the bitterness and a hint of sweetness. The extremely acidic and crisp taste of Muscadet was disturbed with the addition of chocolate.

"Did you taste the chocolate?"


"So, did you like it?"

Giselle briefly sighed before swaying her head both ways.

"You don't like it?"

"I- I guess, why did you put chocolate in?"

"I found some on the counter. I think my dad and Lia made those- more likely- my dad showed her how to make chocolates. I suddenly thought of trying it together with the wine."

"How about you? Do you like it?"

"I guess- in a weird way."

"You're weird."

Both laughed.

Lillian and Giselle stayed late until they emptied the bottle and eventually ended up making love again before falling asleep around dawn.


The following day, Edwin and Lia returned around nine in the morning. They gave some time for the ladies to get refreshed and chose to arrive a little late than planned. Even so, Edwin waited outside while ringing the doorbell. It was his home, but he politely waited until someone came to answer the door.

Giselle and Lillian were still in bed, cuddled as they slept soundly. Giselle heard the ringing and opened her eyes to a bright morning. The room was thriving with light. The doorbell rang again, accompanied by Edwin and Lia's voices, calling the two. Giselle looked around to find the room untidy. Their clothes were scattered on the ground, along with empty wine bottles and unwashed glasses. Giselle got out of Lillian's grasp and quickly got dressed up. She checked herself in the mirror before ignoring the mess to rush downstairs to answer the door.

As soon as she opened the door, Lia jumped to her mother. Edwin greeted Giselle as they entered inside. Lai didn't leave her mother and stuck by her side. Giselle was touched to see Lia's possessive side, but she wished the little girl did not do it right now. All Giselle wanted was to take a nice hot bath.

"Where's Lillian?" Edwin inquired, grabbing Giselle's attention as he removed his coat to hang it.

"She is still sleeping. I will wake her up now."

"That's fine. No need. Let her sleep. You two didn't have breakfast, right?"


"We already had some breakfast, so I'll cook something for you. And I told Lia this, but we can all go out for lunch. There's a nice family restaurant here. I thought we could all eat out once. Of course, I'll make some special dinner tonight. Will that work for you?"

"That sounds great. Thanks, Edwin!"

"Alright! Lia? Do you want to help me make breakfast for your mom and Lillian?"

Finally, Lia left Giselle alone and joined hands with Edwin as they strode to leave the room.

Giselle whispered her thanks to Edwin for taking Lia to his side and giving her a break to take a shower. Seeing how things fell into place recently, Giselle's irrational fears began to disappear, and a sign of newborn courage bore her anxious heart.


Giselle rushed upstairs to wake up Lillian. No matter how hard she tried, she was only able to get Lillian's eyes open as the sleeping sloth finally awoke to peer pressure. Lillian opened her eyes to an abstruse vision. The brightness in the room hit her with a heavy headache, and she went back to bed, covering herself to sleep again. Giselle informed Lillian that Edwin and Lia were back and that she needed to get dressed up soon.

"Five more minutes!" Lillian cried under the blanket.

Giselle tried a few more times, but Lillian had already fallen asleep while negotiating for more time. In the end, she let Lillian sleep and chose to get ready for the day. Giselle took a hot shower as imagined and got dressed up pretty to go out for lunch. Soon, she went down to join Edwin and Lia for a quick breakfast. Edwin had taught Lia to make pancakes for her mother, and Giselle enjoyed eating them.

After breakfast, Giselle tried to wake up Lillian and got failed again. Edwin asked her to ignore and informed they could wake her up around noon to get ready for lunch directly.

Noon arrived, and Lia got bathed and dressed up to go out for lunch. Edwin was getting ready as well, so he told Giselle it was time. Giselle went upstairs and saw Lillian still sleeping. All the fatigue she had stored must have gotten her. This time Giselle had no choice but to be stubborn and not leave the room until she got Lilian ready, and that too soon against the clock's ticking.

Lillian woke up feeling dragged around, and she was by Giselle to the bathroom. Once her vague vision was clear, Lillian saw Giselle shut the door. She turned around to find herself in the bathroom.


Lillian returned to the room and saw the dress picked out for her. It was carefully put on the bed. Lillian examined the surroundings and saw the place clean and tidy. The bed was made neatly. The wine bottles on the floor were taken out, and their clothes cleared out of the room- Lillian recognized that Giselle must have done it. She chuckled lightly before getting changed into the outfit.

Coming downstairs, Lillian finally met Lia and her father. The two instantly complained about her sleeping half the day. Lia was more perplexed because she couldn't meet Lillian as soon as coming home. Giselle strictly warned Lia not to go to their room to see Lillian Grey.

Everyone gathered, ready to go, and it was time. Lillian doubted that Giselle chose a neat outfit for her, but hearing Edwin mention having lunch together at a restaurant made sense. They all went out as Edwin drove his car.

The restaurant owner was Edwin's friend, so he had to introduce Lillian, Giselle, and Lia. They were great people, so Lillian and Giselle felt comfortable around them. They all enjoyed their afternoon eating good food, spending time together drinking, and laughing about life. Giselle shared her experience of going on a book tour. Lillian joined, ranting about her judging experience. She also painfully confessed how she and Jenna became tourists to their own place in search of a good place to surprise Giselle.

