Fatherly Love

Someone from the Academy had come by to custom fit Kaden's uniform. The man did quick work, taking down Kaden's measurements and leaving after informing that it would be ready the next day.

There was still three days left before school started, so he had a bit of downtime. Unfortunately he couldn't actually enter the virtual world before he officially started school.

With nothing to do again, he could only turn to the system. "Hey, you still haven't really shown or told me what you can do. Don't you have some more amazing techniques for me or something like that?"

"Host should just focus on the Five Flowing Arms. After you've reached the 3rd layer, more functions will be available to you."

"Again with that bullshit." Kaden rolled his eyes, "Fine. I'll wait for now. When I get that 3rd layer whatever then you better at least show me something."

Even when it came to his own system, Kaden felt in control. Comfortable enough to speak to it with a commanding tone.

The morning of Kaden's first day of school.

Kaden was standing dressed in his black academy uniform. The blue accents on it complimented his electric blue eyes. Just standing there at his tall stature, there was a certain royal aura to him. He was handsome and his eyes exuded dominance, anyone could tell he was special.

Looking in the mirror, he was very satisfied with the reflection looking back at him. As the man sent by the academy had said, the uniform arrived the very next day. But this was Kaden's first time wearing it and seeing himself in it.

"Oh my, young master you look dashing!" Sophi said, her face lit up by her bright smile. She'd been Kaden's personal servant for the past four years. Over time, perhaps because of getting used to it, or maybe just because she had gotten older, she had come out of her shell. She was no longer as shy and anxious around Kaden, being quite familiar with him now.

"Let's get going." Kaden said.

"Young master your father said he wanted to say some words to you before you leave!"

"Really?" Kaden raised an eyebrow, "Alright. Where is he?"

Sophi took him to his father's study where Kaden stepped in, shutting the door behind him while Sophi waited outside.

"Father I'm here." Kaden walked in, standing before his father's desk. This was one of the only times he'd been here. The only time with permission.

Lynwood stepped out from behind the desk, coming closer and stopping before Kaden. He took a moment to look his son up and down, judging his appearance.

A smile crept up on him and he gave a look of satisfaction. "You look well dressed. The uniform suits you."

"Thank you father." Kaden merely gave a polite nod.

"You feeling ready for your first day?"


"That's good. School is an important part of your upbringing, it'll shape a big part of your future. You are my son, your potential is immense. I have no doubt that you will do great." Lynwood paused before he continued, "Still, as a father I feel the need to say it regardless. Learn well, do us all proud. You are a part of this family and we all believe in you. I am sure you will reach incredible heights in the future. At that time, you and your brother will be at the head of this family. Maybe you'll even have a son of your own someday and you'll be as proud as me." He clapped Kaden on the shoulder.

"Now don't let me make you late on your first day." He had distanced himself a bit from this son who didn't seem to care much for him. But Kaden was still his blood and it was a big moment for him. Lynwood's eyes teared up slightly at the thought of his son beginning his own journey in life.

"I understand father, I'll be going now." As heartless as always, Kaden didn't have too many words for this so called father.

"Yes yes, of course."

Kaden walked out through the door, returning to Sophi who had been waiting outside.

"Are you ready young master?" Sophi stood up from her chair.

"Yeah, let's go." Kaden turned around on his heels, leading the way down the hallway.

When they got outside the house a car had already been prepared, just waiting there on the street. Black, blue and with the ever familiar phoenix it was definitely owned by the Arkatal family.

Sophi got in the front seat while Kaden slipped in the back.

The car had plenty of space, especially since only two people were using it. As a luxury car there was no seat belts to speak of, the car had been deemed safe enough to forgo them. With tinted windows it was also impossible for anyone outside to see in, making it a very comfortable and relaxing ride.

In the middle there was a console where Sophi was already at work entering some numbers rapidly. Finishing the string of information, the car made a few noises before transformations started taking place. Most importantly, the wheels clicked sideways and with a swoosh the car was now hovering in the air, slowly increasing its distance to the ground. At a suitable height it started flying towards the destination.