Edwin laughed as he heard stories from his company. Despite being able to stay content with his daily lifestyle, this year's Valentine's Day became so special. He got to meet his daughter and his new family and even got surprised to hear Lia address him as her grandfather. Edwin was delighted to hear those words repeatedly.

After a long time, Edwin had such joy in spending time without being alone. His only wish was to see his wife still alive and healthy. She would have welcomed Giselle and Lia with open arms and love. Frankly, Edwin always assumed that if Lillian's mother was still alive, she wouldn't let her daughter suffer. In the end, life was never predictable. The fact that he was able to witness a miracle in front of him was alone enough to prove.

Edwin took a picture with just his gaze, engraving the scene in his memory to cherish today forever.


Edwin was so happy that day he made a special dinner that night. The fact that he was able to go out as a family together was like a dream, and it was possible because Giselle had strictly requested Lillian to change their Valentine's Day plan. That being the reason, Edwin felt overwhelming gratitude towards Giselle.

Seeing him doing everything by himself, Giselle begged to make at least the dessert. Edwin wanted to do it himself because it was his way of showing his gratitude to them. However, Giselle refused to give up. She insisted on making dessert for everyone.

Dinner was ready, and Lia and Lillian came to the table. These two were put in charge of setting the dining table. Lillian carried the dishes to the table as she set them up nicely.

The meal was unforgettable. Almost all four got tummies full by the end. However, Giselle left her seat, announcing everyone to stay put. Even if she had told them to leave, they wouldn't have with their full bellies. Giselle spent some time arranging the dessert on each plate. She took her sweet time, knowing they won't be able to take another bite. Frankly, Giselle was letting them take a break despite spelling it out loud. She made them deliberately wait until she bought the dessert to the table.

While Lillian and Lia couldn't move a muscle after that tasty dinner, Edwin's mind began to wander. It was already Sunday evening, and with that, Lillian's trip was also coming to an end. He enjoyed her visits every time. After knowing that she got back together with Giselle, he was happy for her. Now that they were all in his house, together as a family, Edwin got emotional. He chose not to express it as it would make his guests worried about him. He kept his emotions to himself, wondering when they would return.

It was time, and Giselle returned carrying plates to serve Edwin first, Lia second, and one last trip with both plates in hands. She put one on her spot and the other in front of Lillian. She then sat down to join everyone. Giselle looked at the group, exhausted from having a meal. She grew hot sweats all of a sudden. Edwin noticed the dessert in front of him.

It was a classic chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream on top of it. The tiny mint leaf left a striking impression that caught Edwin's interest. He leaned forward to taste, and the flavors melted on his tongue. The brownie was perfect, and the store-bought ice cream was best to serve it with.

Seeing Edwin enjoy the dessert, Lia joined him. The little girl was left speechless as she delightfully downed her portion. Meanwhile, Lillian was still leaning back on her seat, eyes closed. She noticed Giselle serving the dessert. But she had no strength to take another bite. However, Lillian knew she couldn't say that out loud, especially when it was Giselle who fought to make dessert for all.

Lillian looked at the plate in front of her. The vanilla ice cream had started to melt around the chocolate brownie. Lillian positioned herself straight, and using the table support, she grabbed a spoon nearby and took a slice of the ice cream along with the brownie. She put it in her mouth. Lillian felt like vomiting, not from the taste but from the amount of food she had ingested previously. Out of the four, Lillian was the one who had the most share of the feat that Edwin prepared to show his thanks for visiting. Having to endure this torture for the sake of not disappointing Giselle's effort was pure hell for Lillian Grey.

Still, she didn't even think about making an effort to chew but simply swallowing the bite. By the time she finished her first spoon of dessert, the ice cream had almost become mushy on top of the cake. Lia had finished her dessert at lightning speed. She looked at her mother, hoping to get some share from her plate. Edwin was going slow with his treatment of dessert.

Giselle, who sat quietly and noticed all that was going on, suddenly heard the clunk of the spoon hitting something. The sound drew only Lillian and Lia's attention. It was coming from Lillian's plate, and she finally opened her eyes wide to study. She played around with the mushy ice cream to reach the top layer of the cake, where the origin of the clunk was heard. Lillian operated her way to bring the object into the light.

And it was a ring.

This lean band of metal sat on top of the cake. Lillian removed it using her hand and took a tissue to wipe off the ice cream. She dunked it into her glass of water and stared at it again. The thin platinum metal band had an entwined heart in it. Lillian drew the ring closer to the eye. Her actions drew attention to the table as Edwin finally noticed what was going on.

Edwin's eyes instantly widened as he stared at Lillian and then Giselle. Lia joined him, except unlike the mysteriously anxious expression Edwin had on his face, Lia was thoroughly eager. She sat still in her seat barely holding her excitement under control. While Lillian scrutinized what she was holding in her hand, Giselle waited patiently. She knew. Everyone knew what was going to happen. That's why at the final moment, she began to get nervous.

Lia's hand came to comfort her by the side. She looked at the child, and Lia only chose to nod, giving that tiny courage Giselle desperately needed.

"What's going on?" Edwin uttered almost by the slip of his tongue.

"This a ring!" Lillian replied.

And that was the queue, even if the last minute wasn't planned. Giselle was glad that she somehow managed to get this unexpected timing worked out well in her favor.

Giselle smiled through tension. She took the ring from Lillian and stood up from her seat.

"Well, you're right- it's a ring… you see,

All my life, the only person I could come to fall in love with endlessly was you. I had a big crush on you back in high school. I watched you for a long time before getting the courage to confess to you. And since then, it was only you, Lillian Grey. I love you very much, and I am aware that a lot has happened over the years, and we faced our separation. Honestly, I still don't understand how I was able to survive all these years, and all the credit goes to a guy called Ethan Ruz, Lia's father."

Giselle paused to look at Lia, who displayed a kind smile. The little girl gently nodded to give support to her mother. Giselle breathed in relief and continued,

"Without Ethan being there for me like a good friend, I wouldn't have been able to overcome the suffering. He was the first male I could befriend, and I'm grateful that he was the kindest man to accept me for who I was.

Without him, I wouldn't have raised Lia well. So, as much as I'm grateful to him, my heart still yearns for you in the end. I am me, myself. I like women, and the woman I chose was you. I knew it in my heart that I couldn't bear to spend the rest of my life with anyone but you. You! You are the only one I wish for. So,

Lillian Grey,

Will you spend the rest of your life with me as your partner?"

The screeching silence in the room was unbending as Edwin and Lia blindly blinked throughout. Edwin appeared astoundingly startled from Giselle's whole confession- proposal. Meanwhile, Lillian remained stunned in her seat as Lia noticed to correct her mother.

"Mom, you are supposed to say- 'Will you' something else…"

"Ah, hmm..." Giselle stuttered to spell it out loud,

"Li- Lillian Grey, Will yo- you- Will you marry me?"

Giselle held the ring in front of Lillian as she waited, dearly hanging onto her life for this moment. Edwin returned from drowning in complete shock. He looked at the table, then saw Lia eagerly watching her mother holding a ring to Lillian. Edwin then saw his daughter frozen in a trance. Even desired, he couldn't spell another word as this surprise had silenced his speech. He remained in his seat, mutely waiting along with the others.

Giselle's face ran through a maze of fears as she waited for Lillian's response.

"Why do you always take the first step?" Lillian spoke after holding a long silence. She watched Giselle in a distressed state, still holding a stern sincere facade to avoid breaking the mood.

After spending some time being speechless, Lillian finally stood up to join Giselle.

"Ah- why- why do you always have to take away the firsts from me?

You confessed to me first.

And now, you're proposing to me first.

How foolish of me! It's always me who's the scaredy cat. But, you-

You are- something else, Giselle!

You will always be the first one to love me in my life. And I'm grateful for it because that's what made me take an interest in you. I'm not like everybody else. I don't fall in love just like that. I might take an interest, but I'm always cautious that it won't last, and that's all temporary. At least, that's how I was able to get away with all the hurt during these past few years.

Without you, I was a wreck. I am still not over the fact that you had to leave just when I decided to confess to you. It's fine. It's not your fault. You were- in a difficult position."

Lillian wanted to avoid even mentioning Diego's name. She didn't wish to ruin this special moment and chose to ditch their dark past behind to continue,

"But you were also the first person I wanted to care for apart from my family and friends. You occupied my mind and soon my heart. I knew that I had fallen in love with you. I love you, Giselle. However, I was so confused if it was actually love since I never had any such experience before.

I know- I know. From the moment I realized that you meant something special to me and that you are someone so special to me, I knew that felt right. So, no matter how many years pass by, my heart belongs only to you, and I belong only to you. So, yes.

Yes, I wish to spend the rest of my life with you and Lia together. I promise- I will be there for you two- to love and protect you two."

With Lillian smiling through her tears, Lia's voice echoed again in the room.

"Lilly, you also need to say- something else!"

Lillian chuckled from the strict audience. She looked at Lia, giving her a doubtful wink, and then spotted her father staggered through the whirl of running emotions.

"Did you know she was gonna do this?" Lillian asked.

"Does this face- look like it already knew?" Edwin finally responded.

Under the presence of two very special spectators, Lia and Edwin Grey, and to the one that has been possibly waiting for this whole eternity, so very patiently, Lillian Grey agreed.

"Yes. I will marry you, Giselle."

She let Giselle put her the ring, and they kissed with Lia's loud cheers. Edwin finally left his seat to hug his daughter. He then asked Giselle and Lia to join, and together the four stood in tears and laughs.

"Congratulations, you two!" Edwin wished with his reigning tears.

"Congratulations, mom! Congratulations, Lilly!"

Amongst the crowd, the energetic little voice broke through the emotional tears. Lia's cheering brought light to the wounded hearts, releasing the years of aching, forgiving the said past, and hopefully looking forward to the bright future ahead.

"Finally, Lillian and Giselle got back together!" Lia announced